The Document Chest
1623 will of John hartwell
Although John Hartwell describes himself as a tanner in his will, it should be noted that rather than thinking of him as one who tans animal hides, he should be thought of as a tannery owner since he leaves his "Tannhouse & Tanne Barton" to his wife in his will, together with substantial properties and lands, including a property in the Borough and another in Kingston.
1623 Will of John Hartwell
In nomine dei Amen I John Hartwell of yeavill in the Countye of
Somsett Tanner
beinge sicke in
body yet thanks
be to God of
perfect memorie
doe ordaine and
make this my
last Will &
Testament in
manner and forme
Imprimis I
bequeathe my
Soule into the
handes of
almightye God my
Maker and
Redeemer And my
body top be
buryed in the
buriall of
yeavill Item I
give unto the
Churche of
yeavill Ten
shill[ings] Item
I give to the
Poore people of
the Parishe of
yeavill Twenty
shillings Ten
thereof to be
payde at my
buriall And the
other Tenn
w[i]thin three
monthes after
Item I give to
Elizabeth Dennys
the Somme of
Tenn poundes To
be payde w[i]tin
one year after
my decease Item
I give to fower
Children of John
younge deceased
to each of them
Five shillings
To be payde
w[i]thin one
yeare after my
decease Item I
doe assigne and
sett over to
Henry Hartwell
of Longe Burton
in the County of
Dorsett Clerk
one Dwellinge
House, Burgage
and Tenement
w[i]th the
scituate lyeinge
and being in the
Burrough or
Yeavill nowe in
the tenure of
John Perry Baker
duringe the
terme of yeares
[abbreviation =
which] ar yett
to come to me
and myne
unexpired and
not determined
to the sole
behoofe of
Hartwell my
brother and his
[inserted = as
the sayd Henrie
Hartwell shall
dispose in his
discretion for
the good of the
Hartwell & his
Daughters] Item
I give to Joane
my Wife one
standinge in the
Hall, and Five
Platters and
Candleasticks of
Brasse in the
Chamber where I
now lye And one
Bedsted in the
Chamber w[i]thin
the Hall, and
twoe Bedds in
the same And one
Cheste & Box in
the Chamber
where I now lye,
And one Furnace
pann, and [four
illegible], and
one of the
and one of the
Barrills in the
Butterye, and
one Crocke w[hi]ch
I lent William
Jennings, and
foure Platters,
and six [Fernicke?]
dishes, and one
short legged
Crocke, and
another Crocke,
that hath no
leggs and all my
[Posnetts?], and
one Kettle, and
halfe my Lynnen
Clothes, and a
Table Boorde &
Frame in the
Chamber w[i]thin
the Hall and a
Tableboorde in
my House in
Kingston, and
all other
that there is
Lykewise I give
to the sayd
Joane my Wife
one acre and
half of Beanes
at Hayes ende in
Middle Field.
And twoe acres
of Wheate
lyinge at
a place called
Further my Will
is that Joane my
Wife shall have
my Dwellinge
house, Orchard &
Gardens where I
nowe dwell &
(except and
always reserved
to my executrix
and her assignes,
maye have
convenient tyme
to come into the
sayd Tannhouse &
Tanne Barton, to
take and carry
away my [Vales?]
and Leather as
alsoe convenient
tyme for the
Tannynge of the
Leather and
Hydes, as I now
have) the sayd
Joane my Wife is
to have the sayd
[word illegible]
for and duringe
the space of
foure yeares
fullye to be
compleate &
repayeing the
same And at the
ende of the syd
Terme (yf the
sayd Joane my
Wife soe longe
live) [word
illegible] to
yeilde up the
sayd premisse to
my exec[u]trix &
her assignes.
Item I give to
Hartwell my
brother my [Melly?]
Cloake Item I
give to Henrye
Hartwell my
Nephewe my
Clothe Gownd and
my best Cloake
Item I give and
bequeathe all my
Houses, Landes,
Arable, Meadowe
and pasture
w[hi[ch I have
in Fee simple to
Alice my
daughter and to
the heires of
her body
lawfully to be
begotten And for
defaulte of such
yssue my Will is
that all my
Houses Landes
arable Meadowe
and pasture
shall remayne
and be to Henrye
Hartwell my
Nephewe of Long
Burton in the
County of Dorset
Clerke and to
his heires [word
illegible]. Item
my Will is that
the sayd Henrye
Hartwell shall
have the [Tuselshippe?]
of my daughter
Alice during her
Minoritie & [Nowage?]
And my Will is
that the sayd
Henrie Hartwell
shall have my
Goodes and
Chattells yf
Alice my
daughter dye in
her minoritie.
All the residue
of my goodes
Cattells and
Chattells I give
to Alice my
daughter whome I
make my sole
heire &
executrix of
this my last
Will & Testament
revokinge all
former Wills by
me made my
Funerall debts
and Legacies
The Signe of
John Hartwell
Signed sealed
and delivered in
the pre[sen]ce
of us
Samuel Seward
Marsh & others<
Proved in 1623
Transcribed by Bob Osborn