The Document Chest
1760 Will of John Newman
In the name of God Amen I John Newman of Yeovil being thro the mercy and goodness of God weak in body yet sound in mind and memory Do make this my last Will and Testament Imprimis I humbly bequeath my spirit to God beseaching his gracious acceptance of it and I give my body to be decently buryed in hopes of a Joyful resurrection at the last day Item I give and bequeath unto my Elder brother W[illia]m Newman one guinea in remembrance of me And to my brother Thomas Newman and his Heirs for ever the Acre of Land of mine in Ropeing field and I do appoint him to be my Ex[ecut]or only to pay two Years after my decease five pounds to each of my Two Sisters Mary & Betty Newman And also I give and bequeath to each of my Sisters five pounds which I have in possession directly after my decease In Witness whereof I have ['hereunto' ruled out] set my Hand and Seal this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1760
The mark of John Newman
Witnesses John
Hodges James
Dyer Mary Dyer
at Yeovil, 29
October 1760
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn