the history of yeovil's pubs





the history of yeovil's pubs


The navigation bar at the very top of the page and the navigation panel at right are standard throughout the A-to-Z of Yeovil's History website but the History of Yeovil's Pubs section has its own navigation bar above to enable easy movement between the pubs pages and some special features lower down on this page. Having said that, all the pub pages are included in the A-to-Z listings in the panel at right.

I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it, in the meantime - enjoy.     Cheers.


Special 'pub' items

  • The Pub Timeline

    See when the majority of Yeovil's pubs were open.

  • Licensing Laws

    How governments through history have tried to control our drinking.

  • Glossary

    All those weird words used through history connected with pubs, beer & brewing. 

  • Bibliography

    All the books and other sources consulted for the pubs section.

  • Acknowledgements

    Thanks for all the help.


Yeovil pub listings

These are lists of pubs by licensee, premises, address or source - mainly for genealogists or just for interest. Click the appropriate button.

List by Licensee

List by Premises

List by Address.

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