The Document Chest
1633 Will of Giles Jennyngs
In the name of
God Amen
The sixth daie of March in the nynth
yeare of the
raigne of our
Soveraigne Lord
King Charles of
England [three
illegible] one
thousand six
hundred thirtie
three I Giles
Jennyns the
elder of Yevell
in the Countie
od Somersett
gent being weake
of bodie but of
sound and
perfect memorie
doe make and
declare this my
last Will and
Testament in
manner & forme
following That
is to say I
recom[m]end my
soule unto the
hands of God my
Maker and Jesus
Christ my
redeemer And as
touching my
bodie I will
that the same
bee buried
within the
Churchyard of
yevell aforesaid
at the discrec[i]on
of my Executrix
hereunder named
First I give and
bequeath unto my
two daughters
Elizabeth and
Anne Jennyngs
one hundred and
Fiftie pounds
[around £27,000
at today's
value] apeece to
either of them
to bee paid by
my Executrix
within one yeare
after my decease
Item I give and
bequeath unto
Giles Jennyngs
my sonne All
that my Messuage
& Tenement with
scituate in
Yevell aforesaid
w[hi]ch I bought
of the widow
Mullens and
being parcell of
the Manno[r] of
Kingston and all
my estate right
tythe and
interest terme
of yeares and
demaund of and
in the same Item
I likewise give
& graunt unto
the said Giles
my sonne All
that Burgage or
Tenement called
the white house
scituate in
Yevell aforesaid
To have and to
hold the said
Burgage unto the
said Giles and
his assignes for
and during the
life of him the
said Giles and
Mellis and Joane
my daughters and
the life of
either of them
longest liveing
And in Case the
said Giles shall
[dislike ?] the
state of and in
the Burgage
aforesaid for
the terme of the
lives aforesaid
Then I give and
grant the said
aforesaid for
the terme of the
lives aforesaid
Then I give and
grant the said
Burgage unto the
said Giles his
Executo[rs] and
assignes for and
during the terme
of Foure score
and Nyneteene
yeares if they
the said Giles
Mellis and Joane
my daughters or
either of them
shall so long
live yeilding
and paying unto
my heire one
penny at the
Feast of St
Michaell yearlie
if the same bee
allwaies and my
will is that my
Executrix shall
have receive and
take the issues
and proffitts of
the said
Tenement and
Burgage before
mentioned for
and during the
terme of Five
yeares after my
decease for the
raysing porc[i]ons
for my two
dauhgters Mellis
and Joane And in
Case my sonne
Giles dye before
the said terme
of Five yeares
or before hee
shall attayne
the age of one
and Twentie
yeares Then my
will and
meaneing is that
the said
Tenement and
Burgage soe
graunted unto my
sonne Giles
shall remayne
and bee for all
the rest of the
terme soe
graunted as
aforesaid unto
Mellis and Joane
my daughters
equallie to bee
devided amongst
them The rest of
my goods and
Chattells I give
and bequeath
unto Agnes my
wife which are
whom I make my
sole Executrix
of this my last
Will and
Testament And
Doctor Samuell
Seward and my
brother William
Jennyngs I
desire them to
be mu overseers
of this my last
Will and
Testament IN
wittness whereof
I have hereunto
sett my hand and
seale the daie
and yeare first
Item give unto
the Church of
the Parish of
Yevell six
shillings eight
pence Item to
the poore tenne
shillings Sexto
Martii one
thousand six
hundred thirtie
three Published
and declared to
bee the last
Will and
Testament of the
said Giles
Jenniyngs in the
pr[escen]ce of
Thomas Smith
Henrie Starre
William Jennyngs
A Codicil
hereunto annexed
I give and bequeath unto the said Agnes my wife and my heires forever All
those lands and
scituate in
Yevell aforesaid
which I late
purchased of
Samuell Harding
and all bonds
and securities
made to mee for
the secureing
desireing my
wife therewith
to raise and
bestowe porcons
for such of my
daughters as
shee shall
thinke fitt and
behhofull In
wittness whereof
I have hereunto
sett my hand and
seale the daie
and yeare
abovesaid Signum
Egidij Jennyngs
Sealed also and
published in the
presence of
Henrie Starre W[iilia]m
Jennyngs Thomas
at London in 1634
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn