The Document Chest

1619 will of Thomas Moleyns

Yeoman of Kingston juxta Yeovil




In the name of God amen The fowertenth daye of Januarie one thousand six hundred nyneterie I Thomas Moleyns of Kingston juxta Yevell [abbreviation for 'within'] the County of Somerset yeoman beinge sicke of body but of sounde and perfect memorie (praised bt god) doe by theis [word illegible] institute pronounce & declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge Firste I commende and bequaethe my Soule into the handes of Allmightye god and my body to A Christian buryall Item I give to the p[ar]ish of Yevell Six shillinge eight pence Item I give to Thomas the sonne of my brother William Moleyns the Some of Fower pounds to be payde w[it]hin a yeare and halfe after my decease Item I give to Edithe Bole the daughter of the widdowe Bole the some of Twentye shillinge Item I give Twenty shillinge to Joane Bishoppe of Trent the sister of my wief Item I give unto my brother William Molleyns my [Gurnal?] to holde [Corne?] w[hi]ch is in my Mothers House Item I give to William Burges Twenty shillinge To be payde him oute of the Legacy given me of my Father Item the guyfte and Legacy w[hi]ch was given and due unto me by the last will & testam[en]t of my Father and all the rest of my goodes and Chattells not heretofore given I doe give unto Ursula my Wief whome I make and appointe whole executrix of this my last will and Testament

Thomas Molyns [sic]

Wittnesses hereunto     John Lavor     John Jacob


Proved at London in 1620



Transcribed by Bob Osborn