The Document Chest
1593 will of Jerome Turner
Cutler of Yevell
In the name of god amen The Foure and Twentith daye of August in the yeare of our Lorde god A thousand Five hundreth ninety three I Jerome Turner of yevell in the County of Somerset Cuttler being sicke of bodye but thancks be to God of perfecte minde and memorye Doe make and ordaine this my Last will and testament in manner and forme following First I doe willingly yelde upp my Soule into the handes of Almighty God whoe gave it me And doe appointe my Bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of yevell with [assured?] hope that at the Last Day it shallbe raised upp againe and [cayned?] in the Soule and so bothe bodye and soule shall enioy that everlasting blisse whiche my Savyour Jesus Christ hathe purchased for me with his bloude Item I give to the Churche of Yevell six shillings eight pence Item to poore people of yevell six shillings eight pence Item I give to the prisoners in the Lower prison at Ilchester three shillings four pence Item I give and bequeathe tomy six daughters Agnes Elizabeth Joane Marye Cicilye and Damaris Turner three score pounds that is to each of them tenne pounds Provided that if my one or more of them shall dye before she or they shalbe maryed or shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares That then the portion belonging to her or them shalbe equally divided betwixt the othere sisters Item I give to my sonne George Turner all my Working tooles belonging to my occupacon with all those wares and implements of my trade whatsoever whiche nowe I have provided that if he dye before he be maried or one and twenty yeares [word illegible] That then his porcen shalbe equally divided amongest my saide daughters All the rest of my goods and chattells moveable and immoveable my Legacies and bequests being paide and performed I give and bequeathe to Joane my wyfe whome I make full and wholle executrix of this my Last Will and testament Item I appointe and ordayne my Wellbeloved in Christ John Geare and Richard Collins overseers of this my Last will and testament to whose discrecon and good care I committ my Childrens goods to be imployed by them to the benefir of my Children untill they shall severally accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares or other wise be maryed Provided that of the abovesaide three score pounds my Brother in Lawe Robert Ames shall have the use and occupacon of twenty pounds for one wholle yeare next coming
John Davye
John Clerke
with others
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn