the document chest
1800 will of Elizabeth Orchard
This is the last Will
and Testament of me Elizabeth Orchard now residing at Yeovil in the County
of Somerset
Spinster I give
and bequeath
Shorland of
Yeovil in the
County of
Somerset Surgeon
Lambert White of
the same place
Gentleman all
and singular my
Personal Estate
whatsoever and
wheresoever to
hold to them
their Executors
and Assigns upon
nevertheless to
pay the Dividend
Interest and
Produce of my
said Personal
Estate unto my
mother Hannah
now the wife of
John Godsall for
and during the
term of her
natural life and
from and after
her decease Then
In Trust to pay
the Dividend
Interest and
Produce of my
said Personal
Estate unto the
said John
Godsall for and
during the term
of his natural
life in Case he
will survive his
said wife and
from and
after the death
of the said John
Godsall and
Hannah his wife
Then In Trust to
pay and apply
the Dividend
Interest and
Produce of of my
said Personal
Estate in and
towards the
Maintenance and
for the use and
benefit of my
godson Francis
May son of John
May of the City
of London
Cordwainer until
the said Francis
May shall attain
the age of
twenty one years
and on his
attaining the
said age of
twenty one years
Then In Trust to
pay assign and
transfer my said
Personal Estate
to the said
Francis May his
and Assigns But
in Case the said
Francis May
shall happen to
die under the
age of
twenty-one years
Then In Trust to
pay assign and
transfer my said
Personal Estate
unto the said
John May his
and Assigns and
I do a point the
said Thomas
Shorland and
William Lambert
White Executors
of this my said
Will In Trust
for the purposes
aforesaid and I
declare this to
be my last Will
and Testament
and do revoke
all others by me
at any time
heretofore made
In Witness
whereof I have
hereunto set my
hand and seal
this third day
of March in the
year of our Lord
One thousand
eight hundred
Eliz. Orchard
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testatrix as and for her
last will and
Testament in the
presence of us
who at her
request in her
presents and in
the presence of
each other have
subscribe our
names as
Nathan Sydenham
I the above named Elizabeth Orchard do declare this to be a Codicil to my
last will above
written and to
direct it to be
taken as part
thereof I give
and bequeath my
brown Silk Gown
to Jenny Winsor
Sister to John
Godsall my Silk
Gown and
Petticoat to
Susanna [Shaw ?]
of Yeovill
spinster and my
Striped Silk
Gown to Mary
Hodges of
Yeovill Spinster
and I confirm my
said will in
every other
respect Witness
my hand the said
third day of
March 1800
Eliz. Orchard
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testatrix as a codicil to
her last will in
the presence of
us who at her
request in her
presence and in
the presence of
each other have
subscribe our
names as
Nathan Sydenham
This Will was proved at London with a codicil the nineteenth day of September in the
year of our Lord
One thousand
eight hundred
before the Right
Honourable Sir
William Wynne
Knight Doctor of
Laws Master
Keeper or
Commissary of
the Prerogative
Court of
constituted by
the Oaths of
Thomas Shorland
and William
Lambert White
the Executors
named in the
said Will to
of all and
singular the
Goods Chattels
and Credits of
the deceased was
granted having
been first sworn
by Commission
duly to
Transcribed by Bob Osborn