Penny's Hill
Penny's Hill
A hillside field within the Manor of Hendford
Penny's Hill (Parcel 809) was a large, steep-sided field, falling east to west, within the Manor of Hendford. It was bounded on the west by the Ninesprings Stream and forms the eastern bank and the hill behind of that stream for about half its lower length. Now a managed mixed woodland, it forms a part of the Yeovil Country Park.
In his will of 1797, banker Samuel Daniell (3) wrote "...I give and devise the Lands which I purchased of the late Mr Helyar now Occupied by Edw[ar]d Curtis called Pennys Hill...".
At the time of the 1846 Tithe Apportionment, Penny's Hill was owned by the Rev. Edward Hansford Daniell and let to John Brook the Elder (from c1810 to 1846) followed by John Brook the Younger (from 1847 to 1854), who famed it as part of Aldon Farm. It was, perhaps surprisingly, recorded as pasture for grazing livestock and measured 11a 3r 10p.
For details on historic land measurement (ie acres, roods and perches) click here.
This map, based on the descriptions in the 1589 Terrier and the 1846 Tithe Map of Yeovil shows the approximate boundaries of the Manors of Kingston and Hendford as well as the manorial three-field system used in Kingston.
The 1842 Tithe Map showing the Aldon area and the parcels of Aldon Farm shaded light green. Penny's Hill (Parcel 809) is at the top right. Although unshaded, in 1846 it formed part of Aldon Farm.