The Document Chest

1567 will of Edmonde ShepperD



In the name of God amen the xvijth [17th] Daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde god 1567 And in the Tenthe yere of the Raigne of our moste Dread soveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande Fraunce and Ireland Defender of the faith &al I Edmonde Shepperd of yewell in the Countie od Somersett shomaker being sicke of bodye but hole and p[er]fect of mynde thankes be geven to Almightie god Do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme folowinge that is to saye Firste I give and bequeathe my sowle to the blessed and glorious trynitie thre persons and one eternalle god Father sonne and wholie goaste with them and all the elect of god by Faith in the bloude of Jhesus Christe to lyve in the kingdome of heaven in joye forever Secondlye when it shall please god to Deliver my sawle from the burthen of the fleshe I give and bequeathe my bodie to the earthe in it to be buried in some Decent plase and there to rest untill it shall please the ever lyvinge god to rayse it upp againe which I beleave he will Item I give and bequeathe to James Shepperd my sonne thirtene poundes six shilling[es] eyghte pence of lawfull monye of Englande Also I give and bequeathe to Jhon Shepperd my sonne thirtene poundes six shillinges eyghte pence of lawfull monye of Englande And also I give and bequeathe to Cicell Shepperd my dawghter Twentie pounds of lawfull monye of Englande All which said legaceis gyven and bequeathed to my saide childrenn shalbe Delivered to them and every of them by thandes of myne executor and overseers of this my last will and tetsament as hereafter in the same it shalbe ordeined Item all and singular other my goodes and cattells moveables and unmoveables untensilles and chattalls aswell reall as p[er]sonall Debtes Dueties and Demaunds And all and singuler my Landes and ten[ements] rent[es] revercions and heredytamentes whatsoever they be in [manuraunce] tenor possessione or occupacion of whatsoever persone or persones the same ben sett scytuate lyenge beinge comynge rysinge or growinge within the p[ar]ish of yevell and hundred of stone within the saide Countie of Som[erset] and elsewhere wheresoever within the realme of Englande other than such as shalbe hereafter given in this my laste will and testament I Do give and bequeathe to Edithe Shepperde my Deare Wyfe upon and under the condic[i]ons and covenauntes I Do make and ordaine my full sole and lawfull executrix To have and to holde p[er]ceave and enjoye all and singular other my foresaid good[s] and cattall[s] moveables and unmoveables untensylles and chattall[s] aswell reall as p[er]sonall Debtes Dueties and Demaunds and all and singuler my foresaide Landes and tenements rent[es] reverc[i]ons and hereditamentes whatsoever they be as is aforesaide to my saide wife Edithe Shepperd her heires and assignes foreever Upon and under the foresaide condic[i]ons and covenauntes folowinge that is to saye That my saide wife Edithe her heires and assignes after my Deathe hall paye or cause to be trewlie paied all such Debtes Dueties and Demaundes as I my selfe Do owe and am bounde in concyence to paie to all and every p[er]sone and p[er]sones whatsoever and by any lawfull wayes or meanes Due by me or my assignes to be paide within six yeres next after my Decease without frawde Alnd also that my saide wife Edithe her heires and assignes after my Deceasse shall paioe or cause to be paide all such legacies and giftes as be or shalbe gyven in and by this my laste will and testament other then the foresaid legacies given and bequeathed to my foresaide children to every persone and p[er]sones within six monthes next after my Decease with oute frawde And also yf my sayde wife Edithe Do kepe her selfe sole and chaste and unmaryed after my Decease Duringe her naturall lyfe And if it shall happen that my saide wife her heires or assignes shall refuse to paye the foresaid Debtes Dueties and Demaundes which I my selfe do owe in mann[er] and forme as is above saide or if it shall happen that my saide wife her heires or assignes shall refuse to paye the foresaid legaceis and giftes above rehersed in mann[er] and forme before lymyted or yf it shall happen that my saide wife Edithe after my Decease shall not kepe her self sole and chaste Duringe hernaturall life That then and all tyme and Tymes after suche non payment and not keeping sole and chaste as isd aforesaide I will and do firmelie ordeine in and by this my p[re]sent last will and testament that it shalbe lawfull to and for such p[er]sone and p[er]sones as herafter in this my laste will and testament shalbe named and appointed to be the overseres of this my saide present last will and testament or to and for suche of the same overseers as then shalbe lyvinge or to and for two of them whereof my cosen John Fanstone shalbe one or the assignes or assignes of my saide cosen John Fanston shalbe one to perceaue and take unto hys or their handes all and singular the foresaide goodes and cattalle and all and singular other the premisses before gyven and bequeathed to my saide wife and to paye suche the foresaide Debtes Dueties and Demaundes as I do owe in manner and forme abovesaide And the residewe of the same goodes and cattalle and of other the premisses my Debtes paide to Devide into two equall porc[i]ons the one porc[i]on to be Delivered to my saide wife Edithe to and for thonlie use of my saide wife her heires and assignes forever And the other porcion to Devide into thre equall partes and to be preferred to the use of my said Children theire heires and assignes forever anye thinge in these presentes conteyned to the contrarie in anye wide not with stondinge provided alwaies that the legaceis and giftes in these presents men[i]oned gyven and bequeathed to my saide children and every of them as is above lymited shall not be Delivered to my saide children nor to anye of them before the Daye of his her or there several mariadge or ell[es] at anye other reasonable time for his her or their proferment as by the Descrecione of my saide wyfe and the overseers of this my last will and testament or of two of them whereof my saide cosen John Fanstone his assigne or assignes shalbe one shalbe thowghte moste neat and convenient And also If my saide children or anye of them Do neglecte his her or their Dueties to my saide wife there naturall mother and will not be ruled and o[rdered] by my saide wife and overseers or by two of them whereof the saide John Fanstone his assigne or assignes shalbe one of if they my saide children or anye of them Do happen to Dye before they be maried that then I will that suche parte and legacie as suche one that will neglect his or her Dutie will not be ruled and ordered of Do Die as is aforsaide showlde and owghte to have yf he she or they Do their Dueties wilbe ruled and ordered or Do leve be Devided equally betwene the others of my sayde chilldren that will Do their Dewties be ruled or Do leve orells to be otherwise Disposed for the wealthe of my sowle as my saide wife and the saide overseers or two of them whereof the saide John Fanston his assigne or assignes shalbe one shall thinke best anye thynge herein menc[i]oned to the contrarye in any wide not withstondinge And also I will that my saide wife shall have the proferment of the kepinge and well usinge of the p[ar]tes and legaceis gevien and bequeathed to my saide childrenn and every of them for Duringe and untill such tyme as is above lymited for the Deliveringe of the same to them and every of them Item I give and bequeathe to Roger Jonnes Clarke vycar of yevell if he will come to me and Do his Duetie to me in my sicknes and entructe me with goastlye consell thre shillinges foure pennce and for bycause that all and everie article and articles thinge and thinges and condicions shalbe well and firmelie holden which ben comprised in this my present last will and testament I do ordeine auethoris and appointe by theis presentes Richard Bradley of the burrowghe of yevell in the Countie of Som[erse]t aforesaide sadeler portereue of the same borrowghr John Hacker the elder of yevell aforesaide in the saide countie yeoman Andrewe Fanston of Yevell aforesaide in the saide countie yeoman Edwarde Shepperd of peareson in the p[ar]ish of Gillingham in the Countie of Dorset yeoman and John Fanston of yevell aforesaide in the saide countie of Som[erse]t yeoman to be the trew and lawfull overseers of this my last will and tetament and Do give and bequeathe to every of them my said overseer for their paynes to see that everye provisione in the same comprised be Duelie p[er]formed and fulfilled thre shillinges foure pennce of lawfull monye of Englande These beinge witnesses

Richarde Bradley aforesaide     Andrewe Fanston     John Fanston with many others present


Proved  20 April 1568



Transcribed by Bob Osborn