chantries of St John's church


Of the Church of St John the Baptist


The following list of chantry values and benefactors is from the Survey and Rental of Somerset Chantries as returned 2 Edward VI (1548).

(Amounts are shown as £ s d, not in Latin)


The Chauntrie of the Trynytie founded w[ith[in the parishe churche ther
In yerely
worthe in
  Landes ten[amen]ts and hereditam[en]ts of sondery p[er]sones as maye appere p[ar]ticulerly more at large by the rentall of the same   £11 11s 0d
    Whereof in    
    Rents resolute paide yerely to sondery p[er]sones   6s 0d
    And so    
    Remaynethe clere   £11 5s 0d
Plate and ornam[en]ts   Plate none    
    Ornaments praysed at   15s 8d
Memord   Henty Lyrbecke clerke of the age of 1 yeres incumbent ther, of honest conversation, and a good singinge man    

The Chauntrie of our lady foundyd w[ith]in the same churche
In yerely
worthe in
  Landes ten[amen]ts and hereditam[en]ts of sondery p[er]sones as maye appere p[ar]ticulerly more at large by the rentall of the same   £12 11s 2d
    Whereof in    
    Rents resolute paide yerely to sondery p[er]sones   11s 4d
    And so    
    Remaynethe clere   £11 19s 10d
Plate and ornam[en]ts   A chalice of silv[er] gilte wayinge 15 oz    
    Ornamentes praysed at   27s 4d
Memord   John Whitewell clerke of thage of 47 yeres incu[m]bent ther    
    One burgage scituate in Highestrete in the tenure of Gyles Hacker at the yearly rent   13s 4d
    p[ar]cell of this value aforesaid is graunted to this chauntrie but for terme of 24 yeres begynnyng as michelmas ano R.Rs.E. 4th octavo as appereth by a dede therof seen and remaynyng    

The Chauntrie of the name of Jesus foundyd w[ith]in the sayde Churche
In yerely
worthe in
  Landes ten[amen]ts and hereditam[en]ts of sondery p[er]sones as maye appere p[ar]ticulerly more at large by the rentall of the same   £8 7s 6d
    Whereof in    
    Rents resolute paide yerely to sondery p[er]sones   3s 0d
    And so    
    Remaynethe clere   £8 4s 6d
Plate and ornam[en]ts   Plate none    
    Ornamentes praysed at   22s 5d
Memord   William Harvy clerke of the age of 56 yeres incu[m]bent ther    

The Chauntrie of the Holy Crosse foundyd w[ith]in the sayde paryshe Churche
In yerely
worthe in
  Landes ten[amen]ts and hereditam[en]ts of sondery p[er]sones as maye appere p[ar]ticulerly more at large by the rentall of the same   £8 15s 8d
    Whereof in    
    Rents resolute paide yerely   13s 6d
    And so    
    Remaynethe clere   £8 2s 2d
Plate and ornam[en]ts   A chalice of silv[er] gilte wayinge 13 oz    
    Ornamentes praysed at   19s 2d
Memord   William Trevylyan clerke of thage of 60 yeres incumbent ther    

The Chapell or personage of Pytney al Mershe or Kyngton
In yerely
worthe in
  All the tythes as well great as small to the saide chapellor p[ar]sonage belonging, one yere w[ith] an other   £6 0s 0d
Plate and ornam[en]ts   None    
Memord Laurence Orcharde clerke incu[m]bent ther who receyveth the hole proffects of the same as his p[ar]sonage
    P[ar]takers of the Lordes Holy Soop ther 30 p[er]sones    
    The chapell is utterly decayde and fallen downe longe ago and the saide inhabitaunts resorte alwayes to the paryshe churche of Yevill aforesaide for dyvine s[erv]ice and other mynistracon to be had for the w[hi]ch the foresaide incu[m]bent alwayes from tyme to tyme compoundeth and agreyth w[ith] the vicar or curat of Yevill for the tyme being    
    The p[ar]sonage ther is in the Kings graces handes    
    The vicarage id of the yerely value of £18 whereof John Symmes clerke is nowe incu[m]bent who findeth one priest besydes himself to helpe to mynister    
    Partakers of the Lordes Holy Soop ther 726 p[er]sones    
    There is a poore Almoshouse w[hi[ch hathe great nede of relief and aucmentacon of lyving    
    There is a chapell scituate w[ith]in the churche yarde of Yevill [word illegible] w[ith] leade contaynyng by estimacon nighe one fooder praysed wothe to be solde £4 w[hi]ch thenhabitaunts ther desire to have for a scolehouse    
    The towne is a great market Towne and a thoroughe faire    



The Chantry of the Holy Trinity within the parish church there

[blank] holds the dwelling house there with a garden and renders per ann[um] 6s 8d
Lionel Carter holds by indenture a burgage there with a garden and an orchard adjacent containing by estimation 2 acres and 44 acres and a half of arable land there and renders per annum 33s 4d
Thomas Pynne holds by indenture a tenement in Kingestone juxta Yevill with a garden and an orchard adjacent containing by estimation half an acre and two closes of pasture containing 16 acres and 27 acres of arable land and renders per annum 28s 0d
John Pynne holds by indenture a cottage in Kingeston aforesaid with a garden and an orchard adjacent containing 3 rods of land and 7 acres of arable land there and renders per annum 12s 0d
Richard Hacker holds by indenture half a rofeles [ie roofless] tenement there with an orchard containing an acre and 17 acres and a half of arable land and renders per annum 16s 0d
The same holds two burgages lying in Quedamstrete with a garden to the same appertaining and renders per annum 12d
John Locke holds by indenture a burgage with a garden and 4 acres of arable land and renders per annum 5s 4d
Thomas Erlyche holds a burgage with a garden and 3 acres and a half of arable land and renders per annum 6s 0d
Stephen Trent holds a burgage with a garden there and renders per annum 9s 4d
John Pytman holds a burgage with a garden an acre of meadow and 9 acres of arable land and renders per annum 12s 0d
John Whitby holds a garden in Southtreete and renders per annum 4d
William Hayne holds by indenture a burgage with a garden and a close of pasture containing 2 acres and 4 acres of arable land and renders per annum 12s 0d
John Dowrede holds 8 acres of land and pasture lying in Swyncombe within the manor of Kingeston and renders per annum 16d
William Woodhele holds a garden in Pytlane and renders per annum 8d
William Bere holds a burgage with a close of pasture containing 4 acres and renders per annum 8s 0d
Isabella Welfare widow holds a burgage of Inn with certain curtilages called the Bell and renders per annum 33s 4d
Alexander Yonge holds two burgages there with appurtenances and renders per annum 8s 8d
William Delegryse holds a cottage with a garden and 6 acres of arable land and renders per annum 8s 0d
Thomas Lye holds a cottage with a garden and 3 acres of arable land and renders per annum 8s 0d
Thomas Gromes holds a burgage with a garden there and renders per annum 20d
Jone Marshe (late William Foche) holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 3s 4d
John Hotkins (late John Wolfe) holds a burgage and a garden and renders per annum 4s 0d
Robert Grobyn (late John Parker) holds a cottage with 12 acres of land and pasture and renders per annum
12s 0d
Total -  £11 11s 0d  
Deduct in -  
Rent resolute to the Lady the Queen for free rent of premises per annum 3s 0d
Rent resolute to William Caraunt Knight for free rent per annum 16d
Rent resolute to the Rector of Yevill for free rent per annum 8d
Total - 5s 0d  
And remains over per annum - £11 6s 0d

The Chantry of the blessed Mary the virgin within the parish church there

[blank] holds the dwelling house and renders per annum 3s 0d
Hugh Cogan holds a tenement and a cottage with a garden there and renders per annum 10s 8d
The same holds a garden in Southstrete with a virgate of meadow and 3 virgates of arable land and renders per annum 2s 8d
William Hayne holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 6s 8d
William Slape holds a tenement with a garden and 3 acres and a half of arable land and renders per annum 20s 0d
The same holds a barn and a garden in Quedam strete and renders per annum 5s 0d
Phillip Cromell holds a burgage with a garden lying in Grope Lane and renders per annum 6s 0d
John Parker holds a burgage in South strete with a garden and 3 acres and a half of arable land and renders per annum 3s 0d
John Hacker junior holds a toft [see Glossary] burgage there lying in South strete and renders per annum 20d
Walter Parker holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 9s 6d
Mathew Abrell holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 10s 0d
John Hacker senior holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 13s 4d
Walter Hasarde holds a cottage with a garden and 2 acres of arable land and renders per annum 6s 8d
John Jenys holds a burgage and a stable with a garden and renders per annum 8s 8d
John Fyssher holds a burgage with a curtilage there and renders per annum 8s 0d
John Whytbye holds a burgage with a garden and orchard adjacent by estimation 3 virgates of land and renders per annum 16s 0d
John Marchaunt holds at the will of the lord a garden and renders per annum 8d
Nicholas Donne holds a stable in Gropelane and renders per annum 3s 4d
James Donne holds a cottage with a garden and half an acre of arable land and renders per annum 4s 0d
James Spede holds two burgages and a cottage with two gardens there and renders per annum 25s 0d
Joan Walter widow holds a cottage with a garden there and renders per annum 8s 0d
Alice Evered widow holds by indenture an Inn or tenement called the Angell with a close of pasture containing 2 acres and two pieces of meadow with 3 virgates of arable land also a cottage with a garden and 4 acres and a half of arable land to the same pertaining  and renders per annum 66s 8d
William Whytenoll holds a cottage with a garden and renders per annum 5s 0d
John Wyatt holds a cottage with an orchard adjacent containing half an acre of land and renders per annum 4s 0d
John Styckelynche holds a burgage and a garden and renders per annum 5s 0d
Giles Hacker holds a burgage situate in High Street there by divers persons by deed given to the use of the Chantry aforesaid for the term of eighty years beginning at the Feast of St Michael archangel in the eighth year of the reign of King Edward IV and renders per annum
13s 4d
Total - £12 11s 2d  
Deduct in -  
Rent resolute to the Earl of Arundell for free rent annually 7s 0d
Money paid annually by the Burgesses of the town of Yevill aforesaid for free rent
3s 4d
Total - 10s 4d  
And remains over per annum - £12 0s 10d  

The Chantry of the name of Jesus within the parish church there

Thomas Kyle holds by indenture the dwelling house of the said Chantry and renders per annum 8s 0d
John Edmonde holds a burgage in the High Street there with appurtenances and renders per annum 16s 0d
Andrew Vauston holds a burgage with appurtenances there and renders per annum 18s 0d
William Stone holds a burgage in Pytlane and renders per annum 13s 4d
The same William Stone holds a tenement and a cottage Kingeston with an orchard containing one acre and one acre of meadow and 23 acres and a half of arable land and renders per annum 22s 0d
William Hayne holds 2 closes and 2 gardens there and renders per annum 4s 0d
The Wardens of the church hold a burgage there called the Corner House and renders per annum 13s 4d
Bartholomew Sewer holds a burgage with appurtenances and renders per annum 26s 8d
Thomas Keyle holds a stable with a garden and renders per annum 2s 0d
Henry Father holds a stable with a garden and renders per annum 2s 0d
The same holds a burgage with a garden and renders per annum 4s 6d
John Howell holds at the will of the lord a burgage there and renders per annum 10s 0d
Edith Thressher holds a cottage with a garden there and renders per annum 4s 0d
John Turnour holds a burgage with a garden there and renders per annum 7s 0d
Robert Hale holds a burgage with a garden in Stoforde and renders per annum 6s 8d
James Meade holds half a tenement rofeles [ie roofless] there with an acre of meadow and 2 little closes containing and acre and 13 acres of arable land and renders per annum
10s 0d
Total - £8 7s 6d  
Deduct in -  
Rent resolute to the Burgesses of Yevill aforesaid for free rent per annum 6d
Rent resolute to William Caraunt Knight for free rent per annum
2s 0d
Total - 2s 6d  
And remains over per annum - £8 5s 0d  

The Chantry of the Holy Cross there

[blank] holds the dwelling house and renders per annum 5s 0d
William Croft holds a tenement or burgage in Estlambroke and renders per annum 40s 0d
The same holds two cottages there and renders per annum 8s 0d
Robert Banton holds a tenement there and renders per annum 8s 0d
Robert Stuckey holds a tenement there and renders per annum 8s 0d
William Pyttarde holds a tenement there and renders per annum 4s 0d
Robert Craft holds a tenement there and renders per annum 5s 0d
Robert Harvye holds a tenement in Galhampton and renders per annum 25s 0d
Robert Brownyng holds a tenement there and renders per annum 13s 0d
Thomas Vele holds a tenement there and renders per annum 13s 4d
John Symes alias Robertes holds a tenement there and renders per annum 10s 0d
Henry Gaylarde holds a tenement in Chilterne Domer and renders per annum 9s 0d
William Stone holds a tenement in Yevill aforesaid and renders per annum 19s 0d
William Mason holds a cottage there at the will of the lord and renders per annum 5s 0d
William Woodhill holds a garden there and renders per annum 6d
Nicholas Donne holds a garden there and renders per annum 10d
Richard Hacker holds 2 acres of arable land there and renders per annum
2s 0d
Total - £8 15s 8d  
Deduct in -  
Rent resolute to [blank] Bonvyle for free rent per annum 3s 0d
Rent resolute to the Canons of Wells for free rent per annum 4d
Rent resolute to the Burgesses of Yevill aforesaid for free rent per annum 3s 0d
Rent resolute to the Lady the Queen for the land in Yevill per annum 6d
Money paid annually the the Provost there for superintending the performance of the Will of the founder as appears by the foundation
6s 8d
Total - 13s 6d  
And remains over per annum - £8 2s 2d  

The Chapel or Rectory of Pytney alias Marshe or Kyngton
within the parish there

[blank] holds all the tithes as well great as small there to the said Chapel or Rectory of Pytney appertaining and renders one year with another £6 0s 0d