The Document Chest

1820 Will of John Isaac



This is the last Will and Testament of me John Isaac of the parish of Yeovil in the County of Somerset do dispose of my property in manner and form following that is to say it is my Will that my Grandson John Isaac Tavenor shall be my whole and sole Executor of all the Lands and Houses I am possessed of in the Town of Yeovil aforesaid I give and bequeath unto my Wife Elizabeth Isaac my Estate at Batcombe in the County of Dorset for her life provided my Interest in the same shall long continue I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lydia Tavenor my Estate at Montacute in the County of Somerset and my Estate at Thornford in the County of Dorset to be at her own disposal and that her Receipt alone from time to time shall be a sufficient discharge liable to no debts that her Husband Thomas Tavenor may Contract I give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Isaac Tavenor my [Boomroom?] and a Chest of Drawers I give and bequeath all my Household Goods Furniture and Chattels unto my Daughter Lydia Tavenor for her whole and sole use I give and bequeath unto my Wife Elizabeth Isaac three hundred pounds now in the hands of her Brother Samuel Pitman with the Interest due thereon I also give unto my Wife Elizabeth Isaac an half pint Silver Tankard I give and bequeath unto my  Grandchildren Mary and Sarah Tavenor forty pounds now deposited at the Yeovil old Bank to be divided between them share and share alike In Witness whereof I the said John Isaac have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 5th day of September in the year of our Lodr 1820

John Isaac

Signed Sealed published delivered by the said John Isaac as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto

Samuel Randall Surgeon     John Neal     Lawrence Roberts


On the 27th Feb 1821 Adm[inisrtrati]on with the Will ann[exe]d of the Goods Chattels & Credits of John Isaac late of Yeovil in the Co[unty] of Somerset Yeoman dec[ease]d was granted to Lydia Tavernor [inserted margin note = Tavenor in the Will written] Wife of Thomas Tavernor the natural lawful & only Child of the dec[eas]ed having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to adm[iniste]r No Ex[ecut]or or Resid[ua]l Legatee being named in the s[ai]d Will & Elizabeth Isaac W[ido]w the Relict hav[ein]g first renounced



Transcribed by Bob Osborn