yeovil at War
Douglas Drysdale Marnie
Died of pneumonia during training
Douglas Drysdale Marnie was born on 5 June 1900 at Denniston, Glasgow, Scotland. He was the elder son of clothier's assistant James Adam Marnie (1873-1937) and Alice née Drysdale (b1873).
At some point, Douglas moved to Yeovil and became a pupil at the works of the Goldcroft Glove Company in Eastland Road.
Douglas enlisted on 10 May 1918, giving his occupation as a glove manufacturer. He became a Private 2nd Class at the Royal Air Force Recruits Depot with the Service Number 176104.
The Royal Air Force was founded on 1 April 1918, towards the end of the Great War by merging the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.
Sadly, at the training depot in Kent, Douglas caught influenza which developed into acute pneumonia. He died at St John's Hospital, Hastings, on 4 July 1918. He was 18½ years old.
The Glasgow Herald reported on 8 July 1918 in its 'Deaths on Service' section "MARNIE.- At St John's Hospital, Hastings, on 4th July, of acute pneumonia, Cadet Douglas Drysdale Marnie, R.A.F., aged 18, elder son of James A and Alice Marnie, 16 Morley Street, Langside. Funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 3pm to Cathcart Cemetery; friends desirous of attending kindly intimate to Messrs Wylie & Lochhead, Union Street."
In its edition of 12 July 1918 the Western Gazette reported "News has been received with regret by his many friends in the town of the death of Cadet Douglas Marnie, R.A.F., whose parents reside in Scotland, and which took place at a training centre from pneumonia following influenza. The late Mr Marnie, who was 181/2 years of age, had lived in the town for some time, and was a pupil at the works of the Goldcroft Glove Company. He was actively connected with the Congregational Church, having been assistant secretary to the Sunday School and a lieutenant in the Cadet Company.
The following
week the Western
Gazette reported
"A memorial
service to the
late Cadet
Douglas Marnie,
R.A.F., was held
in the Princes
Church on Sunday
morning. The
deceased was a
keen worker with
the B.B. Cadets
as a lieutenant
of the Company,
and was also the
Sunday School
secretary and a
Worker in the
Young People’s
Society. There
was a large and
including the
1st, 2nd and 3rd
Yeovil Boys’
Companies, the
Baptist Girls’
Life Brigade and
the Girl Guides.
music was played
and suitable
hymns sung, and
during the
service the Rev.
R Newell
alluded to the
following who
had been
associated with
the Boys’
Brigade, and who
had given their
lives for their
country:- Bert
Norman, Harry
(lieutenant of
the Company),
Clarence Tucker,
Harry Holland,
Purchase, Ernest
Gatehouse and
Frank Ostler.
Brought up in
the home of the
Boys’ Brigade
movement - he
had been member
of one of the
companies in
Glasgow - and
valued it very
much, not only
because of the
drill, but
because it was
of a religious
foundation and
character, and
aimed to make
strong Christian
men of the boys
who were
associated with
it. He (the rev.
gentleman) was
sorry that the
Boys’ Brigade
had changed its
name to become
the Cadet Corps,
but he hoped
that the Cadet
Corps would
never change its
character, but
that it would
always remain a
movement, and so
long as the
appointed its
officers it
would be so.
Douglas Marnie was interred in Cathcart Cemetery, Glasgow - Grave Q.618 - and his name is recorded on the War Memorial in the Borough.