The Document Chest

1849 will of Ambrose garratt



Very little is known of Ambrose Garratt (1794-1851). Although in his will he described himself as a gentleman, the 1841 census shows that he was a 47-year-old woolstapler living in Belmont with his 55-year-old wife Ann. Neither were born in Somerset, although the census shows that his younger brother Ephraim (b1796) was. From his will, it would appear that Ambrose and Ann did not have children.


1849 will of Ambrose Garratt


This is the last Will of me Ambrose Garratt of Yeovil in the County of Somerset Gentleman I give and bequeath unto my sister Lucy Griffin Widow the sum of three hundred and a fifty pounds to be paid to her within six calendar months after my decease which legacy shall be accepted by my said sister in full discharge of all monies due and owing from me to her at the time of my decease I give and bequeath unto John Hammond and Cuthbert Raymond of Yeovil aforesaid Glove manufacturers the sum of three hundred pounds sterling Upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to invest the same at interest on security of freehold leasehold or copyhold property in England or otherwise in some or one of the publik stocks of funds of Great Britain and to pay out of the said principal sum and interest unto my brother Ephraim Garratt the sum of twenty pounds per annum by weekly monthly quarterly or half yearly installments as my said trustees shall in their discretion think best and after the decease of my said brother Ephraim I declare that the said principal sum of three hundred pounds or so much thereof as shall then remain unappropriated as aforesaid shall be paid to and equally divided by my said trustees amongst the then surviving children of my said brother Ephraim I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Ann Garratt the sum of three hundred pounds sterling I devise all mortgage and trust estates vested in me unto the said John Hammond his heirs and assigns subject nevertheless to the equities affecting the same I bequeath all the Residue of my Personal Estate unto my said dear wife And I appoint the said John Hammond Executor of this my will I revoke all former wills In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand on the sixteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty nine

Ambrose Garratt

Signed by the said testator in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

J T Vining Solr Yeovil    Jno Rodber his Clerk


Proved at London 14th March 1851 before the Judge by the oath of John Hammond the sole executor to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first sworn by Com[misi]on duly to administer



Transcribed by Bob Osborn