The Document Chest

1581 will of John Phelps

of Yeavell


In the name of god amen Anno Domini 1581 the seconde daie of August I John Phelps alias Phillipps of the parishe of yevell within the countie of Somerset beinge sicke in bodye and whole in minde doe make my last will and testamente in manner and forme following Imprimis I geve and bequeathe my sowle unto thallmightie whoe hathe made me, unto his sonne Christe Ihesue, whoe hathe redeemed me and to the holye ghost whoe hathe sanctified me And my bodye to be buried in the Churche or Churcheyarde of yeavell untill it shall please the allmightie to ioyne the bodye withe the sowle unto the eternall fruition of heavenlye ioye prepared for the electe of god of the whiche number I doubte not but I am one throughe the mercies and merittes of Christ Ihesue Item I geve unto the parishe churche of yeavell three shillinges fower pence Item I geve unto oure newe Almes howse twentie shillinges Item I geve and bequeathe unto my eldest sonne Gyles Phillippes all my Lande I had by my father being the howse whiche Harrye Chapplen nowe dwelleth in withe the grounde ther unto belonginge and one howse in Pitlane wherein nowe one william Rogers shoomaker dwelleth withe the orchard and gardeine ther unto belonginge and fortie poundes in monneye Item I geve and bequeathe unto my secounde sonne William half my grounde at Swyncombe withe all my lande I bought of Master Rousse within the Mannor of Hynfarde and the parishe of yeavell and thyrtie poundes in monneye to have and to houlde the saide land in Hynfard to him and his heires forever Item I geve and bequeathe unto my thirde sonne John thelder the other moyte of my ground at Swyncombe withe all the lande at Barwick and Stanforde [that is, Stoford] whiche I boughte of Master Rousse and thirtie poundes of moneye to have and to houlde all the saide Lande in Barwick and Stanforde to him and his heires forever Item I geve unto my fowerthe sonne John theyounger halfe my grounde at Crocker Moore within the parishe of Corscombe in Dorsetshere and thirtie poundes in moneye Item I geve unto my fifte sonne Thomas the other moytie ofe my grounde at Crocker moore aforesaide and thirtie poundes in monneye Item I geve unto my sixte Sonne Peter all my Lande I boughte of Master George Farmer within the parishe of yeavell and fortie poundes in monney Item I geve unto my seaventh sonne Josephe fortie poundes in monney Item I geve and bequeathe unto my daughter Elizabeth threescore six poundes thirtene shillinges fopwer pence my guilte goblett with a fetherbed furnished Item if it so shall please god that my sonne Gyles shall departe owte of this life before he commeth unto the age of one and twentie yeres then my will is that the said some of fortie poundes to him before bequeathed bee equally devided betwixt my sonnes John the younger Thomas Peter and Josephe And if it please god that William my seconde sonne shall departe before he commeth to thage of one and twentie yeres then my will is that the Lande within the Mannor of Hynforde and the parishe of yeavell whiche I bequeathed unto the said William my sonne shall comme unto my seaventh sonne Josephe and his porcion of monney unto my daughter Elizabeth And if it shall please god that my sonne John thelder shall in like sorte departe owte of this life before he commeth unto thage of one and twentie yeres Then my will is that John the younger shall have the lande at Barwick and Stanforde & his porcionne of monneye to be devided betwixte Thomas and Peter And if it please god that anyeother of my sonnes shall in like sorte departe before theie come unto thage of one and twentie yeres Then my will is yt theire porcions be equallie devided unto my sonnes that them shall lyve Also if it please god my daughter Elizabethe in like case departe owte of this life before her marriage or before she commeth unto thage of one and twentie yeres then my will is that her porcion of monneye and gooddes be equallie devided amoungest all my sonnes then lyving Item I geve and bequeathe unto Judith Lucock my cosen fortie shillinges in monneye And to the reste of my sisters childrenne nowe lyvinge sixe shillinges eighte pence a peece Item I geve unto my brother Thomas his childrenn a silver spoone a peece the price sixe shillinges eighte pence the pece Item I geve unto all my men Servauntes six shillinges eighte pence a peece Item I geve to my coussen Bridgett Pyne a silver spoone the price of a noble Item I geve unto my maide Servauntes Johan Lock twentie shillinges Item I geve unto Margery Batcheler xxs [twenty shillings] Item I geve unto Johan Girdler sixe shillinges eighte pence Item I geve unto Thomas Pynne of yeavell twelve pence a weeke duringe his life to be paide weekelie by myne executor Item I geve and bequeathe unto the poore of the parishe of yeavell three poundes Item I geve and bequeathe unto Thomas wils of yeavell tenne shillinges Item I geve and bequeathe unto my mother Johan Philleppes of Yeavell fyve poundes Item I geve and bequeathe unto Edwarde Phelps the sonne of Lawrence Phelps a sylver spoone price sixe shillinges eighte pence Item I geve and bequeathe unto my cosen Walter Sampson my best hose and doublett Item I geve and bequeathe unto James Everdonne my seconde hose and a sherte Item I geve unto Walter Phelps a paire of hose and a frise jerkyne Item I geve and bequeathe unto my wife Thomazine Phelps the residue of all my gooddes movable and unmovable whome I make my sole executrix of this my last will and testamente Item I make Master Shewarde vicar of Yeavell and my brother Thomas Phillipes with my brother in lawe John Mownsell overseers of this my laste will and testament unto whome I give and bequeath twentie shillinges a peece Item also my will is that all my childrenne halb under the governemente of theire mother and the directionne of my overseers and that theie and theire porcionnes shall be by theme ordered duringe thee tyme of theire minorities


Proved 6 December 1581