The Document Chest

1606 will of George Harrison

Yeoman of Yavell


In the name of God amen I George Harrisonne of yavell within the Countie of Somersett yeoman feelinge my selfe to be sicke in bodie but perfect in memorie Do ordaine and make this my Last will and testament the seavententh Daie of Aprill in the second yeare or the Raigne ot our most gratiouse Lord James of England Fraunce and Ireland Kinge Defender of the Faith etc And of Scotland the thirty seaven [word illegible] in manner and fourme followinge First I comende my Soule unto god my maker And my bodie o be buried within the Churchyarde of yavell And for the reste of my goodes I give and bequeath in manner followinge Item I give unto the Church of yevell Tenne shillings Item I give unto the Church of Preston six shillinges eight pence Item I give to the poore prisoners of the Geole of Ylchester six shillinges eight pence Item I give unto Alce and [several words illegible] to everie one of them thirtie poundes apeece to be paide at the daise of their marriages. And yf yt please god that either of them happen to die before they be married the then the portion of thirtie poundes to remaine to the Survivor And yf it happen that both of them die before they be married then both of theire portions remaine with Cissile my wife to [herself?] forever Item I give unto my Cosen William Milberone of the Parishe of Lulle in the Countie of Dorestt twentie poundes to be paid w[i]thin six months next after my decease Item I give unto my Cosen William Fooke Fortie shillinges to be paid within six months next after my decease Item I give unto my Cosen Richard Harrison of [Grampitt?] within the Countie of Cornewall my best sute of Apparell And to [every?] one of his Children Fortie pence apeece Item I give unto the Children of William Milberon to every one of them Forty pence apeece Item I give unto everie one of my god Children twelve pence apeece Item I give to Robert Cosbie my Apprentise Fortie shillinges to be paide at the end of his apprentishipp yf [word illegible] he doth continue with my Wife so longe Item I give and bequeath to Cycelie my Wyfe twelve Acres of pasture lands lyinge in the Parrishe of yevell which I bought of my Cosen Thomas Forde for the tearme of her naturall Life payinge therefore in the name of a Rente the some of Fortie pence a year that is to saie the First year to beginne at the Feaste of Sainte Michaell the Archangell or within Fortie daies after the same feaste of Sainte Michaell which shall next come after my decease Fortie pence And soever Mychaelmas or within Fortie daies of everie Michaelmas Fortie pence to be paide unto my Cosen Richard Harrisonne duringe his naturall Life And after the decease of Ciceley my wyfe that then the Twelve Acres of pasture lands I give and bequeath to Richard Harrisonne duringe his naturall lyfe yealdinge and payinge therefore duringe his lyfe the some of Fortie pence in the name of a Rente in such manner and fourme as is aforesaid unto Thomas Harrisonne his Sonne and to the heires males of his bodie Lawfullie begotten unto whome I give and bequeath this twelve acres of pasture Landes forever And for want if yssue of heires males of his boddie lawfullie begotten I give and bequeath the same twelve acres of pasture Lande unto the heires of my Cozen William Milberon forever Allso my Will is that whereas my brother Lionell Harrisonne late of Preston deceased did in his laste will and testament give unto Lyonell Harrisonne his sonne all his plate of silver or gilte unto him Lyonell Harrisonne and to the heires males of his bodie Lawfully begotten And for wanteof heire male unto me George Harrisonne and to my heirs for ever nowe my Will is that yf by vertue of that laste will and testament of my foresaide Brother Lyonell Harrisonne anie of the same plate or parte or parcell thereof do appertaine or belonge to me I give the same plate unto Thomas harrisonne the sonne of Richard Harrisonne and to the heires males of his body lawfullie begotten And for wante of such yssue to the heires of William Milberon forever All the rest of my gooides aswell moveable as unmoveble I give and bequeath unto Cicellie my Wife whome I make sole executrix of this my last will and testamente conditionallie that my leagacie here within this my Will biven be by her performed [two words illegible] And moreover I do renounce and utterlie denie all former willes and do confirme this to be my laste will and Testament In wittnes whereof I have sette my hande and Seale the daie and year before written And do request my Wellbeloved frendes William Milberon and Benjamine [Hand?] to be the overseers of this my Will And for theire paines therein I give everie one of thjem Tenne shillinges apeece to see yt executed according to the true meaning hereof

George Harrisonne

We the witnesses at the sealinge of this will

Roger Traske    John Hardynge    Edward Burford


Proved at London 23 May 1606



Transcribed by Bob Osborn