The Document Chest
The 1701 will of Eleazer Johnson
Gentleman Soldier
In the Name of God Amen
I Eleazer Johnson now of Yeovill in the County of Somersett Gent Soldier
under Captain
Francis Byng
Esq[uire] in the
Earle of Oxfords
Regiment of
Horse being sick
and weak in body
but of sound
perfect mind and
memory thanks be
therefore given
to Almighty
[inserted =
~/~/~ ] do make
and ordaine this
to be my last
Will and
Testament First
and principally
I commend my
Soul into the
hands of
Almighty God
hopeing through
the merits death
and passion of
Jesus Christ my
Saviour to have
and receive full
and free pardon
& forgiveness of
all my Sins And
as for my
worldly goods as
it hath pleased
Almighty God to
bestow upon me I
give and dispose
of them ~//~ as
Imp[rimi]s I
give and devise
to my brother
Johnson living
at Richmond
Schoolmaster the
Sume of twenty
shillings to buy
him a gold Ring
Item I give unto
my Sister Hannah
Wine and her
husband twenty
shillings each
to buy them two
Rings Item all
other my goods
chattles debts
and credits
whatsoever I
give and
bequeath unto my
brother John
Johnson whom I
make my sole and
whole Executor
of this my last
Will and
Testament And I
do hereby revoke
dismiss and make
void all former
and other Wills
by me formerly
made And I do
hereby declare
this to be my
last Will and
Testament In
witness whereof
I have hereunto
set my hand and
Seal this
Seaventh ~/~/~
Day of November
[Latin phrase]
One thousand
seaven hundred
and one
Elizar Johnson
Sealed and delivered published and declared as his last Will and Testament
in the presence
of us
Richard Harrison
Proved at London, 1702
Transcribed by Bob Osborn