The Document Chest
1575 Will of Thomas Harrison
of Preston Barmezey
In dei noie Amen
Anno D[omi]ni a
thousand sixe
seaventy foure
the xxx th
[30th] Day of
November in the
xvij th [17th]
yeare [that is,
1575] of the
reigne of our
Ladye Elizabeth
by the grace of
god Quene of
England France
and Ireland
Defender of the
Faythe I Thomas
Harrison of
Preston Barmezey
[that is,
within the
parishe of
yevell in the
county of Som[er]set
within the
Dioces of Bathe
and Wells being
in good healthe
and perfect
Laude and praise
be given to
Almighty god doe
make this my
Last will and
testament in
mann[e]r and
forme following
/ Inprimis I
bequeathe my
soule to
Almighty god my
maker savior and
redeemer And my
bodye to be in
xpian [that is,
buryall / Item I
give to
Elizabeth my
wyfe my farme in
Royston in the
parishe of
Estock in the
county of Dorset
with all my
stock that nowe
is uppon the
same farme /
Item I doe give
to Lyonell
Harrison my
sonne an olde
royall [see note
below] and to
Lyonell Harrison
his sonne an
other royall /
Item I doe give
to Cicill
Harrison and
Harrison my
sonne Lyonell
Harrisons twoe
daughters xiijs
iiijd [13
shillings four
pence] to be
equally devided
betwene them /
Item I give to
Mathewe Harrison
my sonne xx l
[£20] And to
Johan Harrison
and Mary
Harrison the
daughters of the
said Mathewe
Harrison my
sonne xiijs
iiijd [thirteen
shillings and
four pence] to
be devided
betwene them /
Item I doe give
to Agnes
Milmoore my
daughter vijs
viijd [seven
shillings and
eight pence] /
Item doe give to
Milmoore my
saide daughters
sonne vijs viijd
[seven shillings
and eight pence]
/ Item I doe
give to
Elizabeth Fays
twoe children
Will[ia]m and
Margery xiijs
iiijd [13
shillings four
pence] to be
devided betwene
them Item I doe
give to John
Harrisons three
children xxs
shillings] And
to Johan
Harrison the
daughter of the
said John
Harrison xx li
[twenty pounds]
of lawfull money
of England /
Item I doe give
to [abbreviation
= any? or
every?] pore
householder in
Preston iiijd
[fourpence] /
The Residue of
all my goodes
and cattalls
moveable and
unmoveable I doe
give and
bequeathe to
George Harrison
my sonne Whome I
doe make my
whole executor
of this my last
will & testament
to accomplishe
and performe all
things menconed
in the same /
This will
written by me in
the p[rese]nce
of me
Roger Jones
clerk vicar of
yevell and in
the p[rese]nce
of Will[ia]m
Powell clerk
vicar of Marston
Proved at London in 1578
Transcribed by Bob Osborn
- The gold Ryal
or Rose Noble of
Queen Elizabeth
I, of fifteen
shillings face
value, is one of
the rarest and
most desirable
coins of this