The Document Chest

1665 will of Roger Wood



In the Name of God Amen I Roger Wood of Yeovell in the Countie of Somersett Glover being sicke of body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be given unto God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I bequeathe my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God and my body to Christian buryall Item I give unto my loveing wife Damaris Wood All the residue of yeares yett to come in the house I now dwell in backe street in Yeovell Item I give unto my said loveing wife the Sume of Twentie pounds and Tenn pounds I give unto the Child my said wife now goeth withall And in case my said child shall not live and attain any maturity of yeares Then my will is that the said Tenn pounds shall returne and be payed Unto my Executrix hereafter mentioned All the rest of my goods and Ch[att]ells not herein before given or bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Mary Wood my daughter whome I make sole Executrix of this my last will & testament revoaking all former Wills And I doe desire and intreat Giles Hayward and Roger Shute my loveing friends both of Yeovell Overseers of this my last will to see it performed And I do give unto each of them for their paynes twelve pence apiece In wittnesse [word illegible = whereof ?] of I have here unto put my hand and saeale this fower and Twentieth day of Aprill in the Seaventeenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second over England And in the yeare of our Lord 1665 Memorandie the Tenn pounds abovementioned my will is the same shall be payd Unto my said Child [word illegible] as it is borne And in case my said Child shall not live or attayne to any competant age Then my will is this said Tenn pounds be payd unto my said Executrix abovementioned

the marke of Roger Wood

Sealed and published in the presence of Edward [word illgible] the marke of Thomasin Atkins   the marke of Robert Wood      [last name name illegible]


Transcribed by Bob Osborn