The Document Chest

1635 Will of Samuell Hardinge



In the name of God Amen I Samuell Hardinge of Yevell in the Countie of Som[er]set Merchante beine sicke and weake of bodie but of good memorie (I thanke god) doe make this my last Will and testament in forme followinge that is to saie I com[m]end my soule into the hands of Almightie God that made it To Christe my Redeemer and Saviour and to the Holie Ghoste that sanctified it hopinge and assuredly beleevinge by the meritts and passion of my said Redeemer to obtaine remission of all my sinnes and to enjoye everlasting happines Item I give to the Church of the p[ar]ish of Yevell thirteen shillings foure pence And to the poore of the said p[ar]ish thirteen shillings foure pence Item I give Unto my sonne Samuell Hardinge the some of one hundreth pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares if hee bee then living and not otherwise And I also give unto my daughter Ann Hardinge one hundred pounds more to be paid to her at her marriage or age of one and twentie yeares w[hi]h shall first happen and not otherwise and if either of the said Samuell or Ann die before either of the said ages or times then his or her percon soe dyinge shall accrue & come to the survivor of them And if both the said Samuel & Anne ye before the said ages or tymes then I will that the same two hundred shall accrew to my sonne John Hardinge and the executrix of this my Will equallie to be devided between them Alsoe I will and devise that my said Executrix out of the incombe benifitt and p[o]fitt of such of my p[er]sonall estate and Chattles out of w[hi]ch the same severall porcons shall arise shall educate and maynteyne my said sonn Samuell and Ann my daughter untill the said all ages or times in w[hi]ch their same sevrall porcons are limitted to be due by this my Will Item my will and meaning is that if in case my wief shall hereafter marrie or die before the said legacies be paid to my said Children that then the same legacies w[i]thin Forty dayes after the said marriage or death shalbe by myne executrix if she be livinge or by her executor or administrator delivered into the hands and Custodie of my lovinge freinde William Jennings my brother in law John Starr Thomas (surname illegible] and Christopher Alambridge and of the survivors and survivor of them and his assignes to bee by them given and disposed of to my said Children according to the true meaning of this my last will Item (in case my sonne John Hardinge and his heires and assignes shall not convey and assure unto the heires and assignes of Giles Jennings deceased certaine arable lands conteyning seaven acres more or lesse lying in Yevell or Pitney in the East feild there according to a Proviso contained in a deed indented made betweene myselfe of th[e]one p[ar]te  and the said Giles Jennings of th[e]other p[ar]te bearinge date the twelveth daie of June in the Sixth yeare of his Ma[jes]ties Raigne (that now is) Then I give and devise my house I now dwell in w[i]th [appreviation = the appurtenances] and all other my lands tenem[en]ts and hereditaments wherof I am seised of any estate of inheritance unto my said Children Samuell and Ann and to the heirs for ever It[e]m I give unto my said sonne one beere bole of silver and twentie nobles in money soas he assure the said lands aforesaid Item all the rest of my goodsand Chattles not hereby formerlie given I give to my loving wief Julian whome I make sole Executrix of this my last Will Also I make my loving freinds Mr Doctor Seward and my Cosen William Starr Ov[er]seers of this my will desiring them to be aiding and helpfull to my said Executrix in the due p[er]formance of this my will In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale the xxxth daie of November in the Tenth yeare of the Raigne [1635] of o[ur] sov[er]aigne Lord Kinge Charles over England

Samuell Harding

Published sealed and deliv[er]ed in the pr[esen]ce of

Samuel Seward     William Starr     Gyles Marchaunt     George Moore


Proved at London in 1635


Transcribed by Bob Osborn