The Document Chest

22 February 1833 - Indenture

Lease for a Year - Four Houses and Land at Addlewell


For the preceding Indenture of 20 June 1832, with associated maps - click here.
For the preceding Indenture of 6 December 1832, with associated maps - click here.

Again, it is very difficult to ascertain exactly which parcel of land is under discussion here, since land ownership records of this period are very scarce. Below is an extract of a map, by Edward Bullock Watts, the official Town Surveyor of Yeovil, dated 1831.


It is thought that the triangular area of land shaded turquoise is that parcel of land sold for the erection of four houses discussed in the indenture of 6 December 1832 and the subject of this indenture.


The indenture of 22 February 1833


This Indenture made the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty three Between John Lawrence late of Weymouth in the County of Dorset but now of Harrow on the Hill in the County of Middlesex Gentleman of the one part and the Reverend Henry Brown Newman of Babcary in the County of Somerset Clerk and Robert Leach of Martock in the said County of Somerset Gentleman of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful British money current in England to the said John Lawrence in hand paid by the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said John Lawrence Hath Bargained and sold And by these presents Doth Bargain and sell unto the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach their executors administrators and assigns All that plot piece or parcel of ground situate lying and being upon Addlewell within the parish of Yeovil in the said County of Somerset containing in length from east to west towards the south sixty eight feet and towards the north sixty eight feet and in breadth from north to south towards the east seventy two feet and towards the west sixty nine feet and (be the same respectively a little more less) bounded on the east or north east by premises lately belonging to William Nossiter on the west by premises belonging to [space] King on the north and north west by Lands of Peter Daniell Esquire and on the south by a New Road lately laid out by the said Peter Daniell leading from Hendford to Back Street. And also all those four several messuages or dwellinghouses lately erected on the said Plot of Ground last mentioned And also all that other plot piece or parcel of ground lying opposite to and in front of the said four several messuages or dwelling houses so erected and built on the said plot of ground last hereinbefore described as aforesaid containing in length from east to west sixty eight feet and in breadth from north to south towards the east and forty four feet and towards the west forty one feet bounded on the north by the said New Road on the South by premises belonging to [space] Prowse Esquire and on the East and West by lands of the said Peter Daniell Together with all and singular the Houses Outhouses edifices buildings ways paths passages waters watercourses rights easements privileges members and appurtenances whatsoever to the said several Messuages or Dwelling houses Gardens Plots of Ground and hereditaments hereinbefore described and hereby Bargained and Sold or to any of them or any part or parcel thereof respectively belonging or in any wise appertaining And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof respectively To have and to hold the said several Messuages or Dwelling houses Gardens Plots of Ground Hereditaments and Premises hereinbefore described and intended to be hereby Bargained and Sold and every part and parcel thereof respectively with their and every of their several and respective rights members and appurtenances unto the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach their executors administrators and assigns from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during and unto the full and end and term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and Paying therefore unto the said John Lawrence his heirs or assigns the rent of one Pepper corn on the last day of the said term (if the same shall be lawfully demanded) To the intent and purpose that by virtue of these presents and by force of the Statute made for transferring uses into possession they the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach may be in the actual possession of all and singular the Premises hereby bargained and sold or expressed or intended so to be with their and every of their several and respective rights members and appurtenances and may thereby be enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of the freehold reversion and inheritance of the same unto the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach their heirs and assigns To such uses Upon such trusts and for such end is intents and purposes as our expressed and declared in and buy a certain Indenture of Release already prepared for execution and intended to bear date the day next after the day of the date of these presents and made between the said John Lawrence of the first part John Leach of Martock in the said County of Somerset Gentleman and Edwin Newman of Yeovil will in the same County Gentleman of the second part and the said Henry Brown Newman and Robert Leach of the third part In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written

Signature and seal of John Lawrence 



Transcribed by Bob Osborn




One of the last houses in Park Street before it merged into Belmont. Photographed in the 1960s. It is quite likely that the short run of cottages at the right of this photo are the "four Messuages or Dwelling Houses... lately erected".


From my collection

The 22 February 1833 indenture for lease for one year of houses and land at Addlewell.