The Document Chest
1656 will of English Newman alias Short
Be it remembred
that on the
day of Januarie
in the yeare of
our Lord
according to the
account nowe
used in England
one thousand Six
hundred fiftie
and Sixe English
Newman al[ia]s
Short Yeavill in
the County of
shoemaker beinge
Sick of body but
of perfect minde
and memorie did
with a Serious
intent and
purpose to make
and declare his
last will and
Testament [word
illegible] (Say
and utter in our
presence and
hearinge these
words followinge
or other words
tendinge to the
Same effect
(That is to say
My will is that
all my household
goods be divided
amongst the
Children of my
Sonne Nicholas
Newman And I doe
make Elizabeth
one of my Sonne
Nicholas his
Children my
whole Executrix
And I doe
appoint her to
pay unto my
daughter one
shilling and to
her two
daughters twelve
pence a peece As
for my daughter
shee was to have
halfe of my
goods which shee
hath had already
In Witness
whereof Wee have
hereunto Sett
our hands This
Sixteenth day of
February In the
yeare of our
Lord one
thousand six
hundred fifty
and six
marke of
Elizabeth Guppy
marke of
Mary Guppy
The Seaven and
day of the month
of March in the
yeare of our
Lord God
according to the
computacon of
the Church of
England one
thousand six
hundred fiftie
and six A
Commission or
letters of
Issued out to
Nicholas Newman
al[ia]s Short
the natirall and
lawfull Father
[Curate?] and
guardian of
Elizabeth Newman
al[ia]s Short
the grandchilde
and Sole
Executrix of the
last will and
Testament [word
illegible] of
English Newman
al[ia]s Short
late of Yeavill
in the County of
deceased To
administer all
and Singular the
goods Chattles
and debts of the
Said deceased
accordinge to
the tenor and
effect of the
said will For
the sole use
benefitt and
behoofe and
duringe the
minoritie and
nonage of the
said minor and
Executrix Hee
the said
Nicholas Newman
al[ia]s Short
beinge first
sworn in due
forme of lawe by
virtue of a
Commission well
and truly to
Administer the
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn