A 16th century field, now part of the trading estate
Tistlemoor, also known as Distlemoor and Ditchelmoor, is a dialectic corruption for thistle, so the field name actually means Thistle Moor. The 1842 Tithe Map shows Thistlemoor running south from Little Lyde and the 1846 Tithe Apportionment noted Parcel "870 In Thistlemoor, meadow." This, when combined with two fields slightly further south (Distlemoor and Mark's Mead or Distlemoor) may indicate that the original medieval Ditchelmoor / Thistlemoor ran alongside the River Yeo all the way from London Road (today's Sherborne Road) as far as the stream south of Reckless Lake. The 1589 Terrier indicates the three great fields - west, middle and east - as shown on the map below, "Eastfields from Meadway Gate the lower part of the way, unto Reckless gate and from thence to the great river and up to Yeo. Bridge being Ditchelmore.... "
In 1794 Wyndham Harbin (2) of Newton Surmaville sold Thistlemoor, with several other plots of land, to William Row of Wick, near Sherborne, Dorset (see Indenture below). At the time of the sale, Jane Whiffen was the tenant of Thistlemoor.
In his will of 1828, William Row stated ".... all that Close of Meadow Ground called Thistle Moor containing five acres and a quarter more or less which I purchased of Wyndham Harbin Esquire....". The 1846 Tithe Apportionment noted that Thistlemoor (Parcel 870) was owned by John Tanner Whiteley Pitcher (son of William Row) and the tenant was John Brooks Jnr. The Apportionment recorded that it was used as meadow for growing hay and measured 4a 0r 10p.
Thistlemoor was bounded on the northwest by East Beachams Close (Parcels 872 and 873) and Grubbins (Parcel 874), on the southwest by Thompson's Close (Parcel 869), on the southeast by the River Yeo and on the northeast by Drang (Parcel 871).
Until relatively recently the western end of the former Thistlemoor was used as allotments but today is occupied by buildings of the industrial estate. The railway runs through the middle of the former field and the northern tip of the sewage treatment works occupies the eastern end.
For details on historic land measurement (ie acres, roods and perches) click here.
This map, based on the descriptions in the 1589 Terrier and the 1846 Tithe Map of Yeovil shows the approximate boundaries of the Manors of Kingston and Hendford as well as the manorial three-field system used in Kingston.
A map of the great medieval East Field of Kingston Manor showing conjectured locations of several fields based on descriptions in the 1589 Terrier.
This map is based on the 1842 Tithe Map with field names chiefly added from the 1846 Tithe Apportionment. Thistlemoor, at centre, is marked Parcel 870.
The 1842 Tithe Map superimposed (roughly) over a modern street map. Bearing in mind the relatively primitive surveying equipment of the 1840s they weren't all that far out.
The 1927 Ordnance Survey showing the whole of the Pen Mill - Lyde Lane area.
A modern aerial photograph 'borrowed' from Google Maps with the approximate boundaries of Thistlemoor (Parcel 870) outlined in red.
1794 Indenture - Sale of Thistlemoor
This Indenture
made the tenth
Day of October
and in the Year
of our Lord one
thousand seven
hundred and
Ninety four
Wyndham Harbin
of Newton Sur
Mavil within the
Parish of Yeovil
in the County of
Somerset Esquire
of the one Part
and William Row
of Wick within
the Parish of
Bradford in the
County of Dorset
Gentleman of the
other part
that for and in
Consideration of
the Sum of five
shillings of
good and lawful
Money of Great
Britain to the
said Wyndham
Harbin in hand
paid by the said
William Row at
or before the
Sealing and
Delivery of
these Presents
the Receipt
whereof is
acknowledged He
the said Wyndham
bargained and
sold And by
these Presents
bargain and sell
unto the said
William Row his
and Assigns All
that Close of
Meadow or
Pasture Ground
called Thistle
Moor containing
by Estimation
five Acres and a
quarter (be the
same more of
less) situate
lying and being
within the
Parish of Yeovil
aforesaid and
now in the
Possession of
Jane Whiffen
And also
that Piece or
Parcel of Arable
Land lying upon
Lowse in the
East Field of
Kingston Juxta
Yeovil aforesaid
containing by
Estimation one
Acre (be the
same more or
less) having the
Land of Mr
Prowse on the
East Side and
the Land of the
said William Row
on the West Side
And also
that Piece or
Parcel of Arable
Land lying also
upon Lowse under
late Jeremiah
Hayne's Hedge
containing by
Estimation half
an acre (be the
same more or
less) And also
all that Piece
or Parcel of
Arable Land
lying in a Close
called Settlings
in the same East
Field containing
by Estimation
half an acre (be
the same more or
less) having the
Land of the late
Mr Lockyer on
the East Side
and the Land of
the said Mr
Prowse on the
West Side And
also all those
two acres of
Arable Land
lying towards
Lide in Yeovil
Between the Land
of the said Mr
Lockyer on the
North Side and
the Land of the
said Mr Prowse
on the South
Side all which
said Pieces or
Parcels of
Arable Land are
now in the
possession of
the said William
Row And all
Woods Underwoods
Trees Pastures
Feedings Commons
Ways Paths
Passages Waters
whatsoever to
the said Close
Pieces or
Parcels of Land
and Premises or
any of them or
any Part or
Parcel thereof
belonging or in
any wise
appertaining And
the Reversion
and Reversions
Remainder and
yearly and other
Rents Issues and
Profits thereof
To have
and to hold
the Close of
Meadow or
Pasture Ground
and the several
Pieces or
Parcels of
Arable Land and
Premises hereby
bargained and
sold or
mentioned or
intended so to
be and every
Part and parcel
thereof with the
unto the said
William Row his
and Assigns from
the day next
before the Day
of the Date of
these Presents
for and during
and unto the
full End and
Term of one
whole year from
thence next
ensuing and
fully to be
complete and
Yielding and
therefore the
yearly Rent of
one Pepper Corn
at the
Expiration of
the said Term if
the same shall
be lawfully
demanded To the
End Intent and
Purpose that by
Virtue of these
Presents and of
the Statute made
for transferring
Uses into
Possession the
said William Row
may be in the
Possession of
the said
Premises and
thereby be
enabled to
accept and take
a Grant and
Release of the
Reversion and
Inheritance of
the same
Premises and of
every Part and
parcel thereof
to the said
William Row his
Heirs and
Assigns for ever
in and by one
other Indenture
already prepared
and intended to
bear date the
day next after
the Day of the
Date of these
Presents and to
be made between
the said Wyndham
Harbin of the
one Part and the
said William Row
of the other
Part In
whereof the said
parties to these
Presents have
hereunto set
their Hands and
Seals the Day
and Year first
above written
Wyndham Harbin
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn
The 1794 indenture selling Thistlemoor to William Row by Wyndham Harbin (2).
Wyndham Harbin's seal and signature on the indenture dated 10 October 1794.