Gloving in yeovil
hendford glove co
Glove Manufacturers of South Street
The Hendford Glove Co. were glove manufacturers of South Street during the early part of the twentieth-century.
The company was certainly operating in November 1914, when a collection in the factory raised five shillings and three pence for the Belgian Refugees' Relief Fund. A further sum of two shillings and eight pence was raised for the same fund the following week. Further collections followed during 1915.
The company ceased trading after the death of its owner Charles Dodge in 1932.
At the present time nothing further is known.
Courtesy of
Hilary Enticott
The brass nameplate of the Hendford Glove Co.
The notice of sale of plant and stock-in-trade of the Hendford Glove Co from the 28 April 1933 edition of the Western Gazette.