The Document Chest

1671 Will of William Swetnam



May 13 1671
Memorandum That about Two Yeares
and halfe since William Swetnam the elder then of Yeovell in the County of Somerset since deceased being sicke of body of the sicknesse whereof he dyed but of sound and perfect minde and memory and of good undertanding and being minded to make his last Will and Testam[en]t [word illegible] and dispose of his estate after his decease Did make and declare [that?] same Will in manner and forme following that is to say Hee gave [Twentie?] pence apiece to his Children and all his goods Chattels and estate whatsoever Hee thereby gave unto Mary his then wife since alsoe deceased and then made her Sole Executrix thereof in the presence of credible witnesses viz Sam: Glisson Walt: Foy

Transcribed by Bob Osborn