The Document Chest
1793 Obligation
From William Lambert White to Mary Bright and others
Obligation W[illia]m L[amber]t White of Yeovil in the Co[unty] of Som[erse]t Gent. to Mary Bright of Yeovil af[oresai]d Spinster and Rob[er]t Man of Lymington in the Co[unty] of Hants and Mariana his Wife (which s[ai]d Mary Bright & Mariana Man are the [inserted = surviving] joint [word illegible] named in the last will of Sarah Bright late of Yeovil aforesaid Spinster dec[eas]ed in the sum of Eight hund[re]d pounds Date 18th June 1793.
The condition of
this obliga[tion]
is such That if
the above
bounden W L
White his H[eir]s
A[ssign]s Adm[inistrator]s
or either of
them shall & do
well & truly pay
or cause to be
p[ai]d unto the
above named Mary
Bright Rob[er]t
Man & Mariana
his Wife or any
or either of
them their or
any or either of
their he[ir]s
or Assigns the
full Sum of 400£
with int[erest]
for the same
[inserted = from
the 5th day of
May last] (at
the rate of 4£ &
ten shillings by
the hundred by
the year) of
good & L[awful]
money of G[rea]t
Brit[ain] (being
the same sum
which is ment[ione]d
to be the
unknown] of a
certain Ind[enture]
of [contraction
unknown] bearing
date the fifth
day of May 179+1
made between Edw[ar]d
Boucher of
Yeovil ad[oresai]d
Gent. of the one
part and the s[ai]d
Sarah Bright of
the S[econd]
part without
[P?} and or
further delay
Then this obliga[tion]
to be void & of
none effect or
else to remain
in full force &
Sealed & Deliv[ere]d
(being first
duty stamed) in
the presence of
C Moyle
John Ashby
Transcribed by Bob Osborn
From my collection