The Document Chest
1636 will of Thomas Pawley
Yeoman of Preston Plucknett
In the name of God Amen
The eleventh day of May in the yeare of our Lord God 1636. I Thomas Pawley
of Preston
Plucknett within
the parish of
Yevell in the
dioces of Bath
and Welles
yeoman being
sicke in bodie
but of perfect
memorie (praised
bee God for it)
doe make this my
last Will and
Testament in
manner and forme
following (viz)
first I bequeath
my soule into
the hands of
Almightie God my
maker that gave
it and my bodie
to Christian
buriall in
assured hope
through his
merrits in
Christ Jesus my
Saviour of a
joyfull and
resurecion to
life everlasting
Item I give unto
the poore of
shillings Item I
give to my wife
Twentie pounds
Item I give unto
my [wife ?] one
[hawker ?] Cowe
and Calfe and my
best bed with
its furniture.
Item I give more
unto my wife one
sack of wheat
and all such
household stuffe
as shee brought
with her, Item I
give more unto
my wife one
black Cowe that
came from Rime,
Item I give unto
my son Giles
Pawley my Land
at Aishley
contayning by
estimacon six
Acres bee it
more or lesse
and to the
heires males of
his body
begotten or to
bee begotten
upon condicion
that hee pay
unto Emme Perris
his sister five
pounds by the
yeare during her
naturall life,
Item I give more
unto my son
Giles Pawley
during his
naturall life
and his son
Thom[a]s his
life, one Acre
and halfe of
arrable ground,
lying at a place
called short
hedge paying
therefore unto
my Executor the
yearly rent of
shillings during
Johane Whitbies
life Item I give
more unto my son
Giles Pawley
halfe my plow of
foure oxen and
foure [kine ?]
Item I give unto
my son Richard
Pawley fortie
shillings by the
yeare during his
natyurall life
Item I give unto
Joane his wife
shillings by the
yeare during his
naturall life.
Item I give unto
Thomas Pawley my
son Richard his
son Twentie
shillings by the
yeare during the
life of Richard
his father Item
I give unto
Elizabeth Pawley
my son Richards
daughter twentie
shillings by the
yeare during the
life of Richard
her father Item
I give unto my
son Richard
Pawley one sack
of Wheate and
all my wearing
apparell Item I
give more unto
Emme Perris my
daughter Twentie
pounds and one
sackof wheate,
Item I give more
unto Emme Perris
my daughter two
hawked heifers
bought of Roger
Collins of
Yevell and one
hawked Cowe
bought of John
Haskins of [Aventon
?] and one
hawked Cowe of
my owne
breeding, all
w[hi]ch said
Heiffers and [kine
?] must goe in
Broad Leaze
Michaelmas and
my Executor to
discharge the
Leaze Item I
give unto Joane
Whitbie my
daughter five
pounds by the
yeare during her
naturall life
Item I give more
unto Joane my
daughter one
sack of wheate
Item I give unto
Francis Perrie
my daughter five
pounds by the
yeare during her
naturall life
Item I give more
unto my daughter
Francis one sack
of wheate Item
my will and
intent and
meaning is that
if my said three
daughters or
either of them
shall alienate
set or lett the
said severall
sumes of Five
pounds for
longer time then
for one whole
yeare that then
it shall remaine
to my Executor
Item I give unto
Elizabeth Whitby
my grandchild
one black [stard
?] Cowe, Item I
give unto
Katherine Whitby
my grandchild
one red [stard
?] Cowe, Item I
give unto Robert
Whitby my
grandchild one
Ewe and Lambe
Item I give
thirtie pounds
to build a house
upon my Land in
Barmonsey to bee
built by my
Executor within
one yeare and
halfe after my
decease to the
use and behoofe
of Richard
Pawley my son,
Frances Perrie
and Em Perrie my
daughters and
alsoe the
adioning equally
to bee devided
during their
naturall lives.
Item my will is
that my Executor
shall build a
barne adioyning
unto the said
house w[ith]in
one yeare and
halfe after my
decease to the
use and behoofe
of Richard
Pawley my son,
Frances Perrie
and Em my
daughters during
their naturall
lives. Item all
the rest of my
goods not given
nor bequeathed I
give unto my son
Lionell Pawley
whom I make
whole Executor
of this my last
will and
Testament In
witnes whereof I
have hereunto
set my hand and
seale the day
and yeare first
above written
Signum Thoma[s] Pawley
Witnesses John Freke
Morgain Hacker
Proved at London, 1637
Transcribed by Bob Osborn