The Document Chest
1568 Will of John Dennys
Smith ?
In the name of god amen
the xxvth [25th]
day if October
in the yere of
o[ur] lorde god
1568 I John
Dennys of the
parishe of
yevell w[ithi]n
the Dioc[ese] of
Bathe and Welles
in the Countie
of Somerset
being sicke of
body and
whole and
[abbreviation =
perfect] of
mynde and memory
thankes be unto
god calling to
my mynde the
frayeltie of man
and howe
necessarie a
thing it is for
eny [word
illegible] to be
in contynuall
redynes for
death do make
and declare this
my last will and
testament in
manner and forme
folowing First I
gyve and
bequeath my
soule into
thands of
almightie god
and my body to
be buryed in the
churche yarde of
Yevell aforsaid
Item I
gyve to the
parishe churche
of yevell
aforesaid xiid
[12 pence]
Item I
gyve and
bequeath to my
sonne John
Dennes a Anvill
a paire of
bellowes and [alman
of toles ?]
belonging to the
occupacon of a
Smyth and also a
hoggesheade of
Item I
gyve to my sonne
James Three
pounds of
lawfull money of
Item I
gyve to my sonne
Robert a anvill
and thre pounds
of lawfull money
of england
Item I
gyve and
bequeath to my
sonne Leonard a
anvill and thre
pounds of
lawfull money of
Item I
gyve and
bequeath to my
sonne william
fyve pounds of
lawfull money of
Item I
gyve and
bequeath unto my
daughter Ciceley
Six Pounds
Shillings foure
pence of lawfull
money of England
Item I
gyve and
bequeath unto my
daughter Tomsyn
Six Pounds
for 13 shillings
four pence] of
lawful money of
england and my
Will is that
every of my said
children shall
have their
legacie above
gyven or
delyvered or
paied them at
the day of his
or her marriage
or when he or
her shall come
to thaige [ie
'the age'] of
xxiiij [24]
yeres And that
if it shall
happen any of my
said children to
Die before he or
she shalbe
maried of shalbe
thaige [ie 'the
age'] of xxiiij
[24] yeres That
then his or her
porcon shalbe
devided amonge
the others by
even porcons
Item I gyve and
bequeath to my
brother inlawe
Lawrence Phelpes
a hundred yron a
hose cloth my
best [Curtyn ?]
and my best
shirte All the
residue of my
goods (aswell
moveable as
unmoveable) [chattelles
?] and debts not
above gyven nor
bequeathed after
my debts paied
I gyve
and bequeath to
Edythe my Wife
whome I make and
ordayne my Whole
Executrix and I
[word illegible]
constituted my
Cosens John
Phelpes and
Thomas Phelpes
my overseers to
see this [word
illegible] last
will and
executed and p[er]formed
w[it]h effecte
Theis bering
witnes the said
Thomas Phelpes
and John Phelpes
and also
lawrence Phelpes
Proved at London in 1569
Transcribed by Bob Osborn