The Document Chest
1574 will of Lyonell Sugge
of yvell
In dei nomine Amen
the viijth [8th]
Daie of Marche
in the year of
our Lord god A
Thousand five
seventie and
fower and in the
xvijth [17th]
yeare of the
raigne of oure
Soveraigne ladie
Elizabeth by the
grace of god
Quene of England
France and
Ireland defender
of the faith etc
I Lyonell
Sugge of the
parrishe of
yvell within the
Countie of
Somerset within
the dioces of
Bathe and Wells
Doe make this my
last will and
testament in
manner and forme
Imprimis I give
and bequeath my
Soule to
Almightie god my
Saviour maker
and redeemer and
my bodie to be
buried within [xpen?
= abbreviation
of Christian?]
buriall Item I
give to the
poore people of
the parrishe of
yevell towards
their relief
fower pounds of
Lawfull money of
England Item I
doe give to
William Sugge my
father Twentie
three pounds
shillinge and
fower pence of
lawfull money of
England Item I
doe give to the
Childe that nowe
is in my wieves
wombe Twentie
pounds of
Lawfull money of
england Item I
doe give to
Richard Dye the
some of Six
pounds thirteen
shillinge and
Fower pence of
lawfull money of
England Item I
doe give to
Tristrame Sugge
my kynnesman
Shillings The
residue of my
goods and
Cattells not
bequeathed I doe
give and
bequeath to
Alice my Wief
whome I doe
nominat and
apoint to be my
sole executrix
of this my last
will and
Giles hayne
hayne & others
This will was
proved at London
in 1577
Transcribed by Bob Osborn