Victorian Punishments

Victorian Punishments

Yeovilians who found themselves in Ilchester Gaol


You didn't have to commit a serious crime in order to do serious time in early Victorian times. The list below, from the Registers of Ilchester Gaol, shows the 62 Yeovilians who found themselves in Ilchester Gaol, both males and females, in the relatively brief period between 3 October 1843 and 5 September 1844.

The sentences range from 14 days hard labour for a 10-year old accused of larceny, to six months hard labour for a 70-year old man accused of vagrancy. Three young women each received a sentence of two months hard labour for "R & V" - this was 'Rogue and Vagabond', the offence was part of the Vagrancy Act 1824 (for details see Documentation)

If the sentence reads 'Sent to Sessions' or 'Sent to Assizes', then that person was being held in gaol until their court appearance.


Date Name Age Crime Sentence
1843-Oct-03 Henry Fudge 21 Stealing brass Sent to Sessions
1843-Oct-04 John Maidment 35 Want of Sureties 6 months  
1843-Oct-23 Thomas Bailey 16 Bastardy Sent to County Assizes
1843-Nov-03 Eliza Tatchell 20 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1843-Nov-03 Jane Lodge 18 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1843-Dec-01 William Marsh 65 Stealing 2lbs of twine Sent to Sessions
1843-Dec-01 George Browne 25 House breaking Sent to Sessions
1843-Dec-01 Samuel Dunford 18 House breaking Sent to Sessions
1843-Dec-01 Abraham Brooks 25 House breaking Sent to Sessions
1843-Dec-02 Robert Symon 36 Stealing turnips 1 month hard labour
1843-Dec-02 James Bull 16 Stealing apples 21 days hard labour
1843-Dec-02 Reuben Bull 18 Stealing apples 1 month hard labour
1843-Dec-02 Joseph Gully 17 Stealing apples 1 month hard labour
1843-Dec-02 William Pemberton 20 Stealing apples 1 month hard labour
1843-Dec-05 William Gillard 70 Vagrancy 6 months hard labour
1843-Dec-07 Henry Bailey 23 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour or pay 10s 6d
1843-Dec-07 Edward Hooper 21 Vagrancy 2 month hard labour or pay 14s 6d
1843-Dec-07 Alfred Appleby 20 Assault 21 days hard labour
1843-Dec-07 John Goring 30 Stealing apples 21 days hard labour
1843-Dec-10 Ann Maria Bailey 22 Vagrancy 14 days hard labour
1843-Dec-10 Caroline Deman 20 Vagrancy 1 month or pay £1 6s 6d
1843-Dec-16 Daniel Trott 16 Vagrancy 3 calendar months
1843-Dec-16 George Genge 16 Vagrancy 3 calendar months
1843-Dec-16 William Burns 16 Vagrancy 3 calendar months
1843-Dec-18 George Hewlett 17 Assault 1 month or pay 17s 6d
1844-Jan-11 Henry Pring Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Jan-11 Jonas Allwell Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Jan-11 John Gray Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Apr-02 William Fletcher 28 Assault 6 weeks or pay £2 6s 6d
1844-Apr-04 Esau Wetherall 26 Stealing money Sent to County Assizes
1844-Apr-04 Henry Mills 23 Stealing money Sent to County Assizes
1844-Apr-08 John Hewlett 16 Assault 6 weeks or pay £2 6s 6d
1844-Apr-08 Henry Silvester 15 Assault 1 month or pay £1 6s 6d
1844-Apr-08 William Townefield 17 Assault 1 month or pay £1 6s 6d
1844-Apr-08 Samul Beator 18 Assault 1 month or pay £1 6s 6d
1844-Apr-11 George Martin 46 Vagrancy 3 months
1844-Apr-12 James Pirrell 20 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Apr-17 James Knight 16 Disorderly apprentice 2 months hard labour
1844-Apr-28 Maria Tavener 27 R & V 2 months hard labour
1844-Apr-28 Susan Grimes 17 R & V 2 months hard labour
1844-Apr-28 Faith Rossiter 21 R & V 2 months hard labour
1844-May-11 Robert Tucker 35 Stealing of Bricks Sent to Sessions
1844-May-11 William Hill 21 Disorderly servant 1 month hard labour
1844-May-20 John Adams 23 Stealing cider Sent to Sessions
1844-May-20 Solomon Lamb 34 Stealing cider Sent to Sessions
1844-Jun-20 George Hall 50 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Jun-20 William Crocker 44 Assault 2 months
1844-Jun-20 Charles Cole 25 Stealing cyder Sent to Sessions
1844-Jun-26 Charles Penny 21 Stealing potatoes Sent to Sessions
1844-Jun-26 Harrison Sheller 18 Stealing pease 1 month hard labour
1844-Jul-30 Elizabeth Mudford 39 Breaking windows of Union House 2 weeks hard labour
1844-Aug-08 Frederick Hambridge 10 Larceny 14 days hard labour
1844-Aug-08 Frederick Harvey 14 Larceny 14 days hard labour
1844-Aug-14 Alfred Garrett 12 Disorderly apprentice 1 month hard labour
1844-Aug-21 Sarah Gregory 44 Vagrancy 1 month hard labour
1844-Aug-29 Isaac Stagg 15 Stealing apples 21 days hard labour
1844-Aug-29 Joel Garrett 19 Game Laws 21 days hard labour
1844-Aug-29 Richard Pullen 18 Game Laws 21 days hard labour
1844-Aug-29 James Hamblyn 33 Larceny 2 months
1844-Sep-04 John Chant 24 Stealing apples 1 month hard labour
1844-Sep-05 Mary Dodge 58 Stealing beans 6 weeks hard labour


From my collection

A contemporary sketch of Ilchester Gaol.


Just a few years earlier - an etching by Thomas Dolby, dated 1818, entitled “A Peep into Ilchester Bastile”. It depicts a jailer holding a scourge and keys standing by the door, scowling at an emaciated man, heavily shackled to the floor and lying on the frame of a bedstead. A man in a striped prison suit is bent double because his ankles and wrists are chained to the floor. A woman sits with her legs confined in stocks.


Genuine 'mugshots' of Victorian criminals (albeit not Yeovilians).




Being classed as a 'Rogue and Vagabond' included a wide range of misdemeanors including the following. To quote the Vagrancy Act 1824 -

 "Every Person pretending or professing to tell Fortunes, or using any subtle Craft, Means, or Device, by Palmistry or otherwise, to deceive and impose on any of His Majesty's Subjects ; every Person wandering abroad and lodging in any Barn or Outhouse, or in any deserted or unoccupied Building, or in the open Air, or under a Tent, or in any Cart or Waggon, not having any visible Means of Subsistence, and not giving a good Account of himself or herself; every Person wilfully exposing to- view, in any Street, Road, Highway, or public Place, any obscene Print, Picture, or other indecent Exhibition ; every Person wilfully, openly, lewdly, and obscenely exposing his Person in any Street, Road, or public Highway, or in the View thereof, or in any Place of public Resort, with Intent to insult any Female ; every Person wandering abroad, and endeavouring by the Exposure of Wounds or Deformities to obtain or gather Alms ; every Person going about as a Gatherer or Collector of Alms, or endeavouring to procure charitable Contributions of any Nature or Kind, under any false or fraudulent Pretence ; every Person running away, and leaving his Wife or his or her Child or Children chargeable, or whereby she or they or any of them shall become chargeable to any Parish, Township, or Place ; every Person playing or betting in any Street, Road, Highway, or other open and public Place, at or with any Table or Instrument of gaming, at any Game or pretended Game of Chance; every Person having in his or her Custody or Possession any Picklock Key, Crow, Jack, Bit, or other Implement, with Intent feloniously to break into any Dwelling House, Warehouse, Coach-house, Stable, or Outbuilding, or being armed with any Gun, Pistol, Hanger, Cutlass, Bludgeon, or other offensive Weapon, or having upon him or her any Instrument, with Intent to commit any felonious Act; every Person being found in or upon any Dwelling House, Warehouse, Coach-house, Stable, or Outhouse, or in any inclosed Yard, Garden, or Area, for any unlawful Purpose; every suspected Person or reputed Thief, frequenting any River, Canal, or navigable Stream, Dock, or Basin, or any Quay, Wharf, or Warehouse near or adjoining thereto, or any Street, Highway, or Avenue leading thereto, or any Place of public Resort or any Avenue leading thereto, or any Street, Highway, or Place adjacent, with Intent to commit Felony; and every Person apprehended as an idle and disorderly Person, and violently resisting any Constable or other Peace Officer so apprehending him or her, and being subsequently convicted of the Offence for which he or she shall have been so apprehended, shall be deemed a Rogue and Vagabond, within the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace to commit such Offender (being thereof convicted before him by the Confession of such Offender, or by the Evidence on Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses,) to the House of Correction, there to be kept to Hard Labour for any Time not exceeding Three Calendar Months; and every such Picklock Key, Crow, Jack, Bit, and other Implement, and every such Gun, Pistol, Hanger, Cutlass, Bludgeon, or other offensive Weapon, and every such Instrument as aforesaid, shall, by the Conviction of the Offender, become forfeited to the King's Majesty."