The Document Chest

The 1653 Will of Susann Robinson



In the name of God Amen I Susann Robinson of Yevell in the County of Somersett Widdowe beinge sicke of Body but of good and perfect memory Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I Commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing by the merritts of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have A iofull resurrection; And my Body to Christian buriall. Item I give unto John Bead my Brother Twentie shillings To be paid within one monith after my Executrix hereafter named shall receave soe much of my Debts Item I give unto Thomasine my Sister, the wife of Richard Hayes, The sume of foureteene shillings, Which her husband doth owe me, and thereof doth discharge him; All the rest of my Goods, Household stuffe, Bonds, Bills and other things I give and bequeath unto my loveinge Aunt Bersheba Trent Widdowe, Whom I make my full and whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament; And I desire my loveinge freinds Christopher Allambridge and Joseph Masters to be my Overseers of this my last Will and Testament Dated the Third day of July, one thousand sixe hundred Fifty three

The marke of Susann Robinsonn

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of

John Roch     Christopher Allambridge     Joseph Masters


This will was proved at Westminster before the judges for Probate of Wills and granting Adm[inistratio]ns lawfully authorised the foureteenth of June in the yeare of our lord God One thousand sixe hundred fiftie and fower; By the oath of Bersheba Trent, sole Executrix named in the said Will To whom Adm[inistratio]n of all and singular the goods, Chattells and Debts of the said Deceased was Committed She being first sworne by Commission truly to Adm[ini]ster the same.



Transcribed by Bob Osborn