the document chest

1613 will of Edward Mounckton

Yeoman of Marsh


 In the Name of God Amen The fower and twentithe daie of January Anno Dm one thousand sixe hundred and thirteene And in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James [word illegible] of England Fraunce and Ireland the Seaventhe and oif Scotland the seaven and fortithe I Edward Mounckton of Marshe w[i]thin the parishe of yevell in the Countie of Somersett yeom[an] beinge sicke of Bodie but of perfect remembrance (thankes be given to the Almightie God Callinge to minde the uncertainty and frailnes of this mortall life and not knoweinge the daie tyme or houre when it shall please God to call me Willinge and mindinge to sett in good order those mortall goodes lande and possessions that hath pleased God to lend me while I have lived here in this worlde doe ordaine and make this [abbreviation illegible] Testament conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge First I bequeathe my Soule to the handes of the Almightie my sole Creator and Redeemer trustinge and stedfastlie beleevinge that after this life I shall rise againe in the generall resurrection and enjoyethe everlastinge kingdome purchased fort me and his electe by the onely merritte deathe and passion of Christe Jesus my onelie Saviour and Redeemer Next I com[m]end my bodie to the xpian [ie Christian] buriall. Item I give to my parishe Churche Tenne shillinges Item to the poore of Marshe onely five shillinges And to everie one of my Godchildren sixe pence a peece to be paide and distributed by my Executors w[i]thin one yeare after my decease. Item I give unto Alice Fry and Elizabeth Fry my daughters children sixe shillinges eight pence a peece to be paide unto them w[i]thin one yeare after my decease. Item I give and bequeathe unto John Mounckton, Richard Mounckton, Robert Mounckton Elizabeth Mounckton Patience Mounckton Alice Mounckton and Jone Mounckton my sonnes and daughters to everie of them Twentie poundes a peece To be paide unto everie of them at such tyme as they shall accomplishe and be of the age of one and twentie yeares by my Executors or the survivor of them. Item I give and devise un to my sonne Edward Mounckton All my lanes tenements and hereditam[en]ts sett lyinge and being w[i]thin the severall p[ar]ishes of Marshe and Yevell aforesaid and Pitney in the said Countye of Somersett or in everie or any of them w[i]th all and singular there appurtenances And w[hi]ch I late purchased of one Joseph Compton gentleman and Henry his sonne to me my heires and assignes for ever To have and to hold the same landes tenements and hereditaments and everie part and p[ar]cell thereof w[i]th thappurtenances unto the saide Edward Mounckton the sonne and to the heires males of his Bodie lawfullie hereafter to be begotten And for defaulte of such yssue to the use benefitt and behoof of the saide John Mounckton the heires males of his Bodie lawfullie hereafter to be begotten And for defaulte of such yssue to the use benefitt and behoof of the saide Robert Mounckton and of the heires males of his Bodie lawfullie hereafter to be begotten And for defaulte of such yssue Then to the use benefitt and behoof of the Right heires of me the said Edward Mounckton the Father for ever All the residewe of my goodes and Chattells my debtes Legacies and funeralle being paid I give and bequeathe unto Alice my wife and the saide Elizabeth my Daughter whome I make my whole and sole Executors of this my Last Will and testament utterlie revokinge and adnullinge all other Testamente and Wills by me before this tyme made or declared And doe earnestlie desire & appointe John Hartewell William Frey and Henry Hartewell to be the Overseers of this my last will and testament And I doe chardge & require my saide children to be obedient unto my Overseers in all things that they or twoe of them shall thinke fitt for the good of my children as they feare god and owe me any duetie In wittnes whereof I the said Edward Mounckton the Father have sealed these presents and signed the same the sixe and twentith daie of Januarie and yere above written and in the presence of us

Signed Edward Mounckton

Memorandum that my will and intent is further by this my will that my Overseers shall have for their paines herein twelve pnce a peece And I doe alsoe give unto the heire of my lands All my ploughe stuffe namelie [weyne wheeles Souler Dragge Ithes yeokes ???] chaines and other implements thereunto belonginge.

Johanne Slade George Slade Nicholas Hartwell

Proved at London, 1614

Transcribed by Bob Osborn