The Document Chest
1587 will of Agnes Bullen
of Yevell
In the name of
god amen
The fower &
twentieth daye
of November in
the yeare of our
Lord god after
the course and
computacon of
the Church of
England a
thousand five
hundred fower
score and seaven
and in the
thirtieth yeare
of the reigne of
our Sovereigne
Ladye Elizabeth
by the grace of
god Queene of
England France
and Ireland
defender of the
faithe I Agnes
Bullen of the
parishe of
yevell in the
Countie of
Somerset and
within the
dioces of Bath
and Welles being
sicke in bodie
nevertheles of
good and perfect
memorye laude
and prayse be
given to
almightye god
doe ordeyne
constitute and
make this my
last will and
testament in
manner & forme
Imprimis I give
and bequeathe my
soule into the
handes of
almighty god my
creator and my
bodie to be
buried in the
Church yarde of
yevell Item I
give and
bequeathe to the
poore people of
the parishe of
yevell the some
of twentye
shillinges to be
distributed unto
them by the
handes of Mr
Shewarde Vicar
of Yevell
aforesayd Item I
give and
beqeathe unto
the poore people
of the parishe
of yeatmaster
shillinges Item
I give and
bequeathe unto
William Phelpes
my second ringe
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Thomas Phelpes
twoe shillinges
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Peter Phelpes
two shillinges
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Joseph Phelpes
my litle [fluer
harte ?] Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
Phelpes my best
ringe Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
Streker my [currell
?] Item I give
and bequeathe
unto Robert Dawe
tenne shillinges
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Gyles wylkins
three shillinges
four pence Item
I give and
bequeathe unto
my Sister
Preston my best
gowne Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
my sister lawe
wickes my second
gowne Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
my three
goddaughters viz
Christian dennys
Johane Bartlet
and Agnes Cleves
shillinges a
peece Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
William Oldys of
yeatmister one
payer of sheets
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Thomas Cupper my
twoe silver
hartes Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
John Elsomes
daughters twoe
kerches Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
[Mary ?] Sugge
my peticote with
the durnce bodie
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
Johane [Norman
?] my [safegard
?] of clothe
Item I give and
bequeathe unto
the widowe
Shorte daughter
a peticote Item
I give and
bequeathe unto
Troblefill a
peticote Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
the widowe
hobbes my best
smocke Item I
doe remitte and
forgeve unto
Margaret Trente
the wife of John
Trente six
shillinges eight
pence w[hi]ch
she did owe unto
me Also I geve
the said
Margaret Trente
a kerchef Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
Faithe Trente a
kerchef Item I
give and
bequeathe unto
John Dennys of
the parishe of
Yetmaster my
coffer that is
in his house and
all the
household stuff
that is in the
sayd coffer The
residue of all
my goods and
debtes legacies
performed and
payd I give and
beqeathe unto
[word illegible]
Tamzine Phelpes
whom I do
nominate and
appointe to be
my whole
executrix of
this my last
will and
testament Also I
doe appointe my
friendes Mr
Sheward vica of
Yevell And my
cozen Thomas
Cupper to be my
overseers to see
that my last
will and
testament to be
trulie executed
according to the
true meaning
Theas bearing
witnes Mr
Sheward vicar
there Tamazine
Phelpes with
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn