The Document Chest

1675 will of John Beale

Phisician of Yeavill


In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Amen I John Beale of Yeavell in the County of Som[er]sett and in the Diocese of Bath and Wells Phisician the Eldest Sonne of Doctor John Beale Vicar of the said Yeavell and one of his Majestyes Chaplaines Being now in good health of body and mind for which I praise the Lord of life and being engaged and resolved and ready to take shipping for the American Island of Jamaica for which I beseech Gods special blessing and that God of infinite mercy will send his holy Angell to be my Guardian in all the courses of my life doe hereby make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I bequeath my soule and spirit into the hands of my gracious Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ beseeching him to pardon me for all my trespasses and to heale all my infirmityes [word illegible] body when it shall be the good pleasure of the Lord to take away my life I recomend unto the good providence of God to dispose as to the Lord shall seeme good and in the most humble manner for Christian sepulture Item I will that all my lawfull Debts be duly paid by my Executrix whom I shall name in the close hereof Item I give to my dear Mother Jane Beale if it shall please God that shee shall survive me all my gold and Jewell Rings which I shall be owner of at the time of my decease Item I give to my only Brother Thomas Beale my Greeke Testament curiously adorned covered with Gold and curious works in Gold withall the appurtenances therein inclosed if hee shall survive me Item I give to my oldest Sister Elizabeth Wife of Thomas Phillips now Doctor of East Stoke in Dorsetshire my curious Latine Bible richly enterlined edged with Gold and bound in Turkey blew Leather this with the inclosed appurtenances for the use of her Husband if shee shall survive me item I give to Mr John Caine Phisitian and to Jane his Wife my second sister all my Bookes and Instruments of Phisick and of Chirurgery and my costly Teliscope which for the rareity and curiosity was valued at forty pounds Sterling and all my Optic glasses and two of my best swords and my two best paire and cases of Pistolls Item I desire and doe hereby appoint and nominate my youngest Sister Margaret Beale to be my sole Executrix to whom I doe hereby give and beqeathall the rest of my Goods Lands Chattells and my whole Estate the foremenconed Legacies being only paid And I doe hereby declare and require that all other my Wills formerly made or pretended to be made formerly be now and for ever hence forth reversed utterly abollished made void and Null In witnesse whereof I have put my name with my hand to these two annexed halfe sheets and my seale at present both to this paper and to the Labells on the top Given this third of March in the yeare opf our Lords nativity according to the computacon of the Church of England One thousand six hundred seaventy and five Item I hereby declare and my will is and my last request That if it should soe happen that my second Sister Margaret should dye without issue before my decease That in such case my Sister Jane Came should be my sole Executrix and have all the benefit before express'd and intended for my sister Margarett And if it should soe happen that my Sister Jane Came should dye before my decease that in uch case my Sister Jane Cames Daughter Jane shall be my sole Executrix and enjoy the whole benefit declared or intended for my Sister Margaret Beale Signed and sealed the day above written

John Beale

In the presence of

John Beale Senior     John Came    Constance Gardner her marke

Transcribed by Bob Osborn