the colmer murder trial
the colmer murder trial
As reported in full in the Western Gazette
The Western Gazette, Friday 16 April 1880
Robert Slade Colmer was brought up in custody on Thursday at 1 o'clock, before the Mayor (Mr Edward Raymond) and Messrs HB Phelps, James Curtis and John Curtis. Although it was anticipated that proceedings would be merely formal, the court was crowded.
The Deputy Chief Constable, addressing the Bench, said -- I appear by the direction of the Chief Constable to prosecute in this case. The charge against Robert Slade Colmer is one of the wilful murder of Mary Budge, as we allege on 19 March last, and his wife, Jane Colmer, is also charged with the same offence. With respect to Jane Colmer, a medical certificate is produced from Dr Aldridge to the effect that she is unable to appear here today, and what I propose to do is to ask the magistrates to remand both prisoners until Wednesday next. In the meantime, I shall be able to get up the evidence, and I propose to proceed with the case on Wednesday, provided Madame Colmer is in a fit condition to be removed here. The accused are already detained by us under the Coroner's warrant, which I produce, on the charge of wilful murder. This application for remand is in accordance, I believe, with the wishes of the gentleman who defends the accused. I simply ask for remand till Wednesday next.
Mr Trevor Davies -- I appear for both prisoners, and I entirely agree with the application made by the Deputy Chief Constable for remand. I trust the remand will be granted, and that's no evidence will be tendered. Now, for it would be a pity to cut up the evidence.
The Mayor (to the prisoner in the dock) -- We remand you and your wife until Wednesday next, at 11 o'clock, and if Mrs Colmer is not able to be present then, we must further remand you.
The Deputy Chief Constable -- I must ask the magistrates to bind over verbally two witnesses to appear here on Wednesday.
John Haddy Forster, clerk at Stuckey's Bank, Crewkerne, then entered into his recognizance in the sum of £50 to appear as a witness.
Mark Cheney, the father of Ellen Cheney, servant to Madame Colmer, was called in to be bound for the appearance of the girl. He did not understand the proceedings, and said he could not find £50. He was bound over in the sum named.
Prisoner was taken to the Police court and back to the Police station in a closed fly. He shook hands with one of his sons and several other persons in Court, and to did not manifest the least uneasiness.
The Western Gazette, Friday 23 April 1880
Not since the trial of the persons implicated in the murder of PC Cox has such a scene of excitement been witnessed in and around the Yeovil Police Court as was seen on Wednesday, when Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer (his wife) were charged before the Mayor (Mr E Raymond), and Messrs James Curtis, John Curtis, HB Phelps, and JC Moore, with the wilful murder of Mary Budge (widow of Mr E Budge, solicitor, of Crewkerne), on March 19. The Marketplace and the approaches to the court were crowded, and as the clock struck eleven, and the doors were opened, there was a rush to secure places, which only careful arrangements, enforced by a strong body of police, could regulate. The persons in the body of the court were of the more respectable class, discretion having been wisely exercised in refusing admission to the rougher element. Many persons must have been disappointed, for the space at the disposal of the public is limited.
The magistrates took their seats punctually, but at quarter-past eleven the prisoners had not appeared, and the Clerk (Mr Batten), sent a constable to seek Superintendent Smith, and explained that the Bench were waiting. The policeman returned with the message that they were "waiting for Mrs Colmer." At 11:30 PS Holwill informed the Mayor that the prisoners would be present in about ten minutes. Mr Watts explained that the delay was due to no fault of the police. The Chief Constable was anxious that the proceedings should not commence till both prisoners were present. Soon afterwards the Chief Constable and the Deputy-Chief Constable entered the court, and the Deputy explained that they had experienced difficulty in getting Mrs Colmer ready. It was nearly a 11:45 when the male prisoner was placed in the dock. He was looking well, and did not appear in the least agitated. After the lapse of ten minutes, the Mayor complained of the delay, and Mr Trevor Davies explained that he could not help it. He had done all he could. Mr Superintendent Smith was in charge of Mrs Colmer. He (Mr Davies) believed that when she did appear, her condition would not allow the case proceeding far. Just before twelve two policeman carried Mrs Colmer into the dock in a chair. She appeared utterly helpless, and was attended in the dock by Mrs Crocker and the two Misses Colmer (her three daughters). Quite prostrate, Mrs Colmer leaned on the shoulder of Mrs Crocker.
The Mayor asked if the prosecution had a certificate that the female prisoner was in a fit condition to be present. The Chief Constable handed in a certificate from Dr Turner, of Sherborne. Mr Watts explained that it was thought best to get a certificate from a medical man not residing in the town. The Mayor thought they ought to have had a certificate of the condition of the woman that morning. This certificate was dated the day before. A doctor ought to have seen her that morning. The Clerk thought the Bench would not be justified in acting upon the certificate produced.
The Mayor -- Looking at the
woman now, I
don't think we
The Chief
Constable -- I
have no desire
to hurry on the
case. If the
think we ought
to adjourn for a
week, I have no
Mr Watts said he
had no objection
to an
examination of
Mrs Colmer now
by a medical
man, to see if
she was in a fit
condition to
remain during
the hearing. He
was quite
willing for any
medical man in
the town, except
her son, to give
an opinion upon
her condition.
Would Mr Davies
allowed Dr
Wybrants, the
coroner (who was
in court), to
examine her and
Mr Davies -- No.
Mr Watts -- Dr
Mr Davis -- No.
Mr Watts -- Under
circumstances we
are bound to be
here today.
The Mayor -- Quite
so. As far as I
am concerned, I
should object to
go on with the
unless a
certificate were
produced this
morning. I think
a doctor should
have seen her
one or two hours
before she was
bought here.
(Applause in
Mr Watts -- That
was why every
precaution was
taken. Mr Turner
was consulted
for the very
purpose that a
should be
presented today.
The Mayor -- A
person might be
well yesterday,
but very ill
Mr Davis -- I
think it only
fair to state
that Mrs Colmer
has expressed a
wish to be here
today, if
possible. She
was most anxious
to come. I can
vouch for that.
The Mayor -- We
cannot go on in
the presence of
a dead woman.
Mr Davies said
he should like
to make this
that there was
no necessity to
bring Mrs Colmer
there to remand
her. Any
magistrate could
remand her.
Mr Watts said of
course the Chief
Constable had no
desire, one way
or the other. He
suggested that
the case should
be adjourned for
another week.
Mr Moore said that in the presence of the certificate produced and after what Mr Davies had stated, speaking individually, he was not in favour of an adjournment. If a certificate were produced from a medical man who might have seen Mrs Colmer that morning, to the effect that she was fit to be present, he was in favour of the case being proceeded with. After what they had before them, he was not in favour of an adjournment unless another certificate were produced. Mr Davies said he apprehended that, although a medical man might say that Mrs Colmer was not in danger of her life through being brought there, another question would arise - was she in a fit state to instruct him (Mr Davies)? He said she was not. The Clerk said they must find that out. The Chief Constable remarked that the examination would probably last five or six hours. Mr Davies said that in face of what he had seen that morning, and from what he had been told by Mrs Colmer's daughter, he must say that he did not think it would be fair to his client to go on with the examination. The Mayor said the question was - how long should they adjourn for? Mr Davies said he did not think eight days would be too long. It was then decided to remand the case until Wednesday next, at 11 o'clock.
The Western Gazette, Friday 30 April 1880
The examination of Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer, for the murder of Mary Budge, widow of Mr Edward Budge, solicitor, of Crewkerne, on 19 March, took place at the Town Hall, Yeovil, on Wednesday. The Mayor and ex-Mayor, and Messrs HB Phelps, John Curtis, and JC Moore took their seats punctually at 11 o'clock. The male prisoner was then placed in the dock, and shortly afterwards Mrs Colmer was carried into the court by two constables. She appeared almost helpless, and was attended by a female in the dock. The court was crowded to suffocation, but still there was a great crush for admission, which had to be stopped by the police. Mr S Watts, of Yeovil, appeared to prosecute, and Mr Trevor Davies, of Sherborne, defended the accused. Deputy-Chief Constable Bigood was present. In reply to the Mayor, Dr Turner, of Sherborne, said Mrs Colmer was in a fit condition to be present today.
Mr Watts said in this case he was instructed by the Treasury to prefer against the prisoners the most serious charge known to the law of England - it was that they, by the use of instruments on the person of Mary Budge, with intent to procure abortion, caused her death. That, in law, amounted to nothing short of wilful murder. The facts were very simple and short, and perhaps it would be as well that he should very briefly run through them, so that the magistrates would be better able to judge of the evidence. He believed that the prisoners were herbalists, the female residing in that town, while the male prisoner came they are only on Fridays. It seems that last month Mrs Budge, who had been a widow about two years, resided at Crewkerne. She got into trouble and he believed she was enciente. On March 17, about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the deceased drove from Crewkerne to Yeovil in company with a Mr Forster, a lodger at her house, whom he would call as a witness. Mr Davies, interposing, asks that all witnesses should be out of court. Mr Watts replied they are. That precaution has been taken. The Deputy-Chief Constable ordered any witnesses present to leave.
Mr Watts, resuming, said he would prove by Mr Forster that on arriving at Yeovil shortly after 5 o'clock, on March 17, he walked with the deceased from the Choughs Hotel up South Street and across Union Street, where he left her and saw her enter the prisoner's shop (see photograph below). Mr Forster waited for her in Union Street, and she returned in ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. What took place in the shop of course he could not tell, nor the conversation which passed between the deceased and Mr Forster; he would produce no evidence which was not exactly legal. There had been a coroner's enquiry into the lady's death. Much of the evidence they produced was inadmissible here, but while they would leave out much of that evidence, they were in a position to bring before the Bench now very material and important evidence, which the Coroner never had before him.
After the deceased rejoined Mr Forster in Union Street, she went back again to the prisoner's about 6:30, and was absent about two hours. What took place again could not be told. At any rate, at 8:30 she came back to the Choughs and they drove home together to Crewkerne, the deceased being then in perfect health. Up to that time nothing very important was known. Next day, March 18, Mrs Budge wrote a letter to the female prisoner, and it was addressed outside by the witness Forster "Dr Jane Colmer, Middle Street, Yeovil" and posted by him at the Crewkerne Post Office, on the Thursday afternoon. He had given notice to the other side to produce that letter, but did not know whether his friend would do so. The contents of the letter which he asked for were as follows ---
Mr Davies objected to going into the contents of the letter now. They had much better argue the point when Mr Forster produced it. Mr Watts replied, Well, at any rate, a letter was written by the deceased, and sent to the female prisoner. It was addressed by Forster, and posted to Mrs Colmer, next day - March 19. Mrs Budge (deceased) left Crewkerne in perfect health. She was then in the family way. He should prove, by the evidence of the stationmaster at Crewkerne, that she took a ticket for Yeovil. She was seen by the stationmaster at Yeovil to get out. She got into the Mermaid omnibus, and was put down by the conductor near the residence of Mrs Colmer. He should prove by witnesses that she was seen to enter Mrs Colmer's shop about 12:15 o'clock. A short time after that a servant girl, Ellen Cheney, was sent by the female prisoner in search of the male prisoner, who was at that time at his son-in-law's (Mr Crocker) house. The message was to this effect "Tell your master he is wanted; to come as soon as he can." Previous to this, Ellen Cheney had seen the deceased in the sitting room at Mrs Colmer's shop, sitting on the sofa. When the male prisoner left Mr Crocker's house, he followed the witness Cheney up the street. She went into the kitchen by a side door, and the male prisoner went into the shop. What followed? About 3 o'clock this girl (Cheney) where into the kitchen. She heard the male prisoner shout out in a very loud voice "Mrs Colmer! Mrs Colmer! Come, she has fainted!" Mrs Colmer did come. She was then in the shop. She carried the male prisoner a towel, and then unlocked the door that separated the dining room from the kitchen. The servant girl was out of the house all the afternoon running on errands; but what she knew more was this - that about 7 o'clock in the evening the door which he (Mr Watts) told that was previously locked and was now unlocked; and as she (Cheney) passed that door, to go to the Mermaid for the 'bus, she saw the deceased sitting on the sofa, the female prisoner supporting her. She appeared to be very ill, very weak, and very much distressed. Now in this dining room were two windows. One looked into the shop, and the other into the yard. He should prove that on the day in question the blinds of those windows were drawn down. The door leading from the dining room to the kitchen was locked. Over that door were clear glass panels, and paper was put over them. He would prove that about 3 o'clock a person - a perfect stranger - entered the shop. Groans were heard. The female prisoner went to the dining room door and made a noise with it. The screams then ceased.
About 4 o'clock, Mr Godfrey, who lived next door to the prisoner, went into the shop to speak to him about some alterations to the premises; but he was told by the female prisoner that he could not go into the room, as there was some person in there. A little before 8 o'clock in the evening, deceased was seen to get into the Mermaid omnibus and go down the street. He should prove that when the deceased arrived at Crewkerne - where she left in the morning in perfect health - she was in a terrible state. She expired the next afternoon. What was the cause of her death? It would be clearly proved in fact, to use the words of the doctor, the cause of death was "exhaustion, arising from loss of blood; that the place or organ whence the haemorrhage proceeded was the uterus; and that the cause of such haemorrhage was injury to the internal structure of the uterus by some unnatural and unskillful interference." This was the evidence he should have to adduce.
Now, in this case, he could not call any person who actually saw the act done by the prisoners on the deceased. In all these cases it was difficult to prove cases direct, for this reason - that when a person attempted to procure abortion, they might rest assured that the act would be done when no other person was looking on. But what had they? They had something more important than this; they had a chain composed of links, not one of which was missing. They had evidence to show that the woman left home in the morning in perfect health; they should prove that she went into Colmer's shop; that the blinds were drawn down; that the door was locked; that deceased was at the house that afternoon; that she was seen at 7 o'clock by the servant girl; and how she saying? In a very weak and delicate state. There was another point in this case - that on the day in question the family, who invariably dined in the dining room, did not take their meals in that room; the dinner was laid in the kitchen. These were the principal facts which he should have to lay before them.
Now they knew very well that the prisoners were not on their trial today. It was not for the Bench to say whether the prisoners were or were not guilty of the charge made against them; all they had to do was to satisfy themselves that the evidence was sufficient to put the prisoners on their trial; that there was prima facie evidence to show that they were connected with the death of the deceased that a great crime had been committed there could be no doubt. The grand question was - who caused the death? The magistrates were not asked to state who caused the death; all he (Mr Watts) asked them to do was to say whether the evidence he should produce before them was not sufficiently strong to justify them in committing them for trial at the Assizes. Of course, if they could produce evidence on another occasion, the better it would be for them; the responsibility of returning a verdict would rest with the jury. Mr Watts concluded by remarking that he confidently left the case in the hands of the magistrates.
John Haddy Forster -- in March last I was a clerk in Stuckey's Bank at Crewkerne. I lodged with the deceased, Mary Budge, and had done so since September 1878. On Wednesday, March 17, I accompanied her to Yeovil. I drove her in a pony trap, and we arrived there at about 4:45. She was then very well indeed. I walked through South Street to the top of Union Street, and she went to Madame Colmer's. I saw her go in at the shop door. I saw her ten minutes afterwards in Union Street. We went back to the Choughs, and at 6:30 I went in company of the deceased to Mrs Colmer's. I only went to Union Street with her - left her at the bottom of the street. That is about 50 yards from Mrs Colmer's house. I met deceased again about 8:15 in Union Street by appointment. We went to the Choughs, and then drove home. On the next day - Thursday - deceased wrote a letter to Madame Colmer. I saw that letter, and directed it myself. The address was "Dr Jane Colmer, Middle Street, Yeovil." I posted it myself between four and five o'clock in the afternoon. I read the letter.
Mr Watts asked
for the letter.
Mr Davies -- I
can't produce
it, because we
never received
any such letter
at all. I will
prove it just
Mr Watts -- just
tell the bench
as clearly as
you can what
were the
Mr Davies told the witness not to answer the question. He objected in toto to any such question, because it at once raise the question of receiving secondary evidence of a document not before them. Perhaps that question of law was so abstruse that the magistrates would find some difficulty in coming to a proper conclusion on it. In the authorities it was perfectly clear that before they could give secondary evidence of an alleged document they must prove first that such a document existed, and go further to prove that it had been recently in the hands of the persons who were expected to produce it. It would be absurd to allow the prosecution to say a man must produce this or that document without any proof that it ever came into his possession. The prisoner denied ever having the document, and it was not sufficient, simply on serving a notice to produce an alleged document, that the prosecution should use the most damning literary evidence to connect the prisoners with the crime of murder. It was laid down that there must be some reasonable evidence that the document came into the hands of a prisoner, but the evidence just given was not prima facie evidence given in a civil action to bring the letter home to the prisoners. Where the Legislature thought such evidence should be sufficient clause was invariably inserted in the statute to that effect. Having quoted from Roscoe's "Law of Criminal Evidence" he again urged that before the prosecution were entitled to proceed with secondary evidence they must reasonably trace the document to the custody of the prisoners. In a crime of this nature the prisoners were asked to produce a document, adverse to them, with not a tittle of evidence that it was ever in their custody. The very gist of the whole thing was that the document should have been reasonably traced to their possession or control, and the notice to produce was not worth the paper it was written on a less most cogent evidence to that effect was given in such a case. Until that had been done, his friend had no right to call on them for a document which, as far as he knew, might be imaginary - it might never have been written, posted, or delivered; it might have been lost in the Post Office or fallen into other hands.
Mr Watts, in reply, said the same rule existed in criminal as in civil cases, and there was no distinction whatever. Mr Davies had talked about the imagination of the witness, but Mr Forster, who was on his oath, swore that the letter was written by the deceased, directed and posted by himself. That theory fell to the ground, because they had the best evidence in the world that the letter was written and posted. He had complied with the rules before producing secondary evidence by raising at least a reasonable presumption that the original was in the hands of the adverse party. The magistrates, after consulting with their clerk, decided against the reception of the letter.
Forster's examination (continued) -- On Friday, March 19, in the morning, about 9 o'clock, I saw the deceased and she appeared to be very well. In consequence of what she said I met her at Crewkerne railway station in the evening. I was at the station before the train arrived, and saw her get out of the carriage. She was then very ill - very different to what she was in the morning. I assisted her out. Miss Edith Budge was at the station. She came by the same train, but not in the same carriage. I accompanied deceased in the omnibus to her house. I assisted her out. I did not see her again that night after she went into the house. I did not see her next morning. I did not see her again. The photograph produced is one of the deceased. Her age was 36 or 37.
I made two
statements to
the Coroner. The
first was on
Tuesday, 30
Q. And your
evidence was
completed and
signed by you?
A. It was not
read over, but I
signed it. I
made a further
statement to the
Coroner at the
next inquiry.
Q. On the first
inquiry you were
represented by
Mr Jolliffe?
A. He was there
on my behalf. On
the second
inquiry I
supplemented the
evidence given
at the first
inquiry. Mr
Watts was then
present. That
statement was
given of my own
free will. No
promise of
threat was held
out to me. What
I stated at the
second inquiry
was within my
knowledge when I
gave my first
Q. Did you tell
anybody you were
going to give
that second
A. I asked Mr
Watts opinion
upon it. Nobody
on behalf of the
police came to
me about it. I
have never
spoken to
connected with
the police about
it. I and Mr
Watts were the
only persons who
talked about it.
Martha Brook -- I
live in Middle
Street, Yeovil.
I knew the
deceased by
sight. I last
saw her on
Wednesday, 17
March, in Middle
Street, Yeovil.
She came out of
Mrs Colmer's
door - the shop
door. This was
about 5 o'clock
in the
afternoon. My
sister, Mrs
Custard, was
with me.
Deceased spoke
to my sister.
Q. What did she
A. She asked her
not to tell.
Mr Davies -- Oh,
no, no. I was
hardly expecting
that. (Question
not repeated).
(continuing) -- I
saw Mr Forster
that day in
Union Street,
about 5 o'clock.
After deceased
came out of Mrs
Colmer's, I did
not see deceased
in company with
him. Mrs Budge
was dressed in
I saw deceased
come out of the
shop door.
Re-examined -- When Mrs Budge
came out of the
shop door, she
went in the
direction of
Union Street.
Emily Sarah
Custard, wife of
George Custard,
living in
Princes Street,
Yeovil, said -- I
knew the deceased
and saw her on
Wednesday, March
17, in Middle
Street, coming
out of the
prisoners shop,
about 4:55 in
the afternoon. I
was with my
sister, the last
witness. I spoke
to the deceased,
and in
consequence of
what she said -
Mr Davies
against this
implied hint of
what was said.
The Lord Chief
Justice had
ruled that a
policeman was
not entitled to
say "from
Mr Watts -- But
this witness is
not a policeman.
(continuing) -- I
did not have any
with Miss Edith
Budge in
consequence of
what took place.
When deceased
came out of the
shop door, she
appeared in good
health. She
tried to avoid
Mr Davis -- I
object to that.
Witness -- When
she came out of
the shop door,
she took the
direction of
Union Street.
She was alone.
She met Mr
Forster in Union
Street. He was
standing in the
street. I saw
them meet, and
Forster took
something from
her hand. I
don't know where
they went.
Mr Davies -- I
have no question
to ask you.
Frederick Mackland said -- I am the postmaster in this town. Witness was questioned as to whether, on Wednesday, 27 March, he received or sent off a telegram. He called the attention of the Bench to the 20th Section of the Telegraph Act 1878. The Act was then sent for, and the witness withdrew.
Alfred Ernest Falkner -- I am booking clerk at the Crewkerne railway station. I knew the deceased. On Friday 19th of March, at 11:45, the deceased took a third-class ticket to Yeovil. I gave it her. I did not notice what state of health she was in. She was dressed in black. The photograph produced is that of Mrs Budge. She (deceased) had no other person with her. I next saw her in the evening, on the arrival of the last down train. I don't know what class carriage she arrived in. The ticket was not given up, as the lady appeared ill, and she was allowed to pass. I did not see her get out of the train. When she went through the office, Mr Forster was with her. Deceased look very ill. She could not walk without assistance. Mr Forster helped her. The ticket was given up on Monday. Witness was further questioned respecting the ticket, when Mr Davies objected. He said the ticket was a written document, and notice also being given. Mr Watts did not press the question.
Mr Wills, surgeon, Crewkerne, then entered the Court, and Mr Watts called attention to the fact, but said he did not objected to his being present. Mr Davies said Mr Wills was in rather an invidious position. Mr Moore said he thought Mr Wills ought to leave the court, as other witnesses had done. (Slight applause).
Maunder -- I am
the station
master at the
London and SW
Railway Station
at Yeovil. I saw
Mrs Budge on
Friday, March
19, at Yeovil
Junction by the
up-train due at
Yeovil at 12:25.
I afterwards saw
her in the
middle platform
at Yeovil
station. I do
not know where
she went. She
simply crossed the
platform in the
direction of the
town. She wore a
black cloth
mantle, fitting
the figure. She
was in mourning.
I have not seen
her since.
Mr Davies -- I
have nothing to
ask you.
At this point
the Telegraph
Act was
produced, and
legal discussion
took place
respecting the
admission of
some of Mr
evidence. Mr
Davies said that
until the
telegram was
produced nothing
could be said
about it.
Mr Watts -- Was
any telegram
sent from Mrs
Colmer on 17
Mr Mackland -- I
have been
subpoenaed to
produce the
telegrams, and I
do so; but I
think I am
precluded by the
Act from giving
respecting them.
I will leave it
to the Bench.
The bench
decided to
receive the
telegrams, and
several were
handed in and
examined. Mr
Davies did not
object to their
going in, but
there was no
evidence yet as
to who wrote
them or anything
of the kind.
Mr Watts -- There
are three
telegrams, one
from Yeovil and
two from
Bristol. We can
prove the
delivery at the
house. My object
is to prove that
the male
prisoner was not
at Yeovil, and
was telegraphed
Ernest Arnold
messenger at
Yeovil Post
Office -- On 17
March last I was
at the post
office. I have
no recollection
of delivering a
telegram at Mrs
Colmer's. There
is another
messenger at the
office named
Stephens. My
number is on the
produced, and
that shows I
took it out.
Mr Watts wished
to explain why
the evidence was
Mr Davies -- I
object. Go on
with the case.
Why should we
have a speech
about your being
confused? We may
get speeches all
day. (Laughter)
Witness -- I
delivered two of
the messages
(produced) to
some person in
Mrs Colmer's
The Clerk then
read the two
messages. They
were from "R S
Colmer, 77½
Market Street,
Bristol, to Mrs
Jane Colmer,
Yeovil." The
first was as
follows :-
business detains
me tonight; Will
come first train
in the morning,
Arriving at
Yeovil at 9
certain." The
second ran: "I
have lost the
train. Will come
this afternoon,
if that will do.
If it will not
do, please
Richard Sweet -- I
am 'bus driver
in the employ of
the proprietor
of the Mermaid,
Yeovil. On
Friday, March
19, I took a
lady from the
12:25 up-train
at Yeovil. I did
not notice how
she was dressed,
and do not know
about what age
she was. She had
no luggage. She
got out of the
'bus opposite
Mrs Colmer's.
Q. Did you get
off the box
before you
A. Not before I
stopped, you
know, sir.
Q. What induced
you to stop just
opposite Mrs
Mr Davies
objected. Nobody
could know what
was the
Mr Watts -- We
can't have model
witnesses any
more than we can
have model
Mr Watts again
put the
question, and Mr
Davies objected.
Mr Watts (to
witness) -- Did
she make any
communication to
you after the
omnibus started?
A. No.
The Mayor -- It
would be curious
to know for what
reason the
omnibus stopped
opposite Mrs
Mr Davies -- It
might be
curious, but the
evidence must be
elicited in a
legal manner.
(continuing) -- I
do not know that
I saw the same
person again. I
drove the bus to
the 8:15 train.
Wills was also
in the bus. I
took up a lady
against the
Castle - the
middle part. It
was five or six
yards from the
spot where I put
one down in the
morning. The
reason I stopped
the omnibus in
the evening was
that the lady
hailed me. I did
not observe the
lady until she
called me. I did
not notice how
she was dressed,
as it was dark.
(A photograph
was handed to
the witness, but
he said he did
not recognise
The Mayor -- Had
the lady a veil
Witness -- I did
not notice.
continued -- The
lady had no
luggage. I did
not notice
whether she
appeared to be
in good health;
I took no
notice of her.
A plan of
premises were
here produced.
Frederick Cox -- I
am a surveyor
living in
Yeovil. I made
the plan
produced. It is
a correct plan,
so far as it
Mr Watts
explained that
it was a plan of
the ground
floor; it did
not contain
At this point, the Court adjourned, the Mayor remarking that, when they returned, the doctor would be able to state whether or not Mrs Colmer would be able to undergo a further examination.
On the court
Ellen Cheney was
called. She
said -- in March
last I was
servant to Mrs
Colmer. Mr
Colmer did
not live in the
house. He
visited the
house once a
week - on
Fridays. I have
lived with Mrs
Colmer 11
months. I do not
live with her
now. I left her
on Wednesday
week. I left
because my
father would not
allow me to stay
there. I
Wednesday, 17
March. I left on
good terms with
Mrs Colmer. On
17 March, in the
afternoon, I saw
a lady enter the
house. I saw a
lady there about
7 o'clock. I
should know the
lady if I saw
her again.
(Photograph was
handed to the
witness.) That
was the lady I
saw on that day.
I should think
she was about 33
or 34 years of
age. The lady
was in the
backyard with
Mrs Colmer. I
saw her on the
following Friday
in the dining
room at Mrs
Colmer's. This
was about 1
o'clock. She was
sitting on the
sofa. She was
dressed in
mourning, the
same as she was
on the
Wednesday. When
I saw her on the
Friday, she
appeared to be
in good health.
During the
afternoon Mrs
Colmer sent me
down to Mr
Crocker's for
Mr Colmer. The
words used were
"Go and fetch Mr
Colmer; someone
wants to see
him." I went to
Mr Crocker's. Mr
Crocker lives at
the bottom of
Middle Street. I
went and
delivered the
message. Mr
Colmer said he
would come
directly. I
returned to Mrs
Colmer's house.
Mr Colmer came
on behind me.
This was about 2
o'clock. When I
got back to Mrs
Colmer's house,
I went in by the
front door; Mr
Colmer went into
the shop. The
dining room is
behind the shop.
The sofa is
right behind the
door, I did not
see Mr Colmer
afterwards: but
I heard him
call. He was
in the
dining room. He
called for Mrs
Colmer. He said
"Mrs Colmer. Mrs
Colmer." two or
three times;
"Come in, bring
a cloth, she is
fainting!" He
spoke in a loud
voice. Mrs
Colmer came out
of the dining
room into the
kitchen. There
is a door
leading from the
dining room to
the kitchen. I
am sure it was
Mr Colmer's
voice calling
from the dining
room to Mrs
Colmer - I have
no doubt about
it. I was out of
the house a good
deal during that
afternoon; Mrs
Colmer sent me.
I did not see Mr
Colmer until the
evening. I saw
Mrs Colmer again
about 7:30 in
the dining room
when I was going
to order the
Crewkerne train
omnibus, as
young Miss
Colmer had told
me to do.
Mr Watts -- What
were the actual
words Miss
Colmer used?
Mr Davis -- I
object to the
actual words
being given.
Mr Watts -- We
will not go into
it. If you keep
on objecting,
you won't get to
tomorrow, you
(continued) -- I
then saw Mrs
Budge sitting on
the dining room
sofa with Mrs
Colmer by her
side. There was
gas in the room,
and I could
distinctly see
them. Mrs Budge,
who was near the
door, looked
very ill. Mrs
Colmer seem to
have her arm
around the waist
of the deceased.
Mrs Budge did
not appear to be
as well then as
she was in the
morning. There
was a marked
change. The door
between the
dining room and
the kitchen was
locked, but
someone unlocked
it, and I then
saw Mrs Colmer,
who came from
the dining room
into the
kitchen, and
went back again.
There is a
window in the
dining room
looking into the
yard, and during
that afternoon
the blind was
drawn down, so
that no person
could look in
from the
kitchen. Even if
the blind was
not down, a
person in the
kitchen could
not see another
sitting on the
dining room
sofa. The window
between the shop
and dining room
had a blind,
which is
generally kept
up. I don't know
how it was then.
Two daughters
live in the
house, and
generally have
meals in the
dining room, but
on this Friday
they dined in
the kitchen.
This did not
occur very often
- only when the
dining room was
engaged. Her
hat and mantle
were on. She is
the same lady I
saw on the
talking with Mrs
Colmer. In the
door between the
kitchen and
dining room
there are two
clear glass
panels on the
top, but in the
afternoon, a
newspaper was
put over it, so
that no one
could see
through at all.
I have known
that done before
when people have
been in the
room, but I
cannot remember
the time. The
generally went
into the dining
Q. On what
occasion have
you seen the
paper over the
A. When people
have been in the
room. But I
can't tell when.
Mr Whitby -- When
has she seen the
paper over the
Witness -- When
people have been
in the room. I
do not know any
continued -- I do
not know what
became of the
towel. I saw a
towel in a basin
of water. This
was a passage
outside the
dining room.
There is coconut
matting in the
dining room. I
did not go into
the dining room
that night. I
went in the next
morning. I did
not observe
There was some
water or
something wet
on the matting
near the sofa.
When Mr Colmer
comes, he
usually has
dinner in the
dining room. He
did not have any
meals in the
dining room that
day. He slept in
the house and
went away next
morning. I left
Mrs Colmer on
good terms.
Colmer here
something to his
Mr Whitby --
Cheney, can you
give the exact
words made use
of when you
ordered the
Mr Davies
objected, and
the question was
not pressed.
I left Mrs
Colmer's since I
gave evidence at
the inquest. I
evidence then.
Since then I've
been staying
with my father
and mother.
Q. Have the
police been to
see you more
than once since
A. Yes, sir, I
expect they
Q. I believe
since you have
been here you
were taken by
the policeman
into the next
Mr Watts -- She
has been in the
next room with
the other
Mr Davis -- It is
hardly fair
to offer you two
interrupts, Mr
Watts: it is
hardly fair of
the Crown. This
is not a County
Court case: it
is a case of
life or death.
Mr Watts -- You
are irregular.
Mr Davies -- I am
not irregular.
(To the Bench)
I think it is
very unwise for
my friend to
quarrel or have
words. If he (Mr
Watts) will
object to the
bench, I dare
say they will
hear him.
Mr Watts -- I do
object to the
continued -- When
the Court
adjourned for
luncheon, I was
taken by a
policeman into
the next room.
Mr Moore -- Are
not all the
witnesses kept
Mr Whitby -- I
have seen that
the police have
done the same in
every case.
Mr Davies did
not impute
anything to the
police. He was
asking for the
The Mayor -- Have
the police acted
differently to
this girl than
to the other
Mr Davies said
he did not
impute anything.
The Mayor said
he was rather
surprised that
Mr Davies put
the question.
Mr Davies --
Perhaps, sir,
you will not be
so surprised
when you have
heard my
The Mayor --
Perhaps not.
continued -- The
police have been
to see me three
or four times
about the
evidence since
the inquiry.
They have not
been a dozen
times. Nobody
else but the
police has been
to see me about
it. A door from
Mrs Colmer's shop
opens into the
street anyone
could see from
the street into
the dining room
if both doors
were open. The
front door of
the shop is into
portions. When
the shutter is
down, the shop
door is open.
There is a
window looking
from the dining
room into the
shop. It is of
clear glass.
Another window
in the dining
room looks into
the yard, and a
window from the
kitchen also
looks into the
yard. They also
partly face the
window in the
dining room.
(Plan of the
premises shown
to the witness).
The Mayor -- I do
not see that you
should say the
window in the
kitchen party
faces the other
Mr Davis -- Don't
you think, sir,
the witness
knows more about
it than we do?
The Mayor said
he thought Mr
Davies was
scarcely drawing
a fair
conclusion. Mr
Davies said the
witness was
there to speak
for herself.
Mr Whitby -- Do
you think she
understands the
meaning of the
Mr Davis -- I'm
not supposed to
know what the
witness means. I
think she is
knowing enough
to know the
meaning of the
word "face".
The Mayor -- I say
they are not
facing. You may
be looking out
of the window,
but you cannot
be facing the
Davies -- It is a
matter of
opinion. My
opinion will be
at variance with
that of your
Q. Doesn't the
window the
dining room
partly face
those in the
A. Yes, sir.
Q. If you stand
at the windows
of the kitchen
can you not see
into the dining
A. Some part of
it. If persons
were standing
against the
fireplace in the
dining room they
could be seen
from the kitchen
Q. If anyone
were standing at
the kitchen
window could
they see the
A. No, sir.
Q. Have you
tried it?
A. No; but I
know you could
not see it. You
could not see a
paper on the
sofa because of
the table. You
could see part
of the sofa if
the table was
Q. If I held a
paper above the
sofa, could you
see it from the
kitchen window?
A. Yes.
A discussion took place between the solicitors as to the evidence, and Mr Davies said the Crown ought to be impartial.
Mr Davies, to
Witness -- What
makes you say
such a lot more
now than you did
before the
A. Because I
remember things
Q. Do you
recollect things
better two years
after than at
the time they
took place?
A. Yes.
Mr Davies -- You
wish us to
believe that, do
A. Yes.
(continued) -- I
saw the lady in
the dining room;
I went in there
for some
purpose. I was
only in their
Q. Had the lady
got a hat and
veil on?
A. Yes.
Q. When did you
see her next?
A. Not until the
Q. Now what made
you tell the
Coroner that you
didn't see her
after 1 o'clock?
A. I did not
Q. You were
asked more than
once whether you
saw her more
than once, and
each day you
said you had not
seen her more
than once?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you see
the lady more
than once? Are
you going to
think any more
about it? Will
you pledge
yourself that
you didn't see
her more than
A. I did not see
her more than
twice. About 2
o'clock I was
sent on a
message by Mrs
Colmer. I
fetched Mr
Q. How long was
it after you saw
the lady? Was it
before you was
sent for Mr
A. About three
quarters of an
Q. During that
time you, I
suppose, were
about in many
A. Yes.
Q. And for all
you know when
you went for Mr
Colmer, the lady
might have gone
A. Yes.
Q. And I may
take it further
that when you
came back with
Mr Colmer the
lady might have
left the room
and there might
have been
someone else
A. Yes.
Q. I believe you
never saw Mr
Colmer in
the dining room?
A. No.
Q. You never saw
Mr Colmer and
this lady
together in the
dining room?
A. No.
Q. Do you
remember my
asking you this
"Can you swear
of your own
knowledge that
you saw her with
the lady of that
A. I do not
remember what I
Q. Do you
remember my
asking you
whether you saw
Mrs Colmer with
the lady at all
that day?
A. I do not
Q. You now say
you saw Madame
Colmer with her
arm around the
lady's waist?
A. Yes.
Q. Is that a
A. No.
Q. You say now
that when you
first saw the
lady, at 1
o'clock, she did
not appear ill?
A. Yes.
Q. Did she look
a little pale?
A. No.
Mr Watts -- She
did not say at
Crewkerne that
deceased looked
Mr Davies -- I say
she did.
Mr Davies -- On
this Friday do
you know if it
was big
market-day in
A. No.
Q. I take it
that Mrs Colmer
has a good many
patients on
A. Yes.
Q. Mrs Colmer
only has
patients in the
dining room?
A. Yes.
Q. And it is not
an uncommon
occurrence for
them to dine in
the kitchen?
A. No.
Q. If you stood
at the passage
door could you
put your hand
upon the dining
room window?
A. Yes.
Q. If you open
the passage door
and got a foot
or two into the
yard you could
see nearly all
over the dining
room, and could
see the sofa?
A. Yes.
Q. There are two
doors to the
dining room, one
from the dining
room to the shop
and the other
from the dining
room to the
A. Yes.
Q. Did you tell
the Coroner
A. No.
Q. How do you
know it was
A. I heard Mrs
Colmer unlock
Q. Did you see
her unlock it?
A. No.
Q. Are your ears
so acute that
you can tell
whether the door
was unlocked or
only opened?
A. Yes; I could
tell it was
Q. Have you ever
seen a key in
the door?
A. Yes.
Q. Within the
last month?
A. Yes.
Q. Would you be
surprised if I
told you that
there has been
no key to the
door for a
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You won't say
there is a bolt
on the door?
A. No.
Q. You have told
us that Mr
Colmer slept in
the house that
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You are sure?
A. Yes.
Q. Would you be
surprised if I
were to tell you
that he slept at
Weymouth that
A. Yes.
Q. You pledge
your oath on
A. Yes.
Q. Did you hear
Mr Colmer say
that evening
that he had to
go to attend the
Weymouth County
Court the next
A. Yes.
Q. You say that
is, during the
afternoon you
were "in and
A. Yes.
Q. And during
part of that
afternoon you
heard Mr Colmer
ask for a cloth?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you
remember what
you told the
A. No.
Q. What did he
A. "Mrs Colmer,
Mrs Colmer, come
in; she has
Q. You didn't
say those words
before the
A. No.
Q. When you were
before the
Coroner you said
you simply heard
Mr Colmer call
for a cloth?
A. Yes.
Q. You also, I
believe, before
the Coroner
denied having
used these words
to Mrs Knight,
"He was in the
room for two
hours, and I
heard him say to
Mrs Colmer she
has gone off,
bring some
A. Yes.
Q. Madame Colmer
took the cloth
from the room.
How do you know
A. She must have
done so.
Mr Davies -- Never
mind what you
Q. The only
reason for your
saying that
Madame Colmer
fetched the
cloth was
because you've
found it in the
water the next
A. Yes.
Q. When Mr
Colmer called
for the cloth
you don't know
who was in the
A. No.
Q. My friend has
asked you
whether you saw
particular in
the room. You
told the
Coroner, I
think, that you
did not. I
suppose I may
take it that a
little water was
A. No.
Q. Now you have
been shown a
photograph here
today. I think
the same
photograph was
showing you
before the
A. Yes.
Q. I believe
when you were
asked before the
Coroner if you
recognised the
photograph you
said you did
Mr Watts -- I beg
your pardon.
Mr Davies -- Then
we will look at
our papers.
Mr Watts -- I have
the depositions
here. She said
"The photograph
produced is very
much like the
lady." (This was
a photograph of
the deceased.)
Q. You didn't
state before the
Coroner, as you
do now, that it
was the lady?
A. No.
Q. Was the lady
dressed in
A. I cannot say
how she was
dressed; I only
had a glimpse of
her as I passed
the door, and
did not notice.
Q. Mrs Colmer
has not, I
think, been very
well for some
time before this
enquiry. Sits a
good deal on the
A. Yes.
Q. Are you
prepared to
positively, from
that glimpse,
that it was not
Mrs Colmer's
daughter you
A. It was not
Miss Colmer.
Re--examined --
The police
sergeant served
me with two
summonses to
attend this
court as a
witness. Sgt
Holwill took me
to Crewkerne
before the
Coroner; and
once before this
I was here as a
witness. On
neither of these
occasions did
the police say
anything to me
about my
evidence. I have
seen Mr Davies
once. He try to
get what he
could out of me.
Q. He called on
Mr Davies --
Mr Watts -- He
interviewed you?
Witness -- He saw
Mr Watts -- Mr
Davies has said
something to you
about your
saying more now
than when before
the Coroner. How
was it that you
did not say more
before the
Witness --
Because Miss
Colmer told
Mr Davies
objected to any
between the
witness and Miss
Colmer. It could
only be elicited
It could not
arise out of
Mr Watts -- For
once my friend
has been caught
in his own trap.
This arises out
of his own
and I'm prepared
to to stake my
reputation upon
the point.
Mr Davies -- I
should not do
The advocates
quoted in favour
of their
The Bench
decided not to
allow the
question to be
put to the
witness in the
form proposed by
Mr Watts.
continued -- I was
asked before the
Coroner whether
I saw the lady
at Mrs Colmer's
on the
Wednesday. The
blind was down
on Friday
afternoon, and I
could not have
seen the sofa
through the
window if I had
wished to. Mrs
Colmer's arm was
round the lady.
Albert Edward Tanner, of Northover, Ilchester, said -- On Friday, March 19, I was in Yeovil about 2:30 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I saw Mrs Colmer at her shop where I went to buy part of a pipe, and stood at the left-hand counter. A noise in the inner room attracted my attention. Someone called very loudly "Mrs Colmer" in a distressing manner and almost screaming. Mrs Colmer and immediately left me, tried the door, and, finding it fastened, kicked at it, and then came back to serve me.
Walter Fowler, hatter, of Middle Street, Yeovil, directly opposite the prisoner's shop said -- On March 19, I was in my shop and saw the omnibus stop at Colmer's door. A lady dressed in mourning got out, and entered the shop. She was wearing a veil over her face and I saw her speak to Mrs Colmer at the counter.
John Membury,
hairdresser, of
Middle Street,
two doors below
Madame Colmer's
said -- On the
evening of March
19 I was at my
shop door and
saw the Mermaid
omnibus stop at
the prisoner's
side door, and a
lady dressed in
black got into
the vehicle from
the pavement. I
did not see her
come from the
house. She wore
a feather in her
hat or bonnet.
By Mr Davies --
This was about 8
o'clock. Sweet
was driving, and
the omnibus was
20 or 30 yards
away from me. If
Sweet has said
he stopped 5
yards away from
the side door he
is not quite
William Godfrey,
living next door
to Madame
Colmer, said --
March 19 I saw
Mr Colmer a
little before
three in the
afternoon. He
came into my
shop to complain
about some
alterations at
the back of my
premises and
that a grate had
been knocked
about. At 4:30 I
went into
Colmer's shop
and saw the
female prisoner.
Mrs Colmer said
she had someone
in the room then
and that we
could not go in.
By Mr Davies --
complained that
I was
encroaching on
his premises at
the back and
said my workmen
damaged his
grate. He did
not say he had
been telegraphed
for to Bristol,
by Mrs Colmer,
because I was
pulling the
place about, and
encroaching on
his premises. I
won't swear
whether the work
was begun
Wednesday or
Thursday. I saw
Colmer again at
4 o'clock in the
garden, but did
not speak to
Re-examined -- Mrs
Colmer did not
complain to me
about the
repairs on
Wednesday or
George Wills, dairy man, of Combe Farm, Crewkerne, said -- On Friday, March 19, I was at Yeovil, and returned by the last train to Crewkerne, being driven in the Mermaid omnibus by Sweet. The vehicle stopped near the Castle in Middle Street, next to Colmer's house, and a lady got in. She was pale, dressed in mourning, and aged about 25. Being shown the photograph, witness said that was the party, only she was paler then, and appeared poorly. She got out of the 'bus at the station, but I saw her again at Crewkerne, where she rode in the 'bus with Mr Forster and another lady. The omnibus stopped at the back of the market house and Mrs Budge got out near her own house.
Edith Cuming -- I live at Gillingham. On Friday 19th of March, I was at Yeovil. I saw the deceased at the L & SWR station door at Crewkerne. Mr Forster was with her. She appeared to be very ill. Before this her health was very good indeed. I had had no intimation of her illness. Mr Forster, Mr Wills, and deceased got into the omnibus. Deceased got out at her own house, near the market house. Deceased was dressed in mourning. She wore a hat. (Photograph handed to the witness). That photograph is a likeness of the deceased.
Elizabeth Herriman -- I live at Crewkerne. Deceased appeared to be as well as usual on the morning of Friday 19 March. Deceased left home that morning by the 11 o'clock train. She came back by the 9 o'clock train that night. She was very poorly indeed. She brought a bottle and some white powder with her. The bottle was filled up with sherry, by direction of the deceased. She went to bed as soon as she returned. I next saw her the following morning at 8 o'clock. She then appeared to be in a great deal of pain. I thought it was her bowels. She spoke, but made no noise. She did not scream out until she was seized with death. She waved her hands. I thought she was faint. I sent for Dr Wills after she screamed. It was proposed to send for a doctor before, but deceased would not allow it. She died at a 5:45.
Annie Elizabeth Budge -- I am daughter of the deceased. On 19 March last she was in good health, mother had breakfast with us, I did not see her after the morning until she came home, at 9:30. She brought home a bottle with her. She could not go to bed without assistance. I slept with mamma that night. She complained of being in pain. I don't think she slept much that night.
Eliza Barrett -- I am a widow, and live at Crewkerne. I knew deceased. I saw her on Saturday 20 March. I saw her clothes. (Witness described the state in which she found the clothes).
Elizabeth Taylor -- I was called in about an hour after deceased died. (Witness gave particulars as to the state of the clothing and the condition of the deceased.)
Dr Wills, of
Crewkerne, was
called, and gave
evidence exactly
similar to that
tendered before
the Coroner. It
was to the
effect that the
cause of death
was exhaustion,
arising from
loss of blood;
that the place
or organ whence
the haemorrhage
proceeded was
the uterus; and
that the cause
of such
haemorrhage was
injury to the
structure of the
uterus by some
unnatural and
Mr Davies (to Dr
Wills) -- I
propose to leave
to abler hands
than my own.
Sgt Holwill -- I
am a police
stationed at
Yeovil. I found
the instrument
produced in a
drawer in Mrs
Colmer's room,
on 13 April.
Mrs Colmer has a
son living in
the town who was
duly qualified.
He might have
lived in this
house before he
was duly
qualified. I
have not heard
that there is a
son now living
in the house who
is duly
qualified. I
have not asked
to whom the
The instrument
was handed to Dr
Wills, who, in
reply to the
Mayor, said its
general use was
to examine the
Mr Watts said that this was his case.
Mr Davies made no speech nor did he call witnesses.
The Bench retired at 20 minutes to seven, and returned into court five minutes later. Mr Davies having stated that the prisoners reserved their defence.
The Mayor said -- Jane Colmer and Robert Slade Colmer - it is my painful duty, in carrying out the conclusion which the bench have come to all the evidence given, to commit you for trial for wilful murder.
The prisoners were at once removed by the police. Large crowds congregated at the streets - especially outside the Town Hall and near Madame Colmer's residence, and there was considerable excitement. In the evening the office of the Western Gazette was literally besieged by persons who were anxious to obtain copies of the special issue of that paper, containing a report of the proceedings.
On Thursday morning, between eight and nine o'clock, the prisoners were driven from the Police Station to Shepton Mallet Gaol in a closed fly. Madame Colmer appeared to be much better than she has been for some time past. Sgt Holwell and PC Hamblin were in charge of the prisoners.
the Lord Chief
Justice and Mr
Justice Bowan)
The Western Gazette, Friday 9 July 1880
The Queen v. Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer.
Mr Bullen moved, in the case of the Queen v. Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer, for a rule nisi for a writ of certiorari to bring up a prosecution on the coroner's inquisition for trial at the Central Criminal Court, and also that any indictment or indictments which might be found against the two prisoners, who had been committed on the coroner's inquisition, might also be bought up to be tried at the Central Criminal Court. The two prisoners had been committed for trial for the wilful murder of Mary Budge, a widow, who lived at Crewkerne. It appeared (said Mr Bullen) that in the month of March last Mary Budge went from her home at Crewkerne to Yeovil, where the female prisoner was residing and carrying on the business of herbalist. She was there joined by the male prisoner from Bristol, where he carried on a branch business. Mary Budge underwent an operation in the female prisoner's house, which, according to the evidence, caused her death. It was an operation to procure abortion. She returned home on the same day, and died on 20th of March in the present year, and the two prisoners were committed for trial on 28th April.
The Lord Chief
Justice -- What
had the male
prisoner to do
with it? Was he
a party to the
Mr Bullen
replied that
according to
what was
alleged, the
operation was
performed by the
husband at the
wife's house.
They were living
apart, he at
Bristol, and she
at Yeovil, and
he was sent for,
and he came to
Yeovil and
performed the
operation which
caused the death
of Mrs Budge.
The application
was made owing
to the prejudice
which prevailed
against the
prisoners, so
that it was not
likely they
would be able to
obtain a fair
trial. They were
committed for
trial at Wells
Assize, and the
chief ground
upon which the
application was
made was that
owing to former
against the male
prisoner, he did
not anticipate
that justice
would be done to
him by any jury
in that or the
counties. In
1864 he was
tried at Taunton
for a similar
offence, and was
acquitted. There
were 42
affidavits, all
sworn by persons
of Yeovil, but
as they were all
of very much the
same tenor, he
would read only
one. This
affidavit set
forth that it
was believed
among the
inhabitants of
the said county
that Robert
Slade Colmer was
sixteen years
ago guilty of
the manslaughter
of a young girl
by attempting to
abortion, and
that both
prisoners had
since been
obtaining money
by criminal
practices, and
the inhabitants
were eager for
conviction. The
deponent further
said that he had
frequently heard
strong epithets
used and strong
against them,
that it would be
expedient to the
ends of justice
that any
indictment or
indictments that
may be found
should be
removed by
to the Central
Criminal Court,
and that he
believed they
would not have a
fair trial in
Somersetshire or
any of the
because among an
ordinary panel
twelve men could
not be found
against them. In
fact, Mr Bullen
went on to say,
the excitement
was so strong,
that (and he
said it with
regret) even the
Coroner, who had
not the accused
before him, but
who went into
circumstances of
the death of Mrs
Budge, seemed
almost to have
lost his head,
if he might use
the expression,
because he said
to the jury that
"There was
scarcely a paper
or a railway
station where
they did not see
'Madame Jane
Colmer, curer of
worms' but if
destroyer of
babies was put
it was more
likely to be
true." That was
the language of
the coroner,
addressing his
own jury.
There were several other affidavits, among them that of the prisoner's solicitor, Mr Trevor Davies, Clerk to the Justices of Sherborne. He said that the two prisoners were now in Shepton Mallet Gaol awaiting their trial for the murder of Mary Budge, widow, aged 36, who resided at Crewkerne, and was well-known in and about the locality, having been bought before the public a good deal owing to the sudden death of her husband, a solicitor, two years ago. She was then left with five children, and much sympathy was expressed with her. Jane Colmer had for many years advertised herself as a herbalist and cure of worms, by means of the local newspapers and placards at the railway stations, and the rumour prevailed, and was generally believed in Somersetshire and the adjoining counties, that under the pretence of being a curer of worms she carried on illegal practices for the purpose of procuring abortion: and the Coroner at the inquest, in addition to the words quoted above, said "It is not the first time I have been obliged to investigate a painful case, and been obliged to send the husband for trial for the manslaughter of a young woman."
The Lord Chief
Justice: take
your rule
Rule nisi
COURT, Monday
Lord Chief
The Western Gazette, Friday 30 July 1880
.... The other case to which he wished to refer was one which he learnt from the public papers was creating a good deal of excitement: but it was a case which, when they had found a bill against the prisoners, would be removed from the consideration of a jury of Somersetshire, on the ground that Somersetshire jury could not try the case fairly, although he did not know why they should be so. He referred to the case of Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer, who were indicted for the wilful murder of a person called Mary Budge, on 19 March, having so wounded her with instruments for the purpose of procuring abortion that she died.
The circumstances of the case were short and simple, and ought to present them no difficulty. It appeared that Mary Budge was a person of respectable position, a widow, and a young woman, comparatively speaking. She was with child, and it appeared that one of the witnesses in the case, whose name he need not mention, must have had something to do with it, although the direct question had not been put to him. This witness lodged in the house with the deceased, at Crewkerne, and some days before the fatal event he drove the deceased to Yeovil in a trap. He took her to the house of Jane Colmer, who was what was called a herbalist, and sold herbs, some innocuous, and some others of a very different character, and without going into the matter particularly they could easily conceive for what purposes some of those herbs were used. However, in the present case, there was but the slightest and faintest possible evidence that herbs were used improperly on the first occasion, when Jane Colmer alone was concerned. Some days afterwards the deceased went over there again, this time alone and by train. It was proved by several people that she was in perfect health when she started. Several telegrams would be put in which passed between the prisoners about this time, the male prisoner having been in Bristol. He was telegraphed to and asked to come home on the day before the deceased arrived at Jane Colmer's; and there was evidence of a letter which was directed for the deceased by the witness he had before mentioned making the appointment with Jane Colmer to come on the day mentioned. To Yeovil on that day the deceased went, and she was seen to go to the house of Jane Colmer.
The house was one with a parlour behind the shop, the parlour having a window opening into the shop, and also a window opening in the yard behind the parlour. On the day in question both these windows were closed, and a newspaper was placed over the one towards the shop, and the blind of the one towards the yard was drawn down. The deceased went in, and shortly afterwards one of the witnesses - a servant to Mrs Colmer - was sent down to another house to Mr Colmer, who came back with the witness. He went into the parlour. The door was locked, and shortly afterwards Mr Colmer came out. Very shortly after this Mrs Colmer was heard almost screaming, "Pray come, she has fainted." and Mr Colmer went back into the room. Nothing was seen of what took place in the room, but Mrs Colmer came out soon afterwards and went into the kitchen, where she took up two cloths, afterwards going back into the parlour. Nothing more was actually seen of anybody - except Mrs Colmer going out - tilt towards the evening, when Mrs Colmer and the deceased were seen sitting on the sofa together, Mrs Colmer supporting the deceased with her arm round her waist, and the deceased looking extremely ill and very miserable. However, she had strength to get to the station, and to go from Yeovil to Crewkerne. There she was met by the witness previously alluded to, taken across the station and put in an omnibus, and then taken to her own home. Her daughter was very much struck with the terrible alteration in the deceased's appearance. She was taken to her bed, where she was very ill, and a doctor was sent for, and it appeared that he hardly arrived before she died. There was an immediate examination. It is something which the deceased had in a bottle, of which she had partaken, there was found to be a mixture, the principal ingredient of which was sulphate of quinine, which was a perfectly harmless mixture, and had probably been given to her to support her, merely as a medicine.
There was a post-mortem examination, the details of which would be before them. The walls of the womb were found to be lacerated, and there was a great quantity of blood: in short, it was found that the deceased died unquestionably from haemorrhage, produced by improper tampering with the womb. Now the law on the matter was quite simple. If a person caused the death of a fellow creature in the course of procuring abortion, which was unlawful, then the law said - and very properly said - that it was murder. If they thought that the death was caused by the prisoners in an attempt to procure abortion - whether successful or otherwise - then undoubtedly those persons were guilty of murder. The person who performed the act, and the person who stood by and watched the operation, were equally guilty of murder. It was a simple case, and a short case. He would only tell them what the law was and what the facts were, and if they thought the facts were sufficiently clear against the prisoners, then it was their duty to find against them a bill for wilful murder, and send the matter for further investigation, where the case would be tried in London, and not there.
The Western Gazette, Friday 13 August 1880
LONDON, Friday
Robert Slade Colmer, herbalist, of Yeovil and Bristol, and Madame Jane Colmer, herbalist, of Yeovil, were today put upon their trial, at the Central Criminal Court, before Mr Justice Hawkins, charged with the wilful murder of Mary Budge, widow of Mr E Budge, solicitor, of Crewkerne, at Yeovil, March 19th.
Mr Poland, Mr Montagu Williams, and Mr Norris, instructed by Messrs Watts, of Yeovil, appeared for the prosecution: and the prisoners were defended by Mr E Clarke, QC, MP, Mr Bullen, and Mr Tickell, instructed by Mr Trevor Davies, of Sherborne.
The Court was very full, and there was a slight manifestation of excitement when the prisoners entered the dock. Mrs Colmer, who looked ill and haggard - in fact "all to pieces" - was allowed a seat. On being charged, the male prisoner pleaded "Not Guilty" to each of the four counts of the indictment in a firm voice, but at the same time nervously passing his hand over his face. His wife's voice was weak and faltering, and her answers of "Not Guilty" were barely audible, and had to be repeated by the Governor of Newgate, who sat near her in the dock.
Mr Poland opened the case for the prosecution. He said the prisoners at the bar are charged with the serious crime of wilful murder, with the murder of a lady of the name of Mary Budge, and the alleged murder is said to have taken place in Yeovil, in the County of Somerset. It was thought right that this case should be tried in London, and the indictment found at the Somerset Assizes had been bought to this Court. The case is undoubtedly one of very great importance, because the charges that in an endeavour to carry out - in fact in succeeding in procuring - abortion, they caused the death of this lady. Before stating the facts, I will state briefly who the prisoners are. They are, I believe, man and wife. The man has an establishment at Bristol - at 77½ Old Market Street - where he generally lives, and the name on the shop is "Anglo-American Institute of Eclectic and Progressive Medicine, &c, Eclectic and Botanical Dispensary. Advice Free." Then it is set forth that "Dr Colmer, MD (United States America)" may be consulted with regard to various diseases. The female prisoner does not live at the shop at Bristol. She lives at Yeovil, in Somersetshire, and when she was called before the Coroner at the inquest she described herself as an "herbalist" and further stated that she had an American diploma of "MD" of Pennsylvania, sent to her by an examination; and there is no doubt she had a doctor's shop in Yeovil, where she lived with her daughters and one servant, who will be a material witness in this case. Now, gentlemen, here is a plan of the premises at Yeovil, and I think it will be convenient that I should at once explain it to you. (The learned counsel then explained to the jury a ground-plan of Mrs Colmer's premises, and remarked that it would facilitate the enquiry if they bore in mind the relative positions of the shop, dining-room, and kitchen. He also explained that this ironmongery shop of Mr Godfrey was next door, and that the end of Union Street faced Mrs Colmer's.)
Having told you who the prisoners are (Mr Poland continued), I will now tell you who the deceased Mary Budge was. She was the widow of a solicitor who had been dead about two years, and she resided at Crewkerne, nine or ten miles from Yeovil. She was living there with her daughters, and I believe, too, her mother; and to help out her expenses - her means not being extensive - she took a lodger, a young man named Forster, about 23 or 24 years of age, who is a witness in this case. He was a clerk in a bank, and there is no doubt that, lodging in this house with this widowed lady - he being 23 and she 36 - a very great intimacy existed between them. And there is the fact, which is beyond all question, that in March, about the 16th or 17th, she was pregnant. Of course, living with her family, and being a widow, that was a state of things to her of a very alarming character, and she appears - whether with or without consultation with Mr Forster - to have determined to do that she would get rid of this fetus with which she was pregnant.
There is no doubt that the deceased lady entered into communication with Mrs Colmer, at Yeovil. On 17 March, in fact, Mr Forster drove over from Crewkerne - a distance of 9 miles. Whilst at Yeovil, she must have gone to Mrs Colmer's shop for the purpose of consulting her, and for making arrangements in reference to the state in which she was. The deceased was there for a considerable time on that day. The carriage was put up, and Mr Forster was left near to Mrs Colmer's shop. She was away from him about two hours, at the end of which she returned to Mr Forster at a place appointed. Now, I think you will find, from the evidence that it was intended that Mr Colmer should have been present at Yeovil that day. I would not now go into details; but it is a fact that about this time telegrams passed between Mr and Mrs Colmer. I shall tender evidence in regard to them; but until they are legally proved I would rather not read them. But, independently of telegrams and letters, I shall show that Mrs Budge expected to meet Mr Colmer at his wife's shop on that day. He did not, however, come from Bristol as arranged; and in the evening Mrs Budge was driven back to Crewkerne by Mr Forster. Her family, of course, were not aware that deceased had paid a visit to Mrs Colmer. Now, before the actual operation could be carried out, an arrangement would have to be made: but whether that arrangement was made on 17th March would be for the jury to say after they had heard the evidence. On the following day - the 18th March - a letter was written by Mrs Budge to Mrs Colmer, the envelope being addressed by Mr Forster. That letter was posted in due course, and there is very little doubt that it reached Mrs Colmer's shop in due course. The next day - the 19th March - Mrs Budge left her home between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning. She was not driven over to Yeovil by Mr Forster, as in the first instance, but went by train; and I shall show you beyond all question that she went to the shop of Mrs Colmer.
Now on that day, Mr Colmer had arrived from Bristol. He was staying with his son-in-law, a Mr Crocker, at Yeovil. It seems that after the letter written by Mrs Budge, Mr Colmer was sent for; he came over, and was actually at the shop of his wife whilst the deceased was there. Of course, Mrs Budge could go into the shop without exciting any suspicion, and, having entered, she was shown into the dining room, where there was a sofa; and, according to the evidence of a servant - who, I think, is to be relied upon - an operation must have been performed in that room on this unfortunate lady, because, in the course of the afternoon Mr Colmer was heard to call out from the dining room, "She has fainted!" at the same time asking for a cloth. Mrs Colmer, who was in the shop, or at the back part of the premises, got a cloth and took it into the room where Mrs Budge and Mr Colmer were.
A newspaper, I think, had been put on the glass panels of that door; but on that door being opened a view could be obtained of the corner where the sofa was, and there is no doubt whatever as to the persons who were in that room. At a later period of the afternoon Mrs Colmer was in the room with this lady, and the lady, who had her bonnet on, remained there a considerable number of hours, from the time the train arrived in the morning from Crewkerne. She went direct from the station to this place, and we can trace her nowhere else. At that place the matters I have referred to occurred. When she left her home in the morning and went to the house of the prisoners, she was, as will be proved by evidence, in perfect health, nothing whatever being, apparently, the matter with her. When she left that house in the evening, somewhere about 8 o'clock, she was in a deplorable state. She returned from Yeovil to Crewkerne by train, and was met at the railway station at Crewkerne by Mr Forster, who assisted her into a conveyance. I think she arrived home late on the night of the day in question - Friday, the 19th of March - having been at Yeovil the greater part of the day.
Gentlemen, the state of her health on arriving home was apparent to all her family. One of her daughters slept with her that night. She was in great pain during that night, and would not allow any assistance to be procured. On the following day she was ill, and when she was clearly approaching her death - somewhere about 5 o'clock on the afternoon of the next day, Saturday, the 20th of March - Dr Wills, a medical practitioner, living at Crewkerne, was called in, but too late to do the poor lady any good, for she died within an hour of the doctor being summoned.
Gentlemen, the nurses and other persons will describe to you her state. I ought to mention that in the dining room, on the following day, there was found in a pile cloth used at the corners; and that her clothing is described, according to the expression of one of the witnesses, as "swamped with blood." A sheet was also found saturated with blood. It became evident, on the death of this lady taking place in this way, that an inquiry must be held, and accordingly the coroner was communicated with, and a post-mortem examination took place. That examination proves, beyond all question, the cause of death, for, in addition to the evidence of the doctors and surgeons present at the post-mortem examination, the uterus was afterwards examined by other scientific gentlemen, and you will have clear and direct proof that this lady was about three months advanced in pregnancy, and that a miscarriage had recently been procured by illicit means: because the ordinary miscarriage would not have presented the appearances presented at the post-mortem examination, but by the use, in all probability, of some hard instrument the injury to the membranes had taken place. The medical evidence will satisfy you, beyond all question, that there had been this miscarriage illicitly procured, and that from the loss of blood following and injuries received, this lady came to her death.
Now, gentlemen, the case is, of course, a very serious one, because, as you are probably aware, any attempts to procure miscarriage, in the earlier stages of pregnancy, are attended with danger: and it is because these attempts are attended with danger to life, that the Legislature has thought right to make the attempt to procure abortion a felony of a serious character. By the law of England, although persons so engaged may not intend to cause death, yet by engaging in that felonious act - which procuring, or attempting to procure, abortion undoubtedly is - they render themselves liable to a charge of wilful murder; and if their operations do cause the death of a fellow creature, I think it must be admitted to be consistent with good sense, as well as with the law, that it amounts to murder. Therefore persons who for profit, pay, and reward, perform an operation of so dangerous character, cannot escape from the penalties that attach to the crime of murder, if in performing that operation they caused the death of their patient.
Gentlemen, you will have seriously to consider the facts of this case. In a civilised country, of course, it is essential that the case should be tried carefully and patiently, and that every material fact should be bought before you. A crime of this kind, if crime it was, is not performed in the presence of witnesses. There is the unfortunate person who has the interest in the operation being successfully performed, and who probably does not know the danger. The operators do know or ought to know, the danger; and the operators do that for money. And it is certainly a deplorable thing that when this operation - if operation there was - had been performed, and had been attended, as was shown by the condition of the body, by the most serious results, it is a most deplorable thing that this lady was allowed to leave that house and go back nine or ten miles by train in the state in which she was, when it is obvious that her state of health required, for the safety of her life, that she should have had assistance at once. It is clear that she required careful and tender attention, nursing, and rest, whereas we find that she is allowed to leave the house, and does leave, and returns home in such an altered condition that her family were alarmed; and on the following day she grew from bad to worse, the doctor was called in, and death happens within an hour of that time.
Of course (I say it with no disrespect) the ordinary investigations of the police can hardly be expected at once to unravel a story of such a complicated character; but I must necessarily refer to what took place. Some of the first witnesses who were called were witnesses connected with this lady's family, and then the Coroner called in Mrs Colmer, who was in attendance, I think, on the first day of the second examination, and he asked her what she knew about the matter, and you will find from her statement that she denies that on the days in question anybody went into the back room. She says there was no one in the house but her own family. She says she served a woman in the shop on Friday, with 30 grains of quinine in a bottle, and she could not tell what sort of person she was, as there were five young men in the shop at the time. Then she says a person called on the following Wednesday, and ask for something for worms, but she could not say that it was the same person, and she again denies that there was any patient attended in the house. She says "I did not notice her, and could not say what kind of person she was. She did not take anything in the shop or in the house, and did not say what she was suffering from." Then in reply to Mr Davies she said, "She only came into the shop as an ordinary customer. She did not tell me she was in the family-way. I did not give her anything but 30 grains of quinine in a bottle. She was not at my house twice on the Wednesday. The bus did not stop at my house, to my knowledge, for the last train." With regard to this bottle, there is no doubt that on the Friday, when the matter is alleged to have occurred in the dining room, she did take home with her bottle containing quinine, which is a strengthening medicine, not harmful, but suitable for a person to take a required tonic medicine.
Now, gentlemen, the coroner's jury returned a verdict, as you might expect, of wilful murder against the two prisoners at the bar, and on that being done the arrest of Mrs Colmer took place first, and her house was searched. In a drawer in her bedroom there was found by the police constable who searched the house what is termed a speculum. That, as you are doubtless aware, is an instrument which is used for the purpose of examining the uterus. The identical instruments will be produced before you, and you will remember that this is a person who keeps a herbalist's shop. Of course, the instrument is one that can be properly used by medical men and those who know how to use it. It is not a puncturing instrument, such as a stiletto or a bougle, which are used for puncturing operations: but an actual stiletto for puncturing the uterus may be easily carried in the pocket; and I need hardly tell you that no such instrument was found in the male prisoner's house at Bristol, because the enquiry which had been going on before the Coroner showed that the case was a very serious one, and, moreover, his house was not searched until several days after he was taken into custody. However, any hard instruments could be used, and no doubt some instrument was used in Mrs Colmer's house for the purpose of procuring this miscarriage. I also wish to remind you of this, that whatever the operation was, she, being perfectly well on the morning of Friday, was very ill in the evening, and died on the following night; and therefore the operation must have been what is called by surgeons "heroic", that is, it must have been severe, to have caused the actual miscarriage within so short a time, because miscarriages are usually caused by an injury, and then inflamation sets up, and medicines are given. In point of fact, to cause such a rapid operation there must be instruments used, and used with severity; and I think you will be of opinion that severity was used in this case, because death so quickly supervened.
I do not propose to tell you all the facts of the case, and I have not attempted to read certain documents, about which question has been raised whether they are legally admissible. I trust I have given you such an outline of the case as will enable you to appreciate the evidence that will be laid before you; but before I conclude I wish to tell you, what I am sure you will be glad to know, that the two prisoners are defended by my learned friend Mr E Clarke, assisted by my learned friend Mr Bullen: and therefore you may be assured that in the investigation of this case you will have on behalf of the prisoners everything put before you that can be fairly cited for the purpose of explaining the facts which I am in a position to prove before you. At a later period I hope to have the pleasure of addressing you again. I shall now, without further comment, and with the assistance of my learned friend, proceed to call witnesses. Because, of course, it is not on the statements of counsel, upon one side or the other, but on the sworn evidence in the case, that your verdict will have to be returned.
Herbert Adams, clerk to Messrs Watts, solicitors for the prosecution, examined by Mr Norris, stated that he served notices on Mr Trevor Davies, the prisoners solicitor, to produce letters from the deceased to Jane Colmer, and telegrams.
Mr Frederick
Cox, surveyor,
Yeovil, examined
by Mr Norris,
proved that he
prepared the
plan produced of
Middle Street
and the
neighbourhood of
Mrs Colmer's
By the Judge -- It
was a correct
Mr Clark
admitted the
Witness's next
spoke to the
preparation of
the ground plan
of the Colmer
premises, and
stated that the
door of the
dining room was
hung on the
left. When he
made the plan,
the day before
the case was
first before the
there was a sofa
under the
The Judge -- That
would be on 18
continued -- There
was also a
window looking
into the
exactly opposite
the window of
which he had
just spoken. He
saw notepaper
upon either of
the windows. Mr
Godfrey's shop
was on the right
as one entered
Mrs Colmer's
Mr Frederick Mackland, postmaster at Yeovil, produced several telegrams material to the case.
Robert Newbury, messenger at the General Post Office, Bristol, said -- I was at the West Street office in March of the present year. I delivered a telegram to Mr Colmer, 77½ Old Market Street, but I cannot say to whom I handed the message. That telegram was delivered in March.
Ernest Arthur Durbin -- I am a telegraph clerk at Yeovil, and was there on 17 March this year. On that day I delivered two telegrams to Mrs Colmer, Middle Street, Yeovil. I cannot say to whom I gave the messages.
John Haddy Forster, examined by Mr M Williams, said -- in the month of March last I was clerk in Stuckey's Bank, Crewkerne, and I lodged at the house of Mary Budge, the deceased lady, in the Market Square, Crewkerne. I went there in September 1878. I continued to lodge there until March of the present year. The deceased was a widow, and her mother and five of her own children resided with her. I remember Wednesday 17th of March. On that day I went with the deceased to Yeovil. We went in a trap. The distance is nine miles. I was first made acquainted with her intention to go to Yeovil on the previous Saturday, that is to say, I knew on Saturday the 13th, and we went on Wednesday the 17th. Previous to our departure, I had seen and read a letter written by the deceased on the 13th. I saw it put in an envelope, which I directed myself. I put the letter in the envelope, and gave it to the deceased. That occurred in my own sitting room. At that time, it was not stamped. The deceased put it into her pocket. She left the house, but I did not go out with her, and don't know what she subsequently did with the letter. I never saw it again. At that time I knew she was enciente. I have known the name of Colmer, and the shop kept by prisoner, all my lifetime. On the 17th inst. when we drove over to Yeovil, we took the pony and trap to the Three Choughs Hotel. I drove. We were alone. At Yeovil I went to South Street. At the bottom of Union Street I left the deceased. The prisoners lived nearly opposite, and to the shop I saw the deceased go. I lost sight of her for about 10 minutes. When she left me at the bottom of Union Street, which would be just before 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I knew where she was going. I waited for 10 minutes, and she returned. We then went back to the Three Choughs, and at 6:30 she again went to the Colmer's. She remained there till 8:30, at which time I met her by appointment in Union Street. I did not see her either enter or leave Colmer's on the second occasion. After I met her, we drove home together to Crewkerne. Colmer's shop in Yeovil is that of a chemist, tobacconist, and herbalist. In the one window there are pipes and tobacco, but I cannot say what was in the other. I never in my life had any conversation with either Colmer or his wife. On the day following that of our visit to Yeovil, I saw the deceased at Crewkerne. On 18 March another letter was written by the deceased, and directed by me to Dr Jane Colmer, Yeovil.
Mr Clarke -- I must take your Lordship's opinion on this matter. Notice to produce has been given with respect to certain letters. Your Lordship is aware that the prisoners have been in custody for a considerable time. This notice to produce was not given until Monday, at Yeovil, and three days previously - that is the Friday previous - the prisoners were conveyed to London under a writ of certiorari, removing the venue of the trial to London. That being so, I submit the notice is not sufficient.
Mr Poland -- The notice was given on Monday, and this is Friday, and I must say I think that is reasonable notice, indeed, I think it is more than sufficient. We don't want a cartload of documents; we only want one. What more notice you want?
Mr Justice Hawkins -- Supposing notice had been given now to produce certain documents, they could be ordered to be produced tomorrow. I remember myself distinctly of calling for the production of some documents on the spot. However, it seems to me that I cannot disallow this evidence as to the address being tendered in the meantime. When Mr Williams proposes to go into the contents of the letter, you can then take objection to the shortness of the notice to produce.
continued -- I
posted that
Mr Williams -- I
formally called
for that letter.
Mr E Clarke -- We
will not produce
Mr Williams (to
witness) -- Can
you tell me the
contents of that
Mr Clarke -- I
must object to
that now, my
Lord, and plead
that we have not
had to notice
sufficient to
produce that
Mr Justice
Hawkins -- The
notice is
certainly close,
but it is
Mr Clarke -- But
there was plenty
of time to give
us notice,
seeing that the
prisoners were
committed in
Mr Justice
Hawkins -- Yes, I
know. I do not
know that I
should tell you
what is passing
in my mind, but
with respect to
documents of
this kind, I
would say notice
might be given
to produce them
directly. It
seems to me that
the notice in
this case has,
upon the whole,
been sufficient,
and, therefore,
the objection is
resumed - Mr
Williams -- What
were the
contents of the
letter, as near
as you can
recollect? --
"Madam, I have
made excuses to
get away, and
will be at your
home between
12:30 and 1
o'clock on
Friday. I should
be glad to get
back by the next
train if
possible. I have
procured the
£18." It was
signed "M
Was it in her
handwriting? --
The Judge: The
whole letter? --
Mr Williams: Did
she show you the
£18 - any money?
-- No, she did
Did you see her
the next day
(Friday) about 9
o'clock in the
morning? -- I
Did she appear
quite well at
that time? --
She did.
Where did you
see her? -- She
came into my
sitting room.
Did you go out
with her? -- No.
Did you make an
appointment to
meet her in the
evening? -- I
did; at
railway station:
either to meet
the 4 o'clock or
the 9:15 train
from Yeovil. I,
however, got
home too late to
meet the 4
o'clock train;
and then I knew
that she would
not be back till
the 9 o'clock
Did you meet
that train? -- I
did. I went to
the carriage
door and helped
her out.
What state did
she appear to
you to be in
then? -- Very
weak and ill.
Did you notice
the colour of
her face? --
Very white.
Does an omnibus
meet the train?
-- It does. I
assisted her to
walk from the
platform to the
Did she lean on
you? -- She did.
How long does
the omnibus take
to get to the
house? -- About
10 minutes.
Did you assist
her out of the
omnibus? -- No,
she got out by
Did she go into
the house? --
Yes. I went in
too, to my own
room; she went
into her own
sitting room.
What state did
she appear to be
in then? -- The
same as when we
got out of the
Did you
see her again
that night? --
Did you ever see
her again? --
No. I went out
again and
returned about
When did she
die? -- The next
day: the
between 5:30 and
six in the
What is your
age? -- 23 last
What was her
age? -- 36 or
handed to
Is that her
photograph? --
It is.
Mr Clarke: what
employment are
you in now? --
None at all, at
When did you
leave Stuckey's
Bank? -- I sent
in my
resignation on 7
Were you told to
send in your
resignation? --
I was desired to
do so.
How long had you
been at the
bank? -- About
six years.
Had you lived at
Crewkerne during
six years? --
Just over five.
I understand you
had lived with
Mrs Budge since
the latter part
of 1878? -- Yes.
Where did you
live immediately
before? -- With
Mr and Mrs Rugg.
Had you known
Mrs Budge
before? -- No.
For some time
before March
last had you
been on terms of
intimacy with
Mrs Budge? -- I
had known her.
Mr Clarke -- You
know what I
The Judge -- Were
you on terms of
intimacy with
her? -- Yes, a
month before she
Mr Clarke -- Do
you mean by that
answer that you
have not been
intimate with
her till a month
before she died?
-- Yes.
How soon did you
know she was in
the family way?
-- About a week
before she went
to Yeovil.
Was she in the
habit of
bringing you
your breakfast
into your room
in the morning?
-- Yes.
Did you
understand she
was in the
family way by
you? -- I did
not understand
repeated. --
Well, I did
understand so.
I believe you
are a native of
Yeovil? -- Yes,
my parents live
at Yeovil.
Occupying a
position they
are, I suppose?
-- I believe so.
Your father for
many years was
in responsible
employment on
the Great
Western Railway?
-- Yes.
Have you
brothers and
sisters? -- I
have brothers;
two older and
one younger than
What was your
salary at the
bank? -- £90.
And it began at
what? -- £40.
You say on
Wednesday you
saw Mrs Budge go
into Mrs
Colmer's shop?
-- I did.
When examined
the first time
before the
coroner were you
asked questions
by the jury, and
did you, in
answer to one of
those questions
say, "Mrs Budge
went that way,
but I did not
see if she went
to Mrs
Colmer's"? -- I
You were a
examined a
second time, and
then swore, as
you have sworn
today, that you
did see her go
into Mrs
Colmer's?-- Yes.
Which of the
statements is
false? -- The
first one. Then
you did not tell
the truth to the
jury on the
first occasion?
-- Not to some
of the
You told the
jury you did not
know deceased
went to consult
Mrs Colmer. Was
that true? --
You told us you
knew she was in
the family way
for a week
before she died.
Did you tell the
jury she did not
tell you what
was amiss with
her? -- I did.
Which of these
statements is
the false one?
-- The first.
Now on the
Wednesday did
she ask you to
drive her to
Yeovil, or did
you propose it?
-- She proposed
it herself.
Did you tell the
jury that you
proposed it? --
That was a
Was it a
falsehood? --
No, it was
But when you
said she did not
tell you what
was amiss with
her you meant to
deceive the
jury? -- Yes.
For what
purpose? -- I
meant to screen
the deceased as
much as I could.
What! You meant
to screen the
deceased? Why?
-- I wished to
screen her.
Did you know
that doctors
were to be
called at the
inquest to prove
the cause of her
death? -- I
never thought of
the seriousness
of the case.
Let us see if
you are
deceiving the
jury now. Do you
mean to say that
you, having had
intimacy with
her about a
month before her
death, and
having a
knowledge of
that letter, and
knowing that she
was enceinte,
you did not
think of the
seriousness of
the case? -- I
did not.
Do you tell the
jury now that
you did not
know, and that
you spoke light
and careless
untruths at the
inquest? -- Yes.
Did you know
what the letter
you addressed to
Mrs Colmer
meant? -- I did.
You have given a
statement of the
contents of that
letter written
in March. Did
you make any
copy of that
letter? -- No.
When did you
first take note
of its contents?
-- Today.
For the first
time? -- Yes.
Where was that
copy written? --
Outside this
court, between
10:30 and 11
o'clock this
Who was with you
at the time? --
Have you never
been asked to
write down the
contents of this
letter before?
-- No.
Re-examined by
Mr Montagu
Williams -- At the
inquest I gave a
statement to the
Coroner about
the £18.
Subsequently I
had a
with Mr Watts,
the solicitor to
the Treasury,
and was asked by
him to write
down the
contents of the
letter, which I
By the Judge --
There is one
thing I should
like to ask you.
When was the
occasion on
which you were
first intimate
with Mrs Budge?
-- Perhaps six
weeks before her
Are you sure it
was not further
back? -- Well,
it was perhaps
two months.
You cannot go
beyond that? --
Can you say
whether it was
not further back
than two months?
-- I will not
Can't you
refresh your
memory? -- Well,
I cannot make it
more than two
months previous
to her death.
Martha Brook,
examined by Mr
Norris -- I live
in Middle
Street, Yeovil.
I knew the
deceased by
sight. I remember
seeing her at
Yeovil on
Wednesday 17th
of March, about
5 o'clock in the
Where? -- I saw
her come out of
Mrs Colmer's
From which door?
-- The shop
Was anyone with
you? -- Yes, my
sister, Mrs
Did your sister
speak to
deceased? --
Did you know Mr
Forster by site?
-- Yes.
Did you see him
on the same
afternoon? --
Yes, about the
same time; he
was standing in
Union Street.
How was Mrs
Budge dressed?
-- In black.
Mr Clarke: did
you see who was
in a Mrs
Colmer's shop?
-- No.
Emily Sarah
Custard -- I am
the wife of
George Custard,
and I live in
Princes Street,
Yeovil. I knew
the deceased
slightly. On
Wednesday, 17
March, I was in
Middle Street,
about five in
the afternoon. I
saw deceased
coming out of
Mrs Colmer's
When you saw Mrs
Budge come out
of the shop did
you notice
anything in her
manner? -- She
seemed very
agitated. I
spoke to her. We
were accustomed
to do so when we
met. That day
however, she
tried to avoid
me at first.
Which way did
she go? --
Towards Union
Street. She was
alone at that
time; but in
Union Street she
met Mr Forster,
who was standing
Did you see what
she did when she
met him? -- Mr
Forster took
something from
her hand. She
appeared at that
time to be in
her usual state
of health.
Alfred Ernest
Falkner -- I am
booking clerk at
station. On
Friday, 19
March, I saw Mrs
Budge at the
station, at
11:45. She left
by train for
Yeovil, to which
place she had
taken a ticket.
She was alone,
and dressed in
Was she in her
usual health? --
She looked all
Did you see her
again? -- Yes,
when she
returned at 9:15
in the evening.
She was then
looking very
ill, and, in
consequence, I
allowed her to
pass without
giving up a
ticket, which
was afterwards
sent back. Mr
supported her
through the
Frederick Maunder, stationmaster on the South Western Railway at Yeovil, proved seeing the deceased at Yeovil, and her leaving the station in the direction of the town.
Richard Sweet --: I
am the driver of
the Mermaid
omnibus which
meets the trains
at Yeovil. I
know the 12:35
train. I met it
at Yeovil on 19
March, with my
omnibus. I
remember a lady
arriving by that
strain. She
entered my
omnibus, and I
put her down
Colmer's door. I
left Yeovil with
my omnibus to
catch the 8:15
train the same
night. Mr Wills,
a dairy man, was
a passenger, and
a lady, whom I
picked up near
the Castle, was
also a
passenger. The
Castle is next
door to Mrs
Colmer's. I did
not notice where
she came from.
She had no
luggage. I could
not swear
whether she was
the same lady as
I had conveyed
in the morning.
She stopped me
from the
holding up her
hands to attract
my attention.
Ellen Cheney -- I
was a servant to
Mrs Jane Colmer,
but I cannot say
when I entered
her service. I
think I was
there about 11
months. Mr
Colmer generally
came to the
house of Mrs
Colmer on
Fridays. On
Wednesday 17
March I saw a
lady in the
house. That
would be about 7
o'clock in the
Where was she?
-- In the
backyard, with
Mrs Colmer.
You have to go
through the shop
to get there? --
(Shown in the
photograph of
Mrs Budge) I
identify that is
the lady whom I
saw with Mrs
Colmer, on 17
March. She was
dressed in
mourning. I do
not know when
she left that
night. Saw her
again on the
following Friday
about 1 o'clock.
At that time she
was sitting on
the sofa, in the
dining room. She
appeared then to
be in delicate
health. On that
afternoon Mrs
Colmer told me
to go and fetch
Mr Colmer from
Mr Crocker's. Mr
Crocker is their
son-in-law. "Go
down to Mr
Crocker's and
fetch Mr Colmer;
he is wanted."
That is what I
was told to do.
I saw Mr Colmer,
and I gave in
the message. He
said he would
come directly. I
went back to Mrs
Colmer's and
went into the
kitchen. I said
nothing to Mrs
Colmer when I
because Mr
Colmer came up
behind me. I
went in by the
front door. It
would then be
about 2 o'clock.
Mr Colmer
entered by the
shop door. I did
not see Mr
again until the
evening, but I
heard him in the
calling "Mrs
Colmer, Mrs
Colmer," two or
three times; and
then he shouted,
"Come in! Bring
a cloth! She is
fainting!" I was
in the kitchen
at that time.
The sound seemed
to come from the
dining room.
That would be
about 3 o'clock.
After that the
dining room was
unlocked and Mrs
Colmer came into
the kitchen. She
took a
tablecloth and
tea cloth off
the kitchen
table and went
into the dining
room. There is a
window in that
apartment. It
looks into the
yard. There is a
blind to that
window, and I
noticed it was
down that
afternoon. If
the blind was up
a person could
see in from the
kitchen. That
afternoon I
could not see
in. Mrs Colmer's
two daughters
lived with her.
On the afternoon
in question they
dined in the
although they
usually do not
dine in the
kitchen. I have
known them dine
there before,
but not often.
All that
afternoon Miss
Colmer sent me
out several
times on
errands, but I
cannot say to
where. About 7
o'clock in the
evening I saw
Mrs Budge
sitting on the
sofa in the
dining room. I
was then going
to order the
'bus. Miss
Colmer sent me
to do that, and
I had to pass
through the
passage. I could
then see Mrs
Colmer sitting
with Mrs Budge
on the sofa. Mrs
Colmer had her
arm around Mrs
Budge's waist.
The gas was then
lighted very
brightly. Mrs
Budge had
neither bonnet
nor jacket on.
Mrs Budge was in
a sitting
position. She
looked very ill.
There are two
glass panels in
the door leading
from the dining
room to the
Previously they
were quite
clear; they were
clear on the
morning of the
day I speak of;
but in the
newspaper was
put over the
glass to prevent
any person from
seeing in. At
tea time I saw
the tablecloth
and the tea
cloth and a
basin of water
in the trough
under the tap.
That was in the
evening. There
was a towel in
the basin, and
the basin was
full of water.
It had not been
there before
that day. On
sweeping the
dining room by
the sofa next
morning I
observed that
some water had
been spilt on
the coconut
matting. I saw
Mrs Colmer take
her dinner
between one and
2 o'clock on the
previous day, in
the kitchen. Mr
Colmer did not
stay in the
house that
night. My father
took me away
from Mrs
Colmer's service
the day after
the Coroner's
inquest. I had
never had any
quarrel with Mrs
Colmer. She
always treated
me very kindly.
by Mr Clarke --
The Friday in
question being
market day a
large number of
people came into
the shop for
tobacco and
various things.
Besides, a large
number of her
patients called
that day. It is
not uncommon for
the family to
dine in the
kitchen on
market days -
that is on
Fridays. They go
to the kitchen
because there is
a probability of
the dining room
being wanted on
that day for
patients. It was
the dining room
to which Mrs
Colmer generally
took her
patients. The
blind of the
dining room was
up in the
morning, but
down in the
afternoon. It
was later than 3
o'clock, but how
much later I
cannot say. It
was drawn up
about 5 o'clock.
What particular
time it was put
down, and how
long it remained
down, I cannot
say. I did not
light the gas
that day; but it
had not been
long lighted
when I saw Mrs
Colmer and Mrs
Budge on the
Had Mrs Colmer
been in bad
health a little
before the time?
-- She had not
been well.
And was she in
the habit of
sitting on the
sofa in the
dining room a
great deal? -
Which Miss
Colmer sent you
for the omnibus?
-- The youngest,
'Brinny' they
always call her.
You feel sure it
was she who gave
you the order?
-- Yes.
Where were you?
-- In the
kitchen. She
came from the
dining room into
the kitchen. I
put on my hat to
go out. I did
not have to go
upstairs at all.
I went out from
the kitchen
straight down
the passage.
I must ask you
these questions.
Did you mean to
say that passing
along the
passage and by
the stairs to
the front door,
without turning
to go upstairs,
you could see
through that
door anyone
sitting in the
dining room? --
Yes, sir, on the
Did you go out
as quickly as
you could to
fetch the
omnibus? -- Yes.
You popped on
your hat and
went out? --
Yes; I turned my
head and saw the
lady sitting on
the sofa.
You saw a lady
in mourning
sitting on the
sofa? -- I won't
say she was in
mourning then;
but she looked
very ill indeed.
Did you not
distinctly swear
before the
Coroner when
that photograph
was produced to
you, that it was
like a lady you
had seen at Mrs
Colmer's, that
you only saw the
lady once? --
Yes sir, I did.
How came you to
say that? --
Because I was
told not to say
anything at all
about what I
Were you examine
once or twice
before the
Coroner? --
Once. I was
examined before
the magistrates.
Did you in some
respects tell a
different story
before them from
that you told
before the
Mr Poland -- That
is rather vague.
Surely you
should call her
attention to
something she
did say.
Mr Clarke -- I
will call her
attention to a
dozen, if you
like. Did you
say before the
coroner that it
was Madame
Colmer who said
you for the
omnibus? -- I
don't remember
whether I said
Madame or Miss
Then at all
events you had
not been told to
say that Miss
Colmer sent you
for the omnibus?
-- No sir.
Nor had anyone
told you not to
say that you had
been sent? --
It was before
Madame Colmer
had had dinner
that you first
saw the lady on
the day you
refer to? --
Had the fire
been lighted, or
did you simply
go into the room
to make it up?--
To make it up.
Did you know the
lady you saw
sitting on the
sofa? -- No, I
did not.
Did you
recognise her as
anyone you had
seen before? --
I saw her on the
You were only in
the room for a
few minutes, I
suppose? -- Only
a few minutes.
Where was Mrs
Colmer at that
time? -- In the
customers in the
shop? -- Yes.
Before the
Coroner did you
say you never
before saw the
person you saw
there on Friday?
-- I don't know
sir, I don't
You never saw
the lady again
unless she was
the person you
say you saw at
seven in the
evening? -- No,
And you don't
know what became
of her - whether
she went away or
stayed there? --
No, I don't.
Whilst Madame
Colmer was
having dinner in
the kitchen
where were you?
-- In the back
Who was minding
the shop? -- I
don't know.
When did you
next see Mr
Colmer after the
time he followed
you from Mr
Crocker's? -- I
saw him in the
evening, going
down the yard.
That was before
I went to fetch
the omnibus.
Did you say
before the
Coroner that you
did not see her
take the cloth
from the kitchen
table? -- Yes,
sir, I did.
The Judge -- Do
you remember
what you said
before the
Coroner? -- No,
I do not.
Mr Clarke -- Did
you say that Mrs
Colmer took the
cloth from the
room in which
she was? -- That
was the cloth
which I found in
the basin. Mrs
Colmer took two
cloths - a
tablecloth and
tea cloth - but
they were not
The Judge -- What
do you say about
the other cloth;
what was that?
-- A towel I
found in the
Who had that? --
Mrs Colmer, I
Mr Clarke -- You
say that that
evening you
found a towel in
the sink. How
long it had been
there you don't
know? -- No.
Mr Williams -- You
said just now
"she" told you
not to say what
you know. Whom
do you mean by
"she"? -- The
Misses Colmer.
When did they
say that -
before you went
to the Coroner's
inquest? -- Yes.
Give me as near
as you can the
exact words used
to you, when you
were told to
order the 'bus?
-- Go and order
the bus for the
8:15 Crewkerne
Is there a
closet in
Colmer's yard?
-- Yes.
George Lucas,
examined by Mr
Norris, said -- I
am a carpenter
and joiner. On
the 19th I was
working at Mr
Godfrey's shop,
next to Mrs
Colmer's. That
between two and
three, Mr Colmer
came into Mr
Godfrey's shop.
I afterwards saw
him in his own
garden between
three and four.
Witness was not
George Martin, labourer, Yeovil, said -- On the 19th March last I was in the employment of Mr Godfrey, and I remembered seeing Mr Colmer in his back garden on the afternoon of that day.
William Godfrey -- I reside at Middle Street, Yeovil. Shortly before 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the 19th of March Mr Colmer came into my place, and I subsequently went into Madame Colmer's shop. Our conversation referred to a grate. I think it would be about 4:30 when I went into Colmer's shop. Madame Colmer told me the grate had been put right, and that I could not get into the dining room as there was some person in there. I had been making some alterations in the grate on the Thursday, and it was on the Friday that I went into the shop and was told I could not get in to see it.
Albert Edward Tanner, miller, Ilchester -- I was in Yeovil on the19th of March last, and went into Madame Coleman's shop between 2:30 and 3 o'clock, on the afternoon of that day. I went in to buy the stem of a pipe. While in the shop I heard someone calling - twice or three times - "Mrs Colmer, Mrs Colmer." Mrs Colmer went to the dining room door immediately, but it appeared to be locked. She kicked it with her foot, but failed to open it.
John Membury, hairdresser, residing in Middle Street -- I was at home on the night of the 19th of March. I remember seeing the Mermaid omnibus stopping opposite the side door of Madame Colmer's, between seven and 9 o'clock. A lady came out of Mrs Colmer's and got into the omnibus. She was attired in dark clothing. I don't remember how she got in, but after she got in the omnibus drove off. Sweet was the driver.
Herrington said
The deceased Mrs
Budge was my
daughter. I
remember my
daughter leaving
home on the 19th
of March. I was
not at the
station when she
returned. She
bought with her a
bottle of
powder, and the
daughter of the
deceased put
some in a glass
and filled it up
with sherry. She
went to bed
shortly after
she arrived
home. During the
night she said
she suffered
great pain. I
saw her the next
morning at 8
o'clock, and
remained with
her all day. She
would not allow
Dr Wills to be
sent for either
in the morning
or in the
afternoon, until
she was seized
for the death.
She died about a
5:45 in the
evening. There
were marks of
blood on the
Mr Bullen -- Did
you see your
daughter take
anything from a
bottle that had
been filled up
with sugar? --
Yes, before she
went to bed she
took a dose.
Miss Annie
Elizabeth Budge
said she was the
eldest daughter
of the late Mrs
Mary Budge, and
there were four
other children.
Her father was a
By the Judge -- I
have two sisters
and two
By Mr Poland -- On
Friday, the 19th
of March, when
my mother went
out I was at
school. She was
very well when I
went away to
school. She
returned home
between 9 and
9:30, and she
then appeared in
her ordinary
dress as if she
had just come
in. She bought
in a bottle of
liquid with her,
and also a
bottle with some
white powder. I
put some sherry
into the bottle
with the powder
at the request
of my mother,
and after that
she took two tablespoonfuls.
I slept with my
mother that
night; I did not
usually sleep
with her. I did
so because
wished it.
During the
night my mother
was very
restless and had
no sleep,
although she did
not complain,
but I could see
that she was in
a great deal of
pain. She slept
very little
during the
By the Judge -- I
don't think she
slept at all
during the
By Mr Poland -- I
got up about
eight in the
morning, and
left her in bed.
I did not go to
school that
morning because
I was asked to
remain at home
by my
grandmother. My
mother never
again got out of
bed, but she
remained there
until she died.
My mother seemed
to be in
by Mr Bullen --
There were two
flights of
stairs - about
33 stairs - to
get to the room.
I was downstairs
when my mother
got into her
bedroom. I did
not see her
there before she
was undressed. I
saw no blood
either in the
room or on the
stairs. I gave
my mother two tablespoonfuls
of the sherry
and white powder
during the
Eliza Barrett,
widow, of
Crewkerne, said
she was called
to the house of
the deceased on
20 March.
The Judge -- Was
she then dead?
-- She was, my
lord. I saw her
clothes, which
were then in a
very bad
condition. There
was a great deal
of blood about
her chemise and
nightdress. Mrs
Taylor also
showed me a
sheet. It was
not so dirty as
but was stained
with blood, and
was folded over
four times. The
blood on all the
articles seemed
By the Judge -- It
was not very
By Mr Bullen -- It
was not dry.
By the Judge -- It
was not dry on
any of the
Louisa Taylor,
examined by Mr
Poland -- I am a
nurse living at
Crewkerne, and
knew the
Shortly after
she died I was
called in. I got
there about six,
and saw her
dead. I saw her
which was in a
very bad state
with blood. The
blood was quite
fresh, and not
By the Judge -- I
took the
chemise, &c. off
the body.
continued -- There
was also blood
on the sheet,
and a quantity
of blood in the
slop-pail. I
laid out the
body. There were
no external
marks or
By the Judge -- I
washed the body,
and saw whence
the blood
John Bailey,
inspector of
Bristol police,
examined by Mr
Norris -- on
the13th of
April, in
consequence of a
from the Chief
Constable of
Somerset, I went
to the male
prisoner's shop
at 77½ Old Market
Street, Bristol,
about 8 o'clock
in the evening.
I took the
prisoner to St
Phillips police
station. I said
"Robert Slade
we have received
a telegraphic
message from Mr
Gould, Chief
Constable of
stating that
Robert Slade
Colmer was
wanted for
murder; that he
resided with
Miss Dawes, or
Davies, in Old
Market Street."
He said, "All
right; I know
all about it." I
detained him
till half past
two the next
day, when I
handed him over
to the Somerset
police. I know
the prisoner's
shop; the
produced was
over the door.
By Mr Bullen -- He
made some remark
that another
policeman had
been to his
house, and when
he said, "All
right, I know
all about it," I
don't think he
said that he
knew all about
it from the
other policeman.
The question was
repeated and
pressed, and
witness at last
said he would
not swear that
Colmer did not
say that the
other policeman
told him all
about it.
continued -- He
did not tell me
that he had
already gone to
the chief police
officer in
Bristol. He said
he intended to
do so, but he
did not say why.
By Mr Poland -- I
know nothing of
the case.
By the Judge -- I
did not make a
memorandum at
the time of what
the prisoner
said, but I
expected to be
called as a
witness, and
therefore I
remembered it.
Joseph Holwill,
sergeant of
police, Yeovil,
examined by Mr
Poland, said --: I
took Mrs Colmer
into custody on
the 13th of
April, after the
inquest. She was
then ill in bed,
and I left a
constable in
charge of her.
In one of the
drawers in the
bedroom I found
the instrument
produced (a
speculum). It
was not wrapped
up. I took
possession of
it. I found no
other instrument
in the house. I
have seen the
male prisoner
write many times
at the police
station, and the
two telegrams
produced are in
his handwriting.
(Marked 23 and
79.) The male
prisoner was at
the police
station from the
14th until the
29th of April,
and he was
writing every
By Mr Norris -- I
feel confident
these telegrams
are in his
although I did
not know his
until he was in
custody. He
generally wrote
to a woman
called Williams,
at Bristol, with
whom he lived,
and sometimes I
read the letters
and sometimes
read them. I
found some
instruments in
the prisoner's
house, and I
handed them
Mr Poland then
tendered in
evidence the two
identified by
the last
Mr Bullen (in
the absence of
Mr Clarke) said
he would simply
take his
opinion as to
whether the
telegrams had
The Judge -- Oh,
Telegrams read
from R S Colmer,
Bristol, to Mrs
Colmer, Yeovil,
March 17th:
first telegram
"Have lost the
train; will come
this afternoon
if that will do.
If it will not
do, please
Second telegram
detained me
tonight. Will
come with first
training in the
arriving at
Yeovil at 9
The Judge -- Is
that all you
Mr Bullen -- There
are three
Mr Poland -- I
cannot put in
the third,
because I have
not proved the
handwriting, but
if you wish it
put in I shall
be very happy to
assist you.
The Court then
LONDON, Saturday.
The trial was resumed this morning.
Mr George
Frederick Wills
I live at
Crewkerne, and
am a registered
practitioner. I
have practised
at that place
for several
years. I had
known Mrs Budge
since she lived
at Crewkerne -
12 or 14 years.
I had attended
her. She
enjoyed good
health. I had
not seen her for
six weeks before
she died. On the
20th of March I
was sent for to
her house. Her
mother and
daughter were
with her. She
appeared to be
dying. I tried
to rally her by
some brandy and
water. The heart
was very feeble,
the pulse high,
and the fingers
blue. I think
recognised me,
but she could
not speak. I
applied hot
water and
flannels, but
the deceased
died within an
hour of my
getting into the
room. I never
left her.
In consequence
of what you
heard did you
examine her body
after her death?
-- I did.
Were there no
marks of
violence? --
What was the
condition of the
body - the
colour? -- A
peculiar yellow.
Was there any
blood? -- Yes, a
little on the
sheet, and some
on the body.
Was the body
nourished? --
Yes; she was a
thin person.
Her age was
about 36? -- I
believe so.
The following
day you made a
examination? --
I did.
Was Mr Alford,
surgeon, of
present? -- Yes.
State the
condition in
which you found
the body. Was it
decomposed at
all? -- Yes,
very much,
considering the
short time since
Were the lungs
and heart
healthy? -- Yes,
all the organs
of the body were
healthy, except
the uterus.
No trace of
disease at all?
- None at all.
No trace of
worms? - None.
What was the
state of the
uterus? -- The
uterus was of a
very uneven
thickness; upon
the upper part
there was a dark
spot, which
could be seen
before the
uterus was
What was the
spot? -- It was
an ash-coloured
spot, and there
was another just
below on the
anterior part. I
then removed the
uterus, opening
it at the
posterior part,
for the purpose
of examination.
with the
spot there was a
loss of
reducing the
thickness of the
wall of the
uterus in one
place to about
the sixteenth of
an inch. The
abrasion as well
as the loss of
substance was
about the size
of a fourpenny-piece.
What is the
thickness of the
uterus? --
Three-eighths or
half an inch, in
most cases.
Close by the
spot, was a very
dark patch of
suffused blood,
under the mucous
membrane. The
lower patch
where there was
a loss of
substance on the
front surface of
the uterus was
not quite so
large. The
membrane was
jagged and
appeared torn in
two or three
places between
these patches,
the whole
surface being
injected and
Explain what you
mean by
injected? --
There was an
unusual quantity
of blood in the
vessel of the
mucous membrane.
There was also a
connected with a
clot of blood
attached to the
lining of the
membrane of the
uterus, which I
removed for
examination. I
found it to be
part of a
placenta. I
formed an
opinion that she
had been
pregnant, and
that the fetus
had been
removed. I found
no trace of the
fetus, although
the placenta
showed that it
must have been
there. I formed
an opinion that
the deceased had
been pregnant
for about three
although, of
course, it is
difficult to
Did you form any
opinion that the
fetus had been
removed by
violence? -- I
think from the
condition of the
membranes there
can be no doubt
that violence
had been used.
In your
judgement, was
the violence
such as might
have been caused
by the forcible
removal of the
fetus by an
instrument? --
The appearance
would be
compatible with
the use of an
instrument. It
would not be
compatible with
the fetus having
come away
violence. The
showed that
violence had
been used in the
removal of the
fetus a few
previously. The
body had a
probably owing
following on the
poisoning of the
blood. From the
general state of
the body there
had been much
loss of blood.
In your
judgement what
was the cause of
death? --
From what part?
-- The uterus.
Is it, in the
early stages of
dangerous, by
the use of an
instrument, to
attempt to
abortion? -- I
should say it
was highly
Dangerous to
life? -- Yes,
dangerous, the
produced is a
variety of the
speculum which
is commonly used
for enlarging
the approaches
to the uterus.
Supposing it to
be used for the
purpose of
abortion it
would not be
used by itself.
The use of this
instrument would
expose the mouth
of the uterus so
that another
instrument might
be the more
readily passed
into the uterus.
Almost any hard
substance that
was long enough
to reach might
have been
employed to
cause the
injuries I saw,
and to bring
away the fetus.
violence might
or might not
have been used
to bring it
away. After an
operation such
as this, the
person who
underwent it
would require to
be treated with
very great care.
It would add
very much to the
danger if a
woman after such
an operation
were allowed to
walk out, to
take an omnibus,
and then go 10
or 11 miles in a
train. I have no
doubt of the
substance I have
mentioned being
part of the
afterbirth. I
took away almost
the whole of the
uterus at the
time of the
post-mortem, and
sealed it up,
placing it in a
jar. After
attaching my
seal, I sent it
to Dr Hicks,
Guy's Hospital.
In the deceased
lady's room I
saw a bottle,
which I found on
making enquiries
after her death.
It was behind
the dressing
glass on the
dressing table.
I saw it
contained a
fluid with a
white sediment.
I sealed that up
without testing
it, and gave it
to the Sergeant
of Police to
take to Mr Stoddart, the
county analyst,
who has since
died. I tasted
the white
precipitate, and
it had a taste
which resembles
that of quinine.
It might have
been quinine and
sherry. Quinine
is a
medicine. I did
not see any
other bottle. I
took the
contents of the
stomach, the
duodenum, and
the placenta,
and I sent them
under seal to Mr
by Mr Clarke -- I
have heard of
the female
prisoner as
having lived in
Yeovil for many
years. I know
she has one son who
is a medical
Is it within
your knowledge
that there are
many diseases
of women which
they would
rather have
examined by
women than men?
-- I am not
aware of such a
The instrument
you have seen
would be used
for any purpose
of inspection -
in cases of
&c. -- Yes. The
effectual use of
such an
instrument on a
person three
months advanced
in pregnancy
necessitate the
employment of
violence, which
would cause
laceration, and,
probably, very
Supposing a
small instrument
had been used to
open or widened
the uterus, it
would not have
been necessary
to use the
speculum to open
the vagina.
At the time you
saw this lady
she was dying
from collapse
caused by
haemorrhage? --
Yes. Haemorrhage
on the previous
day might have
so severe
that a slight
relapse would
carry her off.
There were not
indications of
You have said
that in your
opinion death
was caused by
abortion, that
is, loss of the
fetus. Whether
that loss were
caused by an
operation or
naturally, you
would, as a
medical man,
regard it as an
abortion? --
You judged from
the appearance
that the
abortion was
recent? -- Yes,
it must have
been within 24
hours, or
would have been
set up. There
was commencement
of inflammation
of the inner
surface of the
uterus; there
was no
There was a
jagged surface
which indicated
There was an
appearance of
jagged mess in
several places,
from which the
loss of blood
had occurred. It
indicated the
use of
violence. The
use of an
instrument would
not necessarily
leave traces on
the surface of
the neck of the
uterus. In
removing the
uterus I left
the neck in
situ. Supposing
the removal of
the fetus and
the laceration
of the inner
surface of the
uterus to have
taken place at
the same time,
there would be a
great deal of
sufficient to
cause weakness
and exhaustion.
Would a woman
under those
circumstances be
able to walk
about the
streets and go
by train? --
There was not
much walking
about the
streets in this
The Judge -- She
only walked
across the
pavement to the
Mr Clarke -- But
would it be
possible for a
woman, under
to travel by
omnibus and
train? -- Quite
Surely not
immediately? --
The Judge -- What
kind of
instrument do
you say might
have been used?
-- Some hard
No particular
instrument, but
any hard
substance you
say might have
been employed?
-- Yes, but it
must have had
rather a hard
edge. With
reference to the
last question of
Mr Clarke,
respecting the
ability of a
woman to walk
after the
prostration and
resulting from
the removal of
the fetus, I may
say that it is
not an uncommon
thing among the
lower orders in
the country for
a woman after
giving birth to
a child
immediately to
walk upstairs to
Mr Clarke -- But
the woman would
not then be in a
condition of
amounting to
prostration. --
Oh yes she
Mr Charles Edward Alford -- I am a registered medical practitioner, practising at Crewkerne. On 21 March, I assisted Mr Wills in the post-mortem examination of the deceased lady. I heard his evidence as to the condition of the body and the cause of death, and quite agree with it.
James Wright
Gatehouse -- I am
the public
analyst for the
City and Borough
of Bath. On the
27th of March, I
received, for
the purpose of
analysis, some
parcels. They
were packed and
sealed with the
initials "G. F.
W." (Mr Wills's
initials). The
first was a
bottle labelled
"medicine" which
contained a
yellow liquid
with a white
sediment. It
consisted of an
liquid, probably
sherry and
sulphate of
quinine in
solution, and
also sulphate of
quinine as a
solid, which,
when dry, would
be a white
powder. It was
an 8 ounce
containing 3
ounces, 9
drachms of
fluid. In each
ounce there were
five grains of
quinine sulphate
and three grains
of solid quinine
sulphate. There
was another
bottle labelled
"contents of
stomach". There
was nothing
material in
that. A third
bottle, labelled
contained a
yellow semihard-fluid.
There was the
slightest trace
of oily and
resinous matter.
By distillation,
I obtained a
turbid fluid,
and most minute
quantity of oil
and resin, but
I'm not in a
position to
state what the
oil and resin
were. It is
possible they
might have
proceeded from
savin; but there
was not
sufficient to
enable me to
swear to it.
There was
another bottle
which I opened,
but, finding
that labelled
"uterus" I
re-corked and
sealed it, and
forwarded it to
Dr Galobin.
Mr Clarke -- I
have no question
to ask.
Dr Alford Lewis
Galobin, of St
Thomas's Street,
examined by Mr
Poland, read his
notes of an
examination of
the contents of
the bottle
forwarded him by
the last
witness. The
size of the
uterus was
increased and
extended in
globular form.
An incision had
been made
through the
lower two thirds
of the posterior
wall. On the
interior wall,
not far from the
summit and
towards the
right side was a
spot about half
an inch in
diameter, where
a distinct
breach of the
tissue seemed to
have taken
Mr Poland -- Was
it a distinct
breach of the
tissue such as
would be caused
by a hard
instrument being
used to procure
abortion? -- It
It presented
such appearances
as you would
expect to find
if some hard
instrument had
been used to
abortion? --
Was there any
disease of the
womb? --
showed that
there had been
which might have
been produced
within a few
With that
exception there
was no other
disease? -- No,
none. I should
say that the
violence from
which death
resulted had
been used about
a couple of days
before death.
The substance
taken from the
uterus showed
that the person
from whom it was
taken had been
some time in the
third month of
pregnancy -
probably not
quite three, but
certainly more
than two months.
The evidence
given shows that
the quinine
found in the
contained eight
grains to the
ounce. Two
grains to the
ounce is the
usual dose. In
such quantities
as eight grains,
quinine would
tend to produce
contraction of
the womb.
Do you agree
with Dr Wills
that an
instrument could
be used for the
purpose of
abortion without
injuring the
neck of the
uterus? -- Yes,
Witness was not
Dr Jonathan
Wybrants -- I am
one of the
Coroners for the
County of
Somerset. I held
an examination,
beginning on 22
March, on the
body of Mrs
Budge. The
prisoner Jane
was examined as
a witness before
me in the course
of the inquiry.
Previous to her
examination we
had examined Mrs
Elizabeth Budge,
and Sarah Ann
Budge. These
were all
examined on the
first day,
Forster was the
first witness on
the second day.
Mrs Colmer's
statement before
the Coroner was
put in, and the
Clerk of
Arraigns was
asked to read
The Judge -- The
witness had
better read his
own writing. I
have tried to do
so, and can't.
(A laugh.)
A copy of the
statement was
then read by Mr
Norris, and
checked with the
original by the
George Wills,
dairyman, of
Crewkerne -- On
the evening of
19 March I
returned from
Yeovil to
Crewkerne. I
rode in the
Mermaid omnibus,
driven by Sweet,
to Yeovil
station. The
'bus stopped in
Middle Street,
Colmer's shop,
and a lady got
in. She looked
very ill.
produced). That
is a photograph
of the lady I
saw get into the
'bus. She went
by train to
Crewkerne, as I
did, and I next
saw her get into
the Crewkerne
bus. Mr Forster
helped her in.
Witness was not
Mr John Bisgood,
Deputy Chief
Constable of
Somerset, was
called to supply
the information
required by the
judge as to
between Bristol
and Yeovil. He
said -- There are
two routes, one
via Durston, and
the other via Evercreech and
Templecombe. I
know the times
given in the
table produced
to be correct.
The Judge -- I see
it takes between
two and three
hours. -- Yes,
the most direct
way is via
Durston; the
other is rather
Mr Poland -- That,
my Lord, is the
case for the
Mr Clarke -- I do
not call
Mr Poland then
summed up the
case for the
prosecution. He
said -- May it
please your
gentlemen of the
jury, my
learned friend
Mr Clarke has
just announced
his intention
not to call any
witnesses in
this case, and
therefore your
verdict will
have to be given
upon the sworn
evidence which
is now before
you, and it
becomes my duty
to address you
upon that
evidence, and to
point out in
what way it
appears to me to
bear upon the
charge. The case
is certainly a
very melancholy
one indeed, when
we consider the
position of this
lady. Here is a
lady 36 or 37
years of age,
with daughters -
one approaching
womanhood -
living in a
place where she
had been known
and respected,
and where her
husband, as a
solicitor, had
been known and
respected before
her; a widow
lady living
there, and in
the middle of
March she finds
that she is
pregnant. Now,
gentlemen, we
need not trouble
ourselves with
the history of
because we know
that she was
pregnant and had
been pregnant
for two or three
months -
probably in the
third month -
and finding
herself in that
condition, for
her own
reputation and
for the sake of
her children,
she seems to
have determined
that the
knowledge of it
must be
concealed from
her mother and
from her
relations living
at Crewkerne.
This young man
Forster, whose
evidence I shall
have to comment
upon presently -
and you will say
whether, having
regard to the
painful position
in which he is
placed, whatever
might be his
sins, whether he
is not given his
evidence in that
way as a witness
to redound to
his credit. It
is not for us to
judge of his
conduct, except
in so far as to
come to a right
conclusion. One
cannot help
remembering that
he is a young
man 23 years of
age, and that
the deceased,
the mother of
five children,
was 36 years of
age, and that
she was a person
in a condition
to protect
herself. The
first date of
importance with
reference to
this case is the
13th of March,
and on that day
Mr Forster tells
us that she
wrote a letter,
and that he
directed it so
that it would
reach Mrs Colmer
at Yeovil on the
14th of March,
dressed in a
What that
letter contained
we do not know,
according to the
strict rules of
evidence, we are
not able to show
you the contents
of that letter
unless we can
prove that the
letter reached
the hands of the
person to whom
it is addressed.
I believe there
is evidence to
show that the
letter was
written by the
deceased lady.
On 16 March, a
telegram, the
contents of
which I am not
able to lay
before you, was
delivered at the
house of the
male prisoner,
who is carrying
on his business
at Bristol. On
17 March we have
telegrams from
the male
prisoner at
Bristol to the
female prisoner
at Yeovil which
have been read
before you. The
first one is to
the effect that
he had lost his
train and would
come in the
afternoon, if
that would do;
if it would not
do, he asked his
wife to
telegraph him to
that effect.
There was a
second message
on that day to
Mrs Colmer to
the effect that
detained him at
Bristol, and
that he would
come by the
first train in
the morning of
17 March,
arriving at
Yeovil at 9
o'clock. So that
on the 17th
there were
passing from Mr
Colmer to Mrs
Colmer. What
takes place on
the Wednesday,
16 March - the
young man
Forster drove
the deceased
from Crewkerne
to Yeovil. He
left there, and
on that day she
went to Mrs
Colmer shop, and
saw her there.
She went again,
the second time,
at 6:30 in the
evening, and
when she comes
out of Mrs
Colmer's shop
she meets a
lady, Mrs
Custard, whom
she tries to
avoid. Mrs
however, spoke
to her and Mrs
Budge then goes
to join that
young man in
Union Street - a
short distance
from Mrs Jane
Colmer's shop -
and she appeared
to give
something to Mr
Forster. They
returned to
Crewkerne that
day, Forster
driving her all
the way from
Yeovil. Now,
gentlemen, can
you therefore
doubt that all
that time Mrs
Budge was making
with Mrs Colmer
for the purpose
of procuring
abortion, and
can you doubt
that Mrs Colmer
was at that time
in communication
with her
husband, that he
should come to
Yeovil for the
purpose of doing
what Mrs Budge
required should
be done.
Gentlemen, when
persons lend
themselves to a
operation of
this kind, it is
not done for
love; it is done
for money; and
having to be
made, you then
find that on the
18th, which is
the next day,
there had been
between Mrs
Colmer and Mrs
Budge. This
letter is
written by Mrs
Budge to Mrs
Colmer, and it
is directed
after it is
written by Mr
Forster, and
posted by him.
Gentlemen, my
learning friend
would think you
were wanting in
the ordinary
good sense which
is bought into
the jury box
when he tries to
make out to you
that this letter
written by the
lady and
directed by Mr
Forster and
posted to Mrs
Colmer was not
also sent to
her. But I shall
just read the
letter, I care
not for the
other, it is as
follows :-
"Madame, - I
have made
excuses to get
away, and will
be at your house
between 12:30
and 1 o'clock on
Friday. I should
be glad to get
back by the next
train if
possible. I have
procured the
(Signed) M.
(Note: £18 in 1880 would be about £1,500 at today's value.)
Now, gentlemen, is that not perfectly conclusive that arrangements had been made between Mrs Budge and Mrs Colmer that she should come a subsequent day and have that done which I shall ask you to believe was done; that the husband should be ready for the purpose; and that she should make excuses for being away from home for the time necessary for the performance of the operation; and that she was to bring with her the payment, the reward, for the operation, which I shall ask you to say was performed on that day in the dining room. "I have made excuses to get away." That is what she says. Of course, to her mother and her family she had to make excuses why she went to Yeovil, and why she was to be there the whole day; and notwithstanding this excuse she says "I shall be glad to get away by the next train. I have got the £18." Well, now, did she in pursuance of that letter go to Yeovil the next day? We know that she did. Mr Forster did not accompany her as before in a dogcart or whatever it might be, because after an operation such as that was I suggest to you was performed, a drive of nine miles would be a too serious matter. So Mrs Budge takes the railway train from Crewkerne to Yeovil, and you find her arriving at the latter place about the time mentioned in the letter. There she was in Mrs Colmer's house from about 1 o'clock, or whatever the exact time was, until a 7:45 in the evening, when she is seen leaving the shop to get into the omnibus for the purpose of returning to Crewkerne. Thus we have this taking place at Yeovil: Mrs Colmer is there; Mr Colmer is there. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the servant girl is sent to Mr Crocker's - the son-in-law of the male prisoner - is sent by her mistress to fetch him. If that is not true, Crocker could not have been called to prove it. The the instruction to the servant was, "Go down to Mr Crocker's and tell Mr Colmer he is wanted," and accordingly the male prisoner followed the girl back to his wife's shop. He was seen upon the premises from time to time during the day whilst the unfortunate lady Mrs Budge was in the dining room. We know what takes place next. About 3 o'clock there was a cry from the dining room "Mrs Colmer! Mrs Colmer! She is fainting! Bring a cloth!" What could speak with greater force than that? You, gentlemen, have seen the demeanour of the young girl, Mrs Colmer's servants, in the witness box. No doubt my friend Mr Clarke is entitled to say that when she was first examined before the Coroner, previous to her mistress being taken into custody, and in consequence of something said to her by members of the family, the witness did not tell the whole truth, or said that which was not the truth in regard to some matters. But on the second occasion, and knowing then the importance of the case, and that the whole truth should be told, she gave a complete statement of what she knew. You, however, have seen the girl, and must be the judges of her demeanour: but I would put it to you whether there is the slightest reason to doubt that she is now the witness of truth! "Mrs Colmer! Mrs Colmer! She has fainted - bring a cloth!" What does that mean? Do you believe any operation had been performed at that time? Why should the unfortunate lady faint? She had gone to that house in perfectly good health. But there is a cry that she had fainted, and a cloth is obtained. And what do you find afterwards? Over the glass panel in the door leading from the dining room a newspaper is placed, so that no person could see in; whilst there was a blind to the window. There is a couch in the room; and you will find, in reference to what I suggest took place, that although the tablecloth which was fetched was not used, there was found towel in a pail standing under the tap. Certainly, there were no marks of blood upon it; but it is easy to suppose that it might have been rinsed. Well, then, we have it that Mr Colmer is seen shouting that dining room with a lady. He is seen going into the backyard where there is a closet, into which anything which came of the operation might have been thrown, and so never be again seen by human eye. What further took place? Why, we have the evidence of Mr Tanner as to her kicking at the door about 2:30, when she was not able to get in. You remember his evidence as to what he heard in that room. You remember, too, that about 4:30, Mr Godfrey came from next door for the purpose of seeing the injury to a grate caused by the alterations going on next door. What was he told; "You can't go in - there is someone there." Now, Mr Colmer, we say, performed this operation a little after 2 o'clock. He would have to wait some time to see if anything came away from the unfortunate lady, and he would have to go from time to time to look at her. You must see how that fact bears upon the evidence that the door was locked, and that Mr Colmer was seen to go into the yard. Could they doubt that the woman fainted? After that, she had to be revived so as to enable her to get away by train; and when the time comes for that, the young servant is sent to order the omnibus. Can you have any doubts as to who was the lady who came out of Mrs Colmer's shop and got into that omnibus? Little things enable us to judge of that. Were there two ladies in the house that day? Only one at any rate has been identified. We know that it was Mrs Budge who came to the shop at 2 o'clock, before Mr Colmer was fetched, and we know that the deceased was there again at seven in the evening; that the servant in going down the passage on the way to all the omnibus saw her sitting on the sofa, without her bonnet and without her mantle. Mrs Colmer was sitting by her, with her arm around her waist, not in the way of affection, but for the purpose of supporting her. Can you doubt that that was so! The next thing we find is that the Mermaid 'bus is ordered for a lady who wants to go back to Crewkerne. The 'bus stopped outside Mrs Colmer's shop, and a lady comes, not out of the shop, but down the passage, and out of the side door. She gets into the omnibus and proceeds by train to Crewkerne. On alighting there she has to be assisted into the Crewkerne omnibus, although she had left that town perfectly well during the day. Let me pass over this as rapidly as I can. My learned friend asks one of the medical witnesses this morning "Do you think that if the operation had been performed upon this lady she would not have been very weak?" and he also used the word "prostrate." But, gentlemen, persons differ in constitution, and although she might be very weak, and unable to ride nine or ten miles in a jolting dogcart across country, she might be able to get home by 'bus and train. What was her condition when she got home? Mr Forster was to have met her by the 4 o'clock train, but apparently she was unable to go back by that train. After the operation was over she had fainted, but by a 8:15 she was in a condition physically, but not safely, to go back. What then was the change which are passed upon her? I won't say a hail woman, but a woman in ordinary health, returns to her own house a wreck. At the station she is so ill that they do not trouble her for her ticket. She is assisted into the omnibus, and when she gets home she is assisted upstairs by her mother. She takes to her bed, and she never leaves that bed alive. Her daughter, who slept with her, said she had little sleep, and was in pain. She had the quinine and sherry, which might have been a tonic, or might have been a medicine intended to act upon the uterus as to get rid of the placenta. Next day she is fearfully ill. None of her relations know where she has been. She refuses to have the doctor, but at last, when the hour of death is approaching, the doctor is sent for and comes about 5 o'clock, and within the hour the lady is dead. What are the appearances afterwards? Blood on the clothes, on the sheet, and a pail containing a quantity of blood or blood and water; and she is dead from the loss of blood which had proceeded from the uterus. No fetus is found: the fetus is gone, but a portion of the placenta remains, as you find from the examination of the medical man; and it is your good fortune in this case to have a man so experienced and clearheaded as Dr Wells. He performs the post-mortem, the details of which you have heard; and Mr Alford, who was present, agrees with all Dr Wilson said. But in order that there should be no doubt in a case of this great importance - whether or not on the suggestion of the medical coroner - an examination of the uterus is made by Dr Galobin, whose evidence is thoroughly confirmatory in every way. Dr Galobin, as well as the other medical witnesses, finds laceration, caused by the use of a hard instrument, and says the abortion was caused by violence and not by disease, because there was no disease, and every organ was healthy. You have them all agreed that death resulted from the loss of blood. I do not think I ought to trouble you at greater length, but I may refer to the course of the inquiry. Evidence was given before the Coroner as to the finding of the quinine in the bottle, and Mrs Colmer is present at the inquest, but probably does not realise how, when such an inquiry progresses step-by-step, until all the facts are ascertained, and the whole truth is exposed to view. After several witnesses have been examined, Mrs Colmer is called. She makes no suggestion as to what was done to this lady: she denies the whole thing. She says she never saw the deceased woman. Is not that a deliberate falsehood? She gives no explanation. My learned friend says "Does she not see patients in the dining room on market days and don't some women like to be examined by a woman instead of a man?" Gentlemen, if this woman went there she went for some purpose. Mrs Colmer says she was not there at all; so that if she was there it was not for lawful purpose, or Mrs Colmer would have stated it before the Coroner. I don't wish to press it unduly, but she denies ever having seen the deceased. She says that a lady came on the Friday who had been there on the Wednesday, and she wanted something for worms, and she only came as an ordinary customer. As applied to this lady, that statement is wholly untrue, because she had no traces of worms - care was taken to ascertain that.
Now, gentlemen, the facts of the case before you. If you had no medical evidence in the case, but simply the descriptions by ordinary observers of this lady's condition when she left home in the morning, and again when she returned home at night, would you not be driven to the conclusion that whilst she was away on that day at Yeovil the fetus had been removed, and the injury done to the uterus, from which the lady died? With no medical evidence, but with good plain commonsense, applying your minds as men of the world to the plain facts as proved by witnesses, would you not come to the conclusion that, on that day at Yeovil, injuries were inflicted which resulted in death? My learned friend cross-examined the servant for the purpose of testing her evidence, and she said, no doubt, that before the Coroner she did not tell the whole truth, but told certain untruths. The same observation applies to Mr Forster. He said that he did tell a deliberate falsehood - a falsehood on his oath - he perjured himself undoubtedly; but, gentlemen, you saw his manner and demeanour in the witness box, and what was his explanation? "No doubt I did: I did know that I was telling an untruth. Why did I do it? I did it to protect the deceased as much as I could." Gentlemen, considering the relationship that existed between himself and Mrs Budge, is it unnatural that a man should be in the first instance to have endeavoured to prevent the terrible injury to her memory and the irreparable injury to her family, by having all these facts disclosed to the public? And therefore he says "I did at first tell untruths to protect the deceased as much as I could," and he added, "I did not think at that time it was so serious." You will observe that he gave additional evidence when he was examined a second time before the Coroner, and from step to step, almost from hour to hour, the evidence of that young man Forster is confirmed by independent witnesses, and if that is so, you will see from his manner and demeanour whether you do not believe that now he is telling you the truth, and that you may safely rely upon his evidence.
We know that an operation of this kind would not be performed without preparations being made, and that the risk would not be run except for valuable consideration. When you consider all the circumstances, it will be for you to say whether you have the remotest doubt that these two persons are in league together - Mrs Colmer making the appointment and preparing the way for her husband, and that he afterwards was sent for from Bristol, or, if you like, he came according to his custom on the ordinary market day to Yeovil for the purpose of seeing patients in this house, and that he while there, in league with his wife, did perform this operation, which they must have known was an operation dangerous to life, and which resulted in this lady's death. The case is undoubtedly one of great importance. You are not trying them for unsuccessfully treating a patient, nor for having without proper knowledge a speculum in the house, to the use of which in ordinary surgical cases no penalty was attached. We have nothing to do with that. These persons before you today are in the same position as if they were ordinary legally qualified medical men, and if that lady went to them and paid them to perform this operation, and it was performed, and death resulted from it; I know my lord will tell you, because it is the law, that they are responsible for the crime of murder in having caused the death of that lady.
Gentlemen, I leave the matter in your hands. The prisoners have the great advantage - and I have no doubt it is a great advantage to you - that they are defended by my learned friend, Mr Clarke. When he addresses you, you will bear in mind that it is upon the sworn testimony in this case that the verdict has to be given, though, no doubt, he will assist you by comment upon the evidence. But I submit that upon the sworn evidence we have it proved almost to demonstration, if not to demonstration, and beyond all reasonable doubt, that these two persons did commit the crime with which they stand charged in this indictment. If you do believe that, it is necessary, in the interests of society and for the protection of us all, that you should perform your duty with firmness.
Mr Edward Clarke, QC, MP, then rose to address the jury on behalf of the prisoners. The learned counsel said -- I hope that it was not really necessary for my learned friend in the concluding observations of that speech to caution you that you should remember while I was addressing you that it is solely upon the evidence that you have to decide this case. I would not wear this gown if it imposed upon me the duty of asking a jury to disregard the evidence that was put before them, or if it imposed upon me the duty of endeavouring, before those upon whom so greater responsibility rests as falls upon you today, to disturb your minds and draw them away from those matters which are essential to the discharge of your duty. Let me join in the caution, and I join in it with all my heart. Do not be guided or governed in this case by the mode in which I address or by the observations, apart from the evidence, that I may make in this case. I agree in the exhortation, but I agree in it with one important qualification, which it seems to me my learned friend forgot when twice in his speech he stated it was your duty to find a verdict upon the sworn testimony before you. Your duty is to find a verdict upon the sworn evidence so far as you believe it to be trustworthy. And, gentlemen, that is an important qualification. That I did not call witnesses to contradict matters with regard to which witnesses might have been called is not an admission of statements with regard to which no witnesses could have been called. I did not contradict - I could not contradict - the evidence of that man Sweet, just to take one witness for instance, whose name comes to my mind in illustration, who tells you that on the evening of Friday he was hailed from the pavement on the side of that street, by a lady, who got into his omnibus, and whom he drove to the station, and who he tells you was Mrs Budge. I did not contradict that evidence, and I did not cross-examine, and by not cross-examining him I admit, so far as admission can go in a criminal case, that that statement must be taken as one of the facts with which you have to deal. And if I refrain from cross-examining with regard to a particular statement, I am not entitled afterwards to challenge that statement in my address, or to use observations to discredit a piece of evidence which I have not ventured to challenge, and which might have been re-enforced. To that extent then I am bound by the evidence which has been given. But do you think, or would anybody suggest that in reason - I say nothing about law - that in reason, or even in law, I am bound to accept the evidence of that young man Forster with regard to this letter the contents of which he never wrote down until this case had actually begun, or was within half an hour of beginning in this court? There is an important difference here. I quite agree that if you are prepared to accept Forster's evidence as a whole, and believe that you can absolutely and implicitly rely upon it, my friend is entitled to make the observations he did with regard to the importance of that testimony. But, gentlemen, there are two things to be considered with regard to every piece of evidence that comes before you in this case, and it is your duty, and I'm sure that under the guidance of my lord that duty will be steadily, and, I was going to say, severely discharged, in testing every piece of evidence put before you with respect to these two matters. The first is - is it true, and the second is is it relevant? There may be true evidence which is really not relevant to the issue before the jury. There may be relevant evidence with regard to which the jury shall have, as I shall submit to you, the greatest reason for doubting whether that evidence is truly given in the case before you. Let me say one or two words upon matters which, it appears to be, with submission to your judgement, you ought practically to dismiss from your consideration in dealing with this case.
My learned friend has certainly not dealt with the case as if it were one of strong, and cogent, and conclusive evidence. He has gone to the very verge of the limit of regularity in his allusion to documents, which have been very properly, by the rules of evidence, excluded from consideration, and with regard to which, therefore, he is no more entitled to make a statement on the one side, than I should be on the other. He has asked you with respect to a document seen by the witness Forster, on 13 March, he has asked you although no evidence of that document could be given before you, first to guess to whom it was addressed; next to form an opinion as to what its contents were; thirdly to come to a conclusion regarding its supposed destination; and next to that, in consequence of this document (supposed to have reached the destination to which he imagines it was to have been sent) something was done and that a telegram was sent which was put in evidence before you. I confess I do think it is a somewhat strange course to have taken in a case where the admissible and legal evidence, whatever may be its effect when examined, is not deficient in quantity. It seems to me, I say, a strange thing that counsel with the responsibility of my learned friend (Mr Poland) should have taken that course. Because, gentlemen, neither you nor I can forget at this moment what it is that is depending upon your verdict - what's the issue is that you have here to try. I could have understood - I could have appreciated - I could have sympathised with what my learned friend said in terms of pathos with regard to the unhappy lady who came to her death upon 20 March last, and even with regard to that young man who was called into the witness box and gave evidence upon this matter, if it had been an ordinary civil case we were trying; if it had been a case involving either no very important issues or matter of simply historical evidence, I could have sympathised with that pathos that he threw into his words. But I have no room in my mind at this moment for thoughts of pathos or of sympathy, except with respect to the two persons whose lives may depend upon your judgement: and I do hope that, while I shall take care for my own part to endeavour to exclude from the observations I addressed to you anything which might be intended to guide you away from the truth and away from the real issue before you; You, as in solemn responsibility, will take care to exclude from your minds and from the government of your decision any idea of sympathy with the poor woman who has died, or of compassion for the youth who was examined in the witness box here.
Gentlemen, there are two or three matters which it seems to me all to be got rid of in this case. They have been introduced as matters of suspicion; and, of course, if one is accidentally betrayed into what looks like an expression of opinion it is purely accidental, for this matter is one for your decision, and I am anxious to avoid the expression of any opinion. But I submit to you that the matters I am going to refer to were introduced as elements of suspicion have actually disappeared from any man's consideration. Let me take two or three in order. Let me, for instance, take that instrument, the speculum. When my learned friend opened this case, he said that in a drawer belonging to the prisoner there was found an instrument. There was found an instrument: and I have no doubt there came into your mind at the moment the idea that the instrument was one by which an operation of this kind had been performed: and that therefore the evidence was completed. It may be that the operation must be performed by one of many instruments, in common use, but the instrument found had no more necessarily to do with that operation than if they had found any article of household furniture, or of medical equipment upon those premises. The doctor says it would be impossible to put the instrument into the uterus where the mischief was done. When I say it would be impossible for it to be rammed into any portion of the human body - it would be impossible to do so without tearing and destroying the parts adjacent. The instrument was one used for common and ordinary purposes, and probably there is no doctor who is much in practice, and though doctors do not like to admit that women are reluctant to consult them about mischiefs and inconveniences which affect certain private parts, I suppose it is common knowledge that there is a good deal of hesitation and reluctance on the part of women to speak to a man on matters of this kind. The doctors admitted that such an instrument might be used by medical men on or by anyone consulted about affections of the private parts of a woman, but it would not be necessary to use it in performing an operation such as was suggested to have been performed in the case they were investigating. The instrument in question was found two or three weeks after the first inquest was held. It was an instrument used ordinarily by medical practitioners for perfectly reasonable and practical purposes, and is an instrument which could not have been used to affect the mischief which was alleged to have been affected upon that woman's person. That then has disappeared from the case practically, and I do not suppose that any one of you will attach any importance to the findings of that instrument, but you would attach a good deal of importance to the fact that no instrument of any other kind appears to have been either in Mrs Colmer's house at Yeovil, or at Bristol, where the male prisoner lives, suitable for such uses. My Lord has had painful experience in the course of his judicial duties in trying cases of this kind, and he asked one witness with regard to the sort of instrument likely to have been used, and was answered that it must have been a cutting instrument which produced the injuries that he had found in the interior of the uterus. Gentlemen, there is no such instrument found at the house of either of the prisoners, and the instrument found had nothing therefore to do with the case.
A great deal of evidence has been given with regard to the contents of the stomach found at the post-mortem examination, which was of no consequence at all. The witness comes and says I found a small quantity of something, it might have been so and so: but it is too little for me to say whether it is or is not. That sort of evidence is not of any real value to a jury, with life and death to decide, but ought to be rigourously excluded from their consideration, and not even given unless such evidence amounted to something more than a suspicion.
There is another
part of the case
which I think is
a very
portion of the
case indeed. My
learned friend
spoke in a way
of which I have
complained, and
of which I have
great reason to
complain, with
regard to a
document which
Mr Forster says
he saw on 18
March, and my
learned friend
then speaks
about certain
received from Mr
Colmer on 17
March. There are
two telegrams
which bear that
date, and bear
the respective
times of 2pm and
7:50pm, and my
learned friend's
way of dealing
with the cases
this: he
suggests that Mr
Colmer had been
summoned to go
to Yeovil upon
Wednesday the
17th for the
performance of
that operation
which he asks
you to infer did
take place on
the afternoon of
the 19th. He
asks you to say
that on the 17th
he could not get
there in the
morning, that he
detained him
that night, and
that he would
come by the
first train in
the morning to
Mr Justice
Hawkins -- It
may be well if
you are taking
this in hand for
me to remind you
that the white
telegram is the
one taken into
the office. The
white telegram
was sent away at
12, and the pink
one intimates
the hour at
which is sent
out for delivery
at Yeovil. So
that it would
appear to have
been sent away
from the office
where it was
received at 12
and sent out
again for
delivery from
the office to
which it was
sent at 1:47.
Mr Clarke --The
point is this,
that the 12
telegram is the
one "have lost
Mr Justice
Hawkins -- That
is so.
Mr Clarke,
continuing -- at
1 o'clock, on
the 17th, Colmer
telegraphs from
Bristol "Have
lost train; will
come this
afternoon, if
that will do; if
it will not,
telegraph." And
later in the day
he says,
business has
detained me
tonight; will
come my first
train in the
arriving at
Yeovil at 9
certain." My
learned friend
suggests that
Mrs Budge was
waiting at
Yeovil for the
purpose of
having this
performed and it
was only because
Mr Colmer could
not come on that
day that it was
necessary for
her to go on the
Gentleman, do
you remember the
strong remarks
made by my
learned friend
to the effect
that Forster did
not arrange to
drive on the
Friday back to
because the
drive back in a
dog cart was too
serious a matter
- that the
operation was
really of too
dangerous a
nature to permit
such an
This is the
reason he gives
for the deceased
returning by
train. On the
Wednesday it was
arranged for Mr
Forster to drive
her back, and if
the operation
was to be
attempted why
should a journey
have been
contemplated on
the Wednesday.
It was,
impossible to
suppose that on
that day, at any
rate, an
operation was
contemplated. Mr
Forster's story
is that, on the
Thursday she is
writing for the
first time to
say she is
getting the
money, and is
prepared to pay
for the
operation that
is to be
performed. If
Forster's story
be true - and I
beg you to
notice that I'm
not admitting it
- if Forster's
story is true,
it was not till
the Friday that
Mrs Colmer could
have known that
the woman had
the money to pay
for the
operation. The
telegram is
received on the
announcing that
Mr Colmer will
come at 9
o'clock on the
morning. If Mrs
Budge had
arranged with
Mrs Colmer on
Wednesday to
come again on
the Friday, why
then was Mr
Colmer to come
for the purpose
on Thursday?
Would not there
have been some
telegram to stop
his coming?
There was no
however, to show
this. The second
telegram would
probably have
been received by
Mrs Colmer before the
time it is
suggested Mrs
Budge left the
house on the
evening of
because Mr
Forster states
that she came to
him at 8:15
o'clock that
night. The
telegram stated
that Mr Colmer
was coming by
the first train,
and yet Mrs
Budge did not
come over the
next day to meet
him. I therefore
submit to you
with regard to
these telegrams
that they did
not bear out the
suggestion of my
learned friend,
but actually
negative it. I
ask you to deal
with these parts
of the case, as
with the
found, as being
unconnected with
the real and
substantial part
of the case, and
which you ought
not to be biased
by in a case of
this kind. The
trial of a case
of this
description, so
serious in its
character and so
important in
results is not a
time for
explanations of
theories, and if
they did so they
would be
attributing to
irrelevant facts
a connection
which they do
not possess. On
the Wednesday,
there was a
matter taking
place which
would explain Mr
Colmer is being
sent for. There
was work being
done next door
to Mrs Colmer's
house, about
which he
complained to Mr
Godfrey. It
might be, with
regard to any
incidental to
his daily life,
or to the
practice of his
profession, that
Mr Colmer was to
be fetched over
on Wednesday,
but he submitted
that it could
not have been on
account of an
intention to
perform an
operation on Mrs
Well, gentlemen (continued Mr Clarke), if that is so, we are limited very much to Friday, 19th, and to what took place on that day; but, before I speak of that, I am bound to say a word or two with regard to Mr Forster, who has been put in the witness box, and with regard to whom my learned friend has said some compassionate things. One does not to desire to be too hard upon a young fellow like that, who has probably been more the led than the leader, in the connection which existed between him and the deceased woman. But it is impossible to disguise from oneself this fact, that it was of enormous importance to Mr Forster that the deceased woman should get rid of the evidence of her pregnancy. He had been for five or six years in one of the best banks in the West of England, a bank in which a situation is an object of considerable anxiety to young fellows who desire that sort of occupation. He had risen from £40 or £50 a year, which he received when he first entered the bank, to £90, which he was getting at the time this happened, and if he had continued in this situation, employment was practically provided for him for life. But, you know that he had to leave it. He was virtually dismissed. Well, now, we have it in evidence that Forster and Mrs Budge did go together from Crewkerne to Yeovil, indeed, it was of the highest importance to Forster that the evidence of her pregnancy should be got rid of; and, according to his own account, he was an accomplice to the steps she took for that purpose. According to his own account, he is as morally guilty - aye as legally guilty, for he was an accessory before the fact - of the crime here charged, as the two prisoners standing in the dock. According to his own account he and the deceased arranged together the plan by which the operation was to be performed; and I say that he is a criminal, in the same sense and in the same degree, as the prisoners at the bar - that is, if crime has been committed. Well, when you get a man in that position, you are bound to look at his evidence with very great care. Although the law allows the evidence of an accomplice to be given, it is never allowed to stand alone on any material point without the judge warning the jury that it is evidence which should be looked upon with suspicion. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you should see if there is any material point upon which Forster's evidence stands alone. The whole strength of this case, according to the theory of the prosecution, rests absolutely and entirely upon Forster's evidence. That letter of the 18th, which was written after the Wednesday visit, is the keystone of the prosecution. The mention of the £18 is relied upon, I suppose, as showing that an arrangement had been made - that there was concerted action between the parties. But this important part of the evidence rests entirely and absolutely upon the evidence of Forster. There is no support or explanation of it at all. If Forster found the money he could have told us whence he got it from, or if he did not, very likely he could have given some information as to where it was obtained. But we have no evidence on this point, beyond Forster's own testimony, which stands alone entirely uncorroborated. Forster, let me again remind you, is the person most interested in the matter - he is the accomplice to the crime; yet on the point where corroboration is perfectly possible and reasonable, if his story be true, we have absolutely no corroboration at all and you have to remember this is regard to Forster. I do not want to be hard upon him. I want to make all reasonable and proper allowance for him in regard to his position at the time of the inquest; but I dare not make allowance for him, I dare not express compassion for him, in a sense which might, perhaps, be interpreted to the injury of my clients. My duty is with them, and I am bound to point out to you that whatever may be my feelings towards him I have to deal with this fact, that he was the accomplice in the murder, if murder there was, and that he was a perjurer in the evidence he gave before the Coroner in the first instance. It is all very well for him to say that in giving that evidence he was actuated by a desire to shield the reputation of the deceased woman. Shield the reputation of the woman! Why was she dead, and he knew that she had died under circumstances which would lead to medical science being called in to discover, with its unerring instinct, the cause of death. He knew, too, that in open court the story of the disgrace which had fallen upon her, and which he had helped to bring about, would have to be told. Well, his excuse for not telling the truth, was that he did not then realise it was so serious a matter. Do you believe that? I asked him here yesterday, when he stated that "Do you mean to say that knowing what you did know you carelessly swore this?" His answer was "Yes, I did." "I ask you again, do you believe that?" Why according to his own account he had been arranging for this crime. At all events, he was cognizant of the money by which the crime was to be purchased; and he was to profit by the crime, for he would then have kept his situation, and he would have saved himself and his family the disgrace which would follow on the pregnancy of the deceased becoming known. He not only arranged for the crime, but he took the unfortunate woman to the place where it was to be perpetrated. Thus you have these three things decided: first, that one of the main portions of this case rests upon the uncorroborated testimony of a man who was an accomplice to the crime; secondly, that he committed perjury before the Coroner's jury; and thirdly, that he has given evidence before you which I submit you cannot accept is the evidence of honesty and truth.
Now let me say a
word or two
about the
servant girl. I
think I shall be
able to show you
that her
comes to
nothing. She
says that Miss
Colmer told her
something about
not telling all
she knew before
the Coroner's
Court, and that
in consequence
of that she did
not at the first
hearing give a
full and
accurate account
of what she
knew. Well,
there is a very
serious aspect
to that
statement of
hers. You cannot
believe upon
such a
suggestion that
the prisoner's
daughter, who is
not before you,
was a party to
that conspiracy
to commit this
crime. Nor is
the mother
responsible for
any foolish
thing that the
daughter may
have said to the
witness before
she was examined
by the Coroner.
The witness's
evidence is
consistent with
the daughter
having said
something to the
girl - what it
was we do not
know; but it is
with the
assertion that
either of the
prisoners had
any desire to
conceal anything
all wished to
get the girl to
anything, or
that there was,
in fact,
anything to
conceal. Now a
very curious
arises on her
statement. The
statement would
suggest that
whereas in her
first evidence
before the
Coroner she was
saying as little
as she could
against Mrs
Colmer for the
reason that she
had been told to
do so; now,
before you, as
before the
magistrates, she
was telling the
whole truth. If
that be so, the
remarkable thing
is that the
whole truth
which she is
telling you is
in many respects
more favourable
to Mrs Colmer
than the
statement she
made before the
Coroner's jury.
When before the
Coroner she said
that the family
dined in the
kitchen. Here
she says that
the patients
came mostly on
Fridays, market
day, and that
the dining room
being set apart
for them, the
family on those
occasions dined
in the kitchen.
So that we have
it that the
dining of Mrs
Colmer in the
kitchen on the
Friday on which
Mrs Budge was
said to have
been at her
house would have
been only a
usual thing done
for the
accommodation of
the patients who
came on market
day. But there
is another
thing. It is
supposed the
servant girl was
told to say
nothing against
Mrs Colmer.
Before the
Coroner's Jury
she said it was
her mistress who
sent her to
order the
omnibus. That
was a serious
part of her
evidence no
doubt; but here
in this court,
where she is set
free from all
influence, and
where she is
able to tell you
what exactly
happened, she
says that it was
Miss Colmer who
told her to
fetch the
omnibus. Again a
comparison of
her evidence
given before the
Coroner and her
evidence given
here in
reference to the
cloth is taken
out of the
kitchen by Mrs
Colmer seems to
show simply this
- that a
tablecloth and
tea cloth were
returned to the
kitchen, and
that she knows
nothing about
the towel found
in the pail of
water, nor has
any notion for
the purpose for
which it was
used. There is
still two other
matters in her
evidence which I
ask you
carefully to
consider. The
first is, that
she says that on
the day which
she went into
the dining room
to make up the
fire she saw Mrs
Budge sitting on
the sofa; the
second is, that
at 7 o'clock in
the evening,
when she was
going for the
omnibus, she saw
deceased still
sitting on the
sofa, supported
by Mrs Colmer.
The important
consideration is
this - supposing
this girl's
evidence to be
true, that Mrs
Budge was seen
in the room at 1
o'clock and
again at 7
o'clock, what
evidence was
there to show
that she was
there the whole
time? What
evidence was
there to show
that she was
there five
minutes, or 10
minutes, or half
an hour? Where
she was in the
course of the
afternoon we do
not know.
Whether she
stayed with Mrs
Colmer all went
away is all left
to inference and
guess. Again,
there is no
evidence that Mr
Colmer was in
company with Mrs
Budge on the day
in question,
except so far as
you by inference
can satisfy
yourselves that
deceased was in
the room went he
went in. The
only evidence of
Mrs Budge being
in the house was
the servant's
testimony. Now
let us test her
evidence by the
same tests which
the prosecution
have applied.
The prosecution
have put in a
plan, which I
believe to be
correct. Now,
gentlemen, you
can test a
statement of
this kind. Here
(showing the
plan) is the
kitchen from
which the
servant girl was
bought to fetch
the omnibus. She
had to put on
her hat and then
go straight from
the kitchen and
along the
passage to get
into the street.
I asked her "Did
you turn aside
to go upstairs?"
and she said
"No." "Did you
turn aside at
all?" -- "No.
But as I stopped
I turned my head
and I saw a
woman on the
sofa." That is
what the servant
girl says.
Now, gentlemen,
you will be
able, when you
take the plan,
to consider
this; and what I
was suggesting
is that you
should take the
edge from that
corner where the
girl said she
first began to
look into the
room and draw a
line across, and
if you do that
you will find
that as she
passed it was
impossible for
her to have seen
any person who
was sitting on
that sofa.
Supposing it
were so, what
reliance do you
place on the
hasty glance of
a woman who had
no reason
whatever for
looking in, who
did not stop,
who did not even
pause, and
although she
ventures to say
the person she
saw was the same
person she had
seen once in her
life before, and
although she
ventures to say
that the person
looked ill, she
could not tell
whether the
person she saw
was dressed in
mourning or not.
It was a hasty
look, an
observation at
the best, an
which I submit
could not have
been made from
the position in
which she was
Supposing you
are not
satisfied that
it was Mrs Budge
who was seen on
the sofa at 7
o'clock that
evening, where
has this case
gone? At 1
o'clock Mrs
Budge went to
the house. Does
this not occur
to you as being
very curious
that Mrs Colmer
at 1:30, half an
hour after Mrs
Budge goes
there, goes into
the kitchen to
dinner. No sort
of refreshment
is given at any
time during the
day to Mrs Budge
- if she was
there. Now this
is very curious
- it is indeed
inconceivable -
if that woman
had come from
Crewkerne at
that time of day
and got their
just when Mrs
Colmer was going
to have her
meal, that she
had not some
given to her. It
is not
that the story
of the
should be true;
that she stayed
there from 1
o'clock in the
day till 8
o'clock in the
evening, that
she underwent
this operation,
that she was
suffering in
mind and body,
and that yet no
refreshment was
given her? These
things are of
the greatest
Nobody saw her
between one and
8 o'clock, and
you are asked to
act upon
suspicion and
guess, founded
upon her having
been seen there
at 1 o'clock
According to the
suggestion of
the prosecution,
it had been
arranged that
she was to go on
the Friday to
have the
performed - and
operation which
she was very
anxious to have
because she says
in her letter "I
will come
between 12:30
and 1 o'clock"
and it is in
evidence that Mr
Forster went to
meet the next
Mr Justice
Hawkins -- He
could not go.
Mr Clarke -- I
beg your
pardon - he was
to have gone.
There was on his
part and the
expectation on
hers that he was
to go. She goes
to Colmer's
house at 1
o'clock, and Mr
Colmer is not
sent for for an
hour afterwards.
The person who
went to the shop
at 1 o'clock
could not surely
be the same
person for whom
he was wanted
"at once" an
hour later. If
Mrs Budge was to
go to the shop
by arrangement,
both Mr and Mrs
Colmer would
know that some
time might be
taken, would be
taken, must be
taken in the
performance of
this operation.
The woman was
not so far
advanced in
pregnancy that
her shame had
become visible,
so that some
time would be
required before
any operation
could be
performed to
produce the
desired result.
If this story of
the prosecution
be true Mr
Colmer could
have been
immediately on
his arrival of
the woman after
the preparations
had been made
for the
performance of
the operation.
But what do we
find? We find
that the person
for whom Mr
Colmer is
fetched is, as I
say, not a
person who has
come by
appointment at 1
o'clock anxious
to have
something done,
and anxious to
go away by the
possible train,
but is someone
for whom he is
fetched at 2
o'clock, after
an hour had
elapsed, without
any suggestion
or reason for
that delay. In
the interval Mrs
Colmer goes into
the kitchen and
takes her
dinner, a fact
which makes this
story all the
I am not going to trouble myself with regard to the question of the drawing down of the blinds, because the blind would be drawn down in cases where a moments examination or inspection might be required. But there is one extraordinary thing you have to deal with, and it is this: you have to deal with the suggestion of these people carefully arranging to commit the most grave and serious offence on a woman in the early stages of pregnancy (which might make it all the more difficult to get at the person so as to produce the effects desired), committing it, if you are to believe the evidence, in a barbarous way, not by the setting up of inflammation of the womb, which in the course of a few hours would bring on what might be mistaken for premature labour, but in a horrible and barbarous way by putting a sharp instrument into the person, scraping away the fetus, and removing it by violence. All this has to be done, and yet you have this extraordinary fact that the prisoners choose for this operation the market today, the day on which the shop will be most frequented by customers, and when many persons would want to go into that dining room. The closing of the dining room to the general visitors on such a day would infallibly have directed attention. They choose the dining room off the shop for the operation - a shop with 20 feet of glass frontage, and the relative depth as compared with the length of which makes it an absolutely well lighted shop. Opening off the shop is the dining room, a small place 11 feet x 17 feet, which is observed from the back as well as from the front. The blind is drawn down, and there immediately arises a suspicion. But the blind was not down, the servant girl says, until after 3 o'clock, and before 5 o'clock she tells us it was up. How long it was down - whether for five or ten minutes - she does not know, though it seems clear that for the greater part of that afternoon the blind was up, and any person could have seen and recognised any person in the dining room. The servant girl is about the house in the ordinary discharge of her daily duties, and yet she never, as I suggest to you, saw Mrs Budge in that house after 1 o'clock on that day. But is there not more extraordinary thing still? Supposing these people had arranged that this operation should be performed, that all this horrible risk should be run, which might at any moment result in screaming, or convulsions, or fainting, is it likely they would have selected the dining room for the purpose - the dining room being the place where, especially on a market day, when many people were about, the day on which they would have been most easily discovered? Have you any idea how this is to be explained? Why did they not take her upstairs? There were plenty of bedrooms in the house to which she might have been taken. If the story of the prosecution is true, then the prisoners courted detection, and invited the punishment which must fall upon them, if found out, by keeping that woman in the dining room, her presence in which, and her occupation of which, was necessarily a source of suspicion and inconvenience to persons coming to that house. No doubt, on the day in question, somebody was in that dining room. Probably there has not been a market day for many years when a patient was not in the dining room. But that on this particular day the patient was Mrs Budge is left to doubt, to inference, and to suspicion. There is not the smallest shred of evidence to prove she was there, but there is a very striking evidence against it. My learned friend said - and I think it a remarkable thing for him to say - he said that if no medical evidence had been called in this case there would have been a strong case for you to deal with - a case on which, with adroit - I do not mean any imputation - but with useful flattery he said your strong common sense would enable you to deal. I quite agree with him, but I make the observation in a different sense. His idea was that the medical testimony strengthened the case and made that conclusive and irresistible which, without it, might have been a matter of inference and doubt. What I suggest to you is this, that the medical evidence, I won't say destroys, but so importantly weakens the case as to make it one upon which no jury could safely convicted. And I will tell you why. The medical evidence, as my learned friend suggested it, and as it has been given in the witness box - and I may say parenthetically, I have no reason to dispute the complimentary terms in which my learned friend spoke of Mr Wills, who gave his evidence fairly and well - shows that this unfortunate lady went to that home, that in the course of the afternoon this operation was performed upon her, and performed in its most barbarous and horrible way by a cutting and tearing instrument, the insertion of which lacerated no fewer than four portions of the anterior of the uterus, and the effect was that at the time they were able to bring away from that woman the fetus with which she was pregnant. That is so, for there is no evidence that, after she got home, any fetus had come away from her body. In these circumstances, if that woman went back home by train in a state of terrible weakness - almost amounting to prostration, through loss of blood - was it possible to explain how no stain or spot of blood of any kind - no trace of this horrible thing having been done in this house - was ever at any moment discovered? There was not a spot of blood on the sofa or on the floor - not a spot of blood soiling a towel or napkin, or sustaining the contents of any water vessel found in the house.
But there is another important aspect. If that man were engaged with this poor woman in performing that operation, is it possible to imagine that he would have left it, knowing what that operation was, and what the consequences would be, to Mrs Colmer to bring a tea cloth and a tablecloth from the kitchen to dry up a copious supply of blood that would inevitably result from this horrible and barbarous operation? It is impossible to imagine that if it were so, and if he had left the matter over till then, that these cloths should have been taken back to the kitchen clean, without any marks being left on the floor of the house. Gentlemen, my learned friend tries to eke out this case by bringing out that at 6 o'clock on the evening of the day in question, Mr Colmer was in the yard at the back of his house: but if he had asked the same question of any other person living in the street, the same answer might have been given. This servant girl does not say that when she went into the yard. Mr Colmer was carrying anything. If he had carried anything, it must have been in some cloth or vessel. But there was nothing seen in his hand, and there was nothing in his manner to direct anybody's attention; and yet, in the face of that, we have the wild suggestion that because Mr Colmer went into the yard. He had the fetus with him, thrust away where no human eye could see it. It is going too far in suggestion to put that matter before you; and if that sort of interference is put out of the way, I say again, what case have you left?
Ask yourselves just these questions. These two persons are charged with murder. You have to ask with regard to each of them - am I satisfied in my conscience, by evidence which I feel I can trust and believe and act upon safely, without doubt, am I satisfied that he or she was guilty of the murder? And you are bound to ask the question with regard to both of them. How can you answer the question in the affirmative. With regard to him? He was never seen with this woman at all. There is no evidence of any connection of any kind made by Mrs Budge to Mr Colmer before the Friday. There is no evidence that Mrs Budge and Mr Colmer ever came face-to-face upon that Friday at all. If that is so, how can you answer the question in the affirmative. With regard to him? Can you answer the question in the affirmative with regard to her? There may be matters of suspicion and of inference, and my learned friend has suggested this calling out about a woman fainting and the like. They happened while Mrs Colmer was not in the room at all, and though my lord will of course lay down to you, and correctly lay down, the law that if these two persons were engaged in it, and were practically occupied in it, the fact that one was in the room and the other outside makes no difference at all, still you are bound, for the sake of your own consciences, and the honesty, aye, and the justice of your verdict, to ask yourselves these questions with regard to each of these persons.
Now, I hope, not for my own sake, because it is a small matter what you may think of any address of mine, but for the sake of justice, and the sake of those interested in justice in this court, that I have redeemed my promise to you that I would deal with the evidence, and that I would deal with it straightforwardly and candidly, and not attempt to pass over doubtful dangerous parts of the evidence by resorting to rhetorical artifice. I will resort to none now. There is no rhetoric of which I am master that could stir your hearts or bind you more solemnly to the discharge, and the rightful discharge of your duty, than the recollection of your oath that you have taken, and the sight of the two persons whose lives probably depend upon the result of your deliberations. Don't be alarmed by that result. Don't be frightened with regard to the verdict, which you have to give, but do remember, because it is your duty to remember, that the decision which you have to give is an irrevocable decision, that is one which imposes upon my lord the inevitable and the dreadful duty of sentencing two persons to death; and not alarmed by that, not deterred for a moment from the fair and courageous discharge of your duty, at all events, remember that that duty implies in it the diligent giving of your minds and thoughts to the consideration of the facts that are proved before you - the steadfast refusal to allow yourselves to be led by suspicion, which may be groundless, or by inference, which may be mistaken - and the resolve that before you give a verdict in such a case as this you will be so satisfied, that no afterthought may mar the consciousness that you have done your duty.
The Court then adjourned for luncheon, and reassembled after a short interval.
Mr Justice Hawkins proceeded to sum up to the jury. His Lordship said -- Gentlemen of the jury, the prisoners at the bar are indicted for the wilful murder of a lady whose name has been so often mentioned in the course of this Inquiry - Mrs Budge - and they are indicted for the murder under those circumstances. It is not alleged that they murdered her actuated or were influenced by any malicious motive, but it is alleged that they were guilty of murder in performing upon her a very cruel and barbarous operation, which in itself is a felony in law, and the law is that, if, in the course of commission of a felony, which is itself dangerous to human life, death ensues, the result of that felonious act is the crime of murder. Now, the law upon the subject of endeavouring to procure abortion, is that "whosoever, with the intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman, whether she be or not be with child, should unlawfully administer to her, or cause to be taken by her, any poison or other obnoxious thing, or shall unlawfully use any instrument or other means whatsoever with a like intent" (that is, with the intent of procuring miscarriage), "shall be guilty of felony, and on being convicted, shall be liable to be sentenced to penal servitude as directed." So that you will say whether these two prisoners, or either of them, are shown to be guilty of the offence, which is forbidden by the statute, to which I have called your attention, and if you find that they were guilty of that offence, or either of them, then both or either of them are, or is guilty of the crime of murder. There is no mistake in the law in this case, and it is very clear. Where an attempt is made to procure a miscarriage and where instruments or other means are used to procure miscarriage, and death is occasioned by such operation, that is murder, and nothing short of it. You have been addressed, and addressed very ably, by Mr Clarke on behalf of the prisoners, and he has directed your attention to the very striking features of the case, which he very wisely submits ought to make you pause before you give your verdict. He has told you very truly, that he does not desire to deter you from the discharge of your duty by putting before you what may be the consequences of an adverse verdict. He also tells you truly that in that case, a very painful duty devolves upon me. Many juries have had to discharge equally painful verdicts, and I am quite sure that whatever may be the consequences of your verdict, no juryman - no honest juryman at least - will shrink from his duty of dictating his verdict according to his conscience. What I advise you is this - keep your minds steady upon the facts which you have, to determine, regardless of all consequences - apply your minds to the facts with a determination to arrive at an honest conclusion. Now the unhappy woman whose death. We are now enquiring into was the widow of a gentleman of considerable respectability, residing at Crewkerne, and her age was 36 years. And as far as we know in the month of March in this year her health was very good. She had not been afflicted with any complaint or disease, and she lived with her mother in the Market Square, Crewkerne. In 1878, a young man named Forster - whose evidence, I shall have to call your attention to hereafter - lodged with her, and sometime in the month of March - if you may accept his evidence - Mrs Budge found herself enceinte. There can be no doubt at all, and from the evidence you have heard, I suppose nobody would entertain a doubt, that he himself was the author of that mischief, because it did not appear that anybody else had the same relations with her. The whole facts of the case, lie within the small compass of three days, from the 17th to the 20th March. The male prisoner is described as an "Anglo-American doctor" at his shop in Old Market Street, Bristol. His wife calls herself "Dr Jane Colmer," and has a shop at Yeovil, which is described as a herbalist's and tobacconist's. It does not appear that she was known to Mrs Budge until 17 March. Young Forster, however, who was born and lived for some time in Yeovil, seems to have known, at any rate, by name, the Colmer's shop, and on 17 March, having been told by Mrs Budge that she was in the family way, he says he drove over to Yeovil. There had been a previous appointment, and a proposal to go on the Saturday previous, and there is a letter, which is certainly not evidence. Forster professes to have seen it, but it has not been traced, and we cannot have its contents, and therefore all I would say with regard to that particular document is dismiss it from your minds. I have no rights to speculate upon it; it cannot be used as evidence, and my advice to you, therefore, is to consider it really as though it never existed, and to confine yourself to occurrences between Wednesday, the 17th, and Saturday, the 20th, in which you will find all that is necessary to enable you to form a satisfactory judgement upon the case.
Now, I take the story given by Forster, and invite your consideration of that testimony, not only because it is said that Forster has given an account before the coroner, which was not true, but I ask you to look carefully at his testimony, with a view to see how far, now you have heard it, and seen him in the box,- now you have heard his statement on oath, and seen him subjected to cross-examination by the learned counsel who has so ably defended the prisoners - how far you are disposed to put credence in his story. "It is true" he says "that I have all previous occasions given a different account. My reason was my desire to screen the unfortunate woman who had come to trouble in consequence of my intimacy with her." It is not for me to say that explanation is or is not satisfactory. It is for you to say whether you can rely upon his testimony as that of a man who is honestly desirous now or giving you the truth to the best of his belief. He says that he drove the deceased to Yeovil on the 17th, and that she went to Mrs Colmer's, but it seems clear that on that Wednesday nothing was actually done, at any rate, we find no trace of it at all, and as to why it was that nothing was done. You may be able to draw some light from the other circumstances to which I will call your attention. On the 17th, about 1 o'clock in the day, the male prisoner, who was at that time in Bristol, and whose custom. It was to come to Yeovil on the Friday only, that's being the market day, delivered at the Bristol Post Office telegram to his wife at Yeovil, stating that he had missed the train. You will find that a train from Bristol, was due at Yeovil at 5:08. Forster said it was a little after five when Mrs Budge and he arrived at Yeovil, and she went to Mrs Colmer's, but did not remain above two minutes. She went back again to the shop about 6:30 and seems to have remained for an hour and half, but there is no proof at all, who she saw there at that time; but it is certain that Colmer could not have been present. That evening, because we have this further telegram sent by him to Mrs Colmer at 7:34 "Important business detains me tonight; will come first train in the morning." The servant girl says she saw Mrs Budge there that evening, but there is no proof that anything was done. However, Mrs Budge had come over to Mrs Colmer is for some purpose, or rather that afternoon, and her business was of such a character as induced her to make two visits, which occupied respectively 10 minutes and an hour and a half, and it is certain she was in the company of Mrs Colmer during that time. There is no doubt of her having been there. That is sworn to by Miss Brook and Mrs Custard, who saw her come out of Mrs Colmer's shop about 5 o'clock, and who saw Mr Forster meet her. Mrs Custard said "She seemed agitated and nervous, and tried to avoid me." And she went into the street and met Forster, who accompanied her home, and who says she got home, apparently in as good health as usual. As to the letter, Forster says he read it and posted it, and the prosecution says it was acted upon; but the point that Mr Clarke relies upon is that it is not been proved. Forster was asked "Did you keep a copy of it?" You must ask yourselves whether it would be a likely or probable thing for a man to keep a letter of that description. Then he was asked why he did not mention it before the Coroner, and his reply was that he was never asked about it, but he pledges his oath that he put it into the post. He tells you the letter said, "I have made excuses to get away." You have to consider whether it is a letter that is likely to be written.
Here is a woman with a family, who is not in a condition at all hours of the day to absent herself from her home. On the morning of Friday, Forster says Mrs Budge was perfectly well, but when he met her at the train in the evening. The change in her condition was something too shocking and dreadful to contemplate. Of that there can be no doubt, because the poor woman was noticed by all who saw her, and she was in such a dreadful condition that the officials at the station did not trouble her for her ticket. She was helped into the omnibus, went home to bed, was ill all night, and never seems to have rallied at all, and next day she died of the malady. The cause of which you will have to determine. That she got started from Crewkerne in good health is proved not only by Mr Forster, but by other witnesses who saw her go, and the station master at Yeovil says she was in good health on her arrival there. That she was at Colmer's during that Friday, there can be no doubt, and we have an account of her given by the girl, Cheney, upon whose character, again, imputations are raised. It is said she is an unreliable witness, because she has given different accounts, but, if she is to be believed, she certainly saw the woman in the house, and was sent to fetch the bus for her. Certain it is that the 'bus did come, and you have the evidence of Sweet, who says he took the lady up where he put down, and Wills, who rode in the 'bus with her. The prosecution say this affords strong corroboration that she was in Colmer's house during the day. The bus put her down at 12 and took her away between eight and nine, and no human being is called who saw her out of the house of the Colmer's house during that day. If the witnesses are to be believed, she came out of the house in such a condition as to be unable to get into the Crewkerne 'bus without assistance, and never again was she otherwise than in a sinking condition.
Let us first
take the
testimony of the
girl, Cheney.
She says "I
heard him -
meaning Mr
Colmer - call
'Mrs Colmer, Mrs
Colmer, bring a
cloth, she is
fainting'." And
she further
tells us that
the voice
appeared to come
from the dining
room. Now it is
not disputed
that Mr Colmer
had come into
the shop, and it
is not disputed
that she knew
the sound of his
voice, and that
she was well
acquainted with
every part of
the house. Now
if it was not
Colmer's voice she heard has
there been a
suggestion that
it was the voice
of anybody else?
Who was it that
should call Mrs
Colmer, Mrs
Colmer, and who
was it that was
fainting? It
could not have
been Mrs Colmer.
Was it some of
the family? If
so, what member
of the family?
It is suggested,
on the part of
the prosecution,
that it was Mrs
Budge, who was
there, and it is
suggested that
she remained
there during the
afternoon, and
that it was
during that
afternoon that
the operation
was performed.
It is my bounden
duty to point
out to you as a
matter of grave
importance for
your serious
The servant girl
tells us that in
passing out to
order the
omnibus she saw
some person on
the sofa, whom
she did not
know. She tells
us further that
the glass panels
on the door,
which were clear
in the morning,
were covered up
with paper on
the afternoon of
that day. But,
with regard to
marks or traces
of blood, the
matter is left
entirely blank.
The girl says
she saw Colmer
go down the yard
at 6 o'clock -
some hours after
the lady had
gone to the
house - and she
is asked a good
deal, with
reference to
herself, and she
says "I did say
before the
coroner that the
person I saw was
like the lady in
the photograph,
and that I only
saw her once."
Moreover, she
says "I said
that because I
was told not to
say anything
about it beyond
what I knew." It
was, she says,
Miss Colmer, who
told her not to
say anything
about the
matter. Then,
with regard to
the ordering of
the omnibus, it
was the youngest
Miss Colmer that
sent her the
message, and
Miss Colmer has
not been brought
forward to deny
or affirm the
statement. Now,
gentlemen, you
will ask
having heard the
whether this
girl has any
motive in
deceiving you.
It is for you to
judge of her
credibility. I
have no right to
say I believe or
I disbelieve any
of the
witnesses. It is
for you to
determine that,
having regard to
circumstances by
which the
evidence is
supported. And
in asking
whether you
believe a
witness is
speaking the
truth. It is
always important
to consider the
motive witness
has to speak an
untruth. If you
find a witness
who is actuated
by animosity, by
ill feeling, or
by revenge, then
you are bound to
look upon the
evidence of a
witness of that
character with
suspicion. But
with regard to
this girl, it is
fair for you to
consider whether
there is any
proof of ill
will on her part
towards the
prisoners. On
that point I
will simply
observe that, so
far as I can
make out the
female prisoner treated
the girl kindly, and
not a word of
anger ever
passed between
Now, gentlemen,
it does become
very important
in view of the
whether she is
speaking the
truth or not -
it does become
of vital
importance to
look at the
and it is with
that view, that
I think a good
deal of the
yesterday that
did not strike
your attention
very much at the
time becomes now
of the most
importance. We
know very well
that Mrs Budge
was in Yeovil on
Friday; we have
that fact from a
variety of
persons. We have
the testimony of
Sweet, who says
she was the only
passenger by the
12 o'clock
train, and that
he conveyed her
to the town,
setting her down
opposite Mrs
Colemer's door.
We have the
evidence of the
girl, Cheney,
who swears to
her presence; of
Membury, who
remembers the
omnibus stopping
and picking up a
lady who was
standing on the
pavement; and of
Mr George Wills,
who was a
passenger by the
Mermaid omnibus,
and who
stopping near
the Castle, and
a lady who
looked very ill,
getting in. On
being shown the
photograph of
Mrs Budge, Wills
recognised her,
and further
stated that he
saw her at
station the
same evening,
where she was
met and assisted
into the 'bus by
Forster. That
being so,
gentlemen, there
cannot be any
doubt that Mrs
Budge was in
Yeovil on that
day; and,
according to the
evidence of the
witnesses, she
was picked up by
the omnibus at
Mrs Colmer's
door. Now,
gentlemen, you
have to come to
the question,
whether she was
there or not,
during the
afternoon of
that day. The
servant girl
says she was
there, and that
she heard an
observation made
to bring a cloth
because Mrs
Budge was
fainting. You
have Mr Tanner,
who says he was
in Mrs Colmer's
between 2:30 and
3 o'clock, and
that he heard a
voice calling,
"Mrs Colmer, Mrs
Colmer" twice or
three times. You
have another
witness, Mr
Godfrey, who had
occasion to call
about some grate
which Mrs Colmer
told him he
could not then
see in
consequence of
some person
being in the
dining room.
That is the
evidence you
have, and it is
for you to say
whether you are
satisfied on
this testimony
that Mrs Budge
did go there on
the middle of
the day of that
Friday, that she
remained there
during the
afternoon, and
left there a
little before 8
o'clock in order
to return with
the evening
Now, Mrs Colmer gives evidence before the Coroner, and her evidence is of a very remarkable character. She says "To my knowledge, I never saw the deceased." Now, gentlemen, unless you disbelieve those who saw her, that must be untrue. Then Mrs Colmer proceeds to say "On last Friday week, there was no one in the house except my own family - two daughters, a son, and a grandson, together with the servant girl. No one was taken ill and obliged to remain. I gave 30 grains of quinine to a patient. She asked for a bottle, and I gave her one." Speaking generally, gentlemen, Mrs Colmer's evidence went to this extent - that she had never known or seen Mrs Budge; and she denies in substance the statement on which the girl gave pronounced evidence, that Mrs Budge ever was in her parlour at all. It is impossible that the girl can fancy she saw someone on the sofa, fancy she heard someone cry, fancy she was sent for the omnibus; and therefore it seems to me difficult to see what other conclusion you can come to than that there has been on the part of Mrs Colmer, very deliberate perjury. The evidence is quite clear that the deceased was taken up at Mrs Colmer's door and conveyed in the omnibus to the train at the time I have already mentioned. Now, gentlemen, if this evidence could have been contradicted it could have been done by its being shown that another person was in the house on that night, and that the omnibus was ordered to convey her away. You have not had the benefit of any evidence for the defence on that point, and, therefore, you must judge on the evidence you have, with such corroboration, as is afforded.
Now, gentlemen, one naturally asks oneself the very serious question which must occur to every person of common sense. If you believe Mr Wills, as you cannot fail to believe - I say cannot fail to believe him, because Mr Clark, very clearly said he deserved all that was said of and for him - if you believe Mr Wills, then from his account of the examination after the post mortem very serious injury indeed had been afflicted upon Mrs Budge by the use of some instrument or instruments for the purpose of procuring abortion. He said the poor woman suffered greatly, that great haemorrhage set in, and that the haemorrhage was likely to have been produced by an instrument used for the purpose of removing matter which it was desired should be taken away. When and where was that injury inflicted upon her? As I have said, you cannot doubt, if you believe Dr Wills, that the injury was inflicted and that it caused her death. When was that injury inflicted and by whom? She was well in the morning; nobody disputes that. The next time she was seen, in the evening, she was in a prostrate condition, and, according to the evidence, she was never lost sight of from that time until the hour of her death. She went in an exhausted condition to her room, and nobody suggests that anything was done there. She slept that night with her own child, and nobody suggests that anything was done to her then. She was sinking during the day on the afternoon of which she died. When was this injury inflicted? It was impossible it could have been inflicted before 12 o'clock. It is impossible it could have been inflicted afterwards, if you are to believe the witnesses who met at the train. Where did she receive the injuries, and when? The prosecution suggests to you that she must have receive them at the house and the prisoners. First of all, it is stated that Mr Forster posted a letter making an appointment, that she went to Yeovil, and that the girl saw her in the house. Nobody saw the actual operation performed, it is true, but the woman it is known went in well and she came out in the condition, which has been spoken to. The question is, when was the mischief done, and by whom? Let your own common sense and justice decide that. The case is in your hands, and not in mine, and I am thankful for it. You have heard the witnesses, and you have to say whether you do or do not believe that this woman came to her death in consequence of the operation performed upon her for the purpose of procuring abortion, and, if you do, do you find from the evidence before you that the two prisoners or either of them bought that result about? I need hardly say that both of the prisoners could not actually commit or perform the operation, which would be performed by one person, but I must tell you that if two persons are conjointly engaged in an illegal act, each taking his or her share in the act, each is equally guilty. The question to be decided is, I am glad to say, one for you. You have listened patiently to it, and, bearing in mind the importance of the case and the responsibility which attaches to you, you will have to say whether you are convinced that the case is brought home to the prisoners or either of them. I am quite satisfied that you will determine this case, without any consideration as to the subject of your verdict or to the consequences thereof, that you will strictly fulfill the duty which is cast upon you to the best of your ability - and will declare that which you believe to be right.
The jury retired to consider their verdict at 17 minutes to four o'clock, and returned at 25 minutes past four. Their names, having been called over, and each having answered.
The Clerk of
Arraigns said --
Gentlemen of the
jury, have you
agreed upon your
The Foreman --
We have.
The Clerk -- Do
you find the
prisoner, Robert
Slade Colmer,
guilty or not
The Foreman
(exhibiting a
piece of blue
paper) -- I have
the verdict here
on paper. Shall
I read it?
The Judge --
Give it to me.
The paper was
handed to His
Lordship in
accordance with
his request, and
a brief
having taken
place between
the Judge and
the Clerk
respecting it,
the Clerk
possession of
the document.
The Clerk -- You
must deliver
your verdict,
gentlemen. Is
Robert Slade
Colmer, guilty
or not guilty of
the crimes of
felony and
The Foreman --
The Clerk -- Is
Jane Colmer
guilty or not
guilty of the
crimes of felony
and murder?
The Foreman --
The Clerk -- You
say they are
both guilty, and
that is the
verdict of you
The Foreman --
It is.
The Clerk --
Robert Slade
Colmer and Jane
Colmer, you
stand convicted
of the wilful
murder of Mary
Budge - have you
or either of you
anything to say
why the Court
should not
The prisoners
made no
response, and
the Usher in the
usual form
demanded silence
in Court while
sentence of
death was passed
on the prisoners
at the bar.
The Judge,
having assumed
the black cap,
said -- Robert
Slade Colmer and
Jane Colmer, you
have been....
The Chief Warder
-- My Lord, the
prisoners desire
to speak.
Robert Colmer,
speaking in a
tremulous voice,
said -- My Lord,
I can assure you
that I am
innocent of this
crime. (a
The Judge -- Do
you wish to say
anything more?
Robert Colmer --
I do not
believe, My
Lord, that Mrs
Colmer is guilty
of the crime.
Mrs Colmer -- I
never had any
instrument in my
hand in my life
like that
(pointing to the
speculum). I
never attempted
any such thing;
never had such
an instrument,
and do not know
what such an
instrument is
used for.
The Judge -- The
jury have very
considered the
evidence offered
against you, and
they have found
each of you
guilty of the
crime of wilful
murder. In that
verdict I most
entirely concur.
You were engaged
on the afternoon
of 19th of March
in a most
operation on a
poor woman who
has now gone to
her rest. The
law of this
country forbids
the procurement
of abortion by
any means, and
by the law of
this country if,
in endeavouring
to procure
abortion death
is occasioned,
those who so
occasioned death
are guilty of
the crime of
wilful murder.
That is the law
as it is now:
that is the law
as in all
probability it
will exist in
times to come.
You say you are
not guilty.
Mrs Colmer -- I
am not guilty.
The Judge -- I
wish I could in
the least degree
give credit to
what you say.
But I cannot.
Mrs Colmer -- I
never did it.
The Judge --
That this poor
woman went a
sound, healthy
woman into your
house at mid-day
on the 19th
March nobody who
has heard the
evidence can
doubt. That she
left your house,
but to go home
to die is
equally beyond
the shadow of a
doubt. The
mischief that
was done to her
was done in your
house, and the
object of that
mischief was to
Mrs Colmer -- My
Lord, I never
did anything of
the kind.
The Judge -- The
law of this
country knows
but one sentence
for the crime of
murder, and that
sentence is
death. I won't
harrow up the
feelings of
either of you by
commenting more
at length on the
crime of which
you have been
found guilty,
but I will
proceed at once
to pass upon you
that sentence
which the law
imperatively demands.
The sentence of
the court is
that you be
taken from hence
and be removed
to the gaol of
the county of
Somerset, that
being the county
in which the
offence of which
you stand
convicted was
committed, and
that you be each
of you taken
thence to a
lawful place of
execution and be
there hanged by
the neck until
you are
severally dead,
and that your
bodies be
buried within
the walls of the
prison in which
you shall have
last been
confined after
your conviction.
And may God have
mercy on your
The officers of
the Court and
several of those
present here
The Judge -- I
shall grant a
warrant to the
Sheriffs of the
County of
Somerset for the
execution of the
sentence which I
have just
The male prisoner was then removed to Newgate Prison.
The Clerk of
Arraigns (to the
female prisoner)
-- Jane Colmer,
you stand
convicted of the
crime of wilful
murder; have you
anything to say
why the
execution of the
judgement should
be stayed?
Mrs Colmer made
no audible
The Chief Warder
-- She says
"No." My Lord.
The female convict was then assisted to the cells by one female and two male warders.
- - - - - - - - - -
The following is a copy of the document (which was not read in court) handed by the Foreman of the jury to the Judge -- "We find the male prisoner 'Guilty' and the female prisoner 'Guilty' as an accomplice. We strongly recommend them both to mercy on the ground of their age, and also on the ground that death was accelerated by the journey by train and by the deceased, having to send three flights of stairs on her return home."
(From our
The Western Gazette, Friday 13 August 1880
The atmosphere of the Old Bailey is never very salubrious, and it gets awfully thick when a sensational case is being tried in one of those two poky little rooms, which furnish the only accommodation available for the busiest criminal court in the world. The aldermen who sits under the "sword of justice" as the representative of law and order in the city, and the judge beside him, with the red band across his black robe, which denotes his commission to try cases within the civic boundaries, have plenty of elbow room at their little desks. So also have the prisoners in the dock, unless they should happen to be an unusual number indicted in company. But the jury, and the council, solicitors, reporters, and general public are packed and wedged in anyhow and anywhere, like herrings in a box, and with utter disregard of sanitary conditions which is a scandal and a disgrace to the metropolis and its local government.
The witnesses, who justly complain of having to wait for hours and even days on the pavement outside, may choose between braving the rheumatism in the rain, and semi-suffocation in the murky, sweltering crowd that is packed into this den of justice; but those who have work to do in court can only gasp for the fresh air, and wonder why legal processes should be made so unpleasant to the innocent, as well as to the guilty.
It was under these conditions that the trial of the Colmers took place on Friday and Saturday before Mr Justice Hawkins, whose severity is so well-known that he has earned himself the soubriquet of "the hanging judge."
Both prisoners evidentially expected that things would go hardly with them. Mr Colmer was shaky and nervous, and had a helpless look. He stood in a right hand corner of the dock, at some little distance from his wife. They parted in 1870, under a deed of separation, and have since, I understand, only kept up a sort of intermittent business connection. She carried on the herbalist's shop at Yeovil, which I fancy used to be called an "eclectic dispensary" whilst he established himself at Weymouth, and from thence removed to Bristol, as the "Anglo-American doctor". The male prisoners mode of life was too well known to lead one to expect any demonstration of regard between him and his wife, but they understood each other; and the one thing that redeemed them - even in the eyes of unsympathising spectators - from the reproach of utter heartlessness, and absence of all human feeling, was the way in which they welcomed their eldest son's expression of sympathy. Dr Colmer, of Yeovil, was in the court, the greater part of both days, and jointly with his brother, who I understand is a surgeon at Weymouth, furnished funds for the defence. I am told that he promised Mr Trevor Davies £500 if he could get his mother off, although he must have known that no such inducement was required to spur the energies of that indefatigable lawyer.
Well, I noticed that when Dr Colmer came into Court on Saturday morning. He shook hands with his father and mother in the dock; and I admired him for it. The filial feeling which he displayed was the one pleasant gleam of light in a very black and gloomy business, and I honour the young doctor who has fought such an uphill fight at Yeovil, for his display of manly feeling. When the male prisoner spoke to the poor haggard woman sitting in the dock, and she was lifted up in order that she might touch the hand of her son standing underneath, the most hardhearted amongst the spectators must have felt a thrill of mingled pity and respect for her and for him, meeting each other in such a place and under such awful circumstances. There she was, a broken-down, terrified prisoner; but she had been good to her children, and they had not forgotten it. They were all present, men and women now, but still remembering the time of their youth, and who it was that bought them up and gave them that education which, in one instance at least, has been the basis of a prosperous life. "One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin" and it is easier to linger over this point of sympathy than to turn to the grim details of the case. Even the stern old coroner, Dr Wybrants, being, as everybody knows, soft-hearted at a pinch like this, and an Irishman to boot, could not witness the scene unmoved and I verily believe he forgot for the moment all the wrath against the Colmers, which has for years been accumulating in his professional bosom. I think I saw a tear in his eye when I spoke to him in the courtyard of Newgate, near that horrible shed that always attracts one's attention so uncomfortably. Counsel informs me that the doctor's strong remarks at the inquest have been submitted to the Lord Chief Justice in a formal complaint - so that both your county court judge and your coroner are being "carpeted" but I don't think the deputy coroner, who was so conspicuous in the court as a "squire of dames", need expect to step into Dr Wybrants's shoes yet awhile.
Your full report will relieve me from the necessity of following the details of the case. It was dead against the prisoners from the beginning, and counsel for the defence knew they had a hopeless job. Mr Poland, the "Treasury ferret", opened the case in his usual jerky and apparently inconsequent way, scorning what Mr Clarke calls rhetorical artifice, but placing the main facts clearly enough before the jury. Then came the evidence and some painful incidents. Mrs Herrington, mother of the deceased Mrs Budge, gave her evidence with great difficulty, being so weak and ill that the examining council had to stand on the steps of the witness box in order to hear and repeat her answers. She was dressed in deep black, and that is all I saw of her. I did not hear young Forster's examination, but I'm told that he gained the sympathy of many by his avowal that he perjured himself to screen the memory of the dead woman. Mr Clarke tackled him pretty sharply, but could not shake his evidence, and the same may be said of the girl, Cheney, who certainly was a capital witness. The kindly station master, Mr Maunder, was there to furnish a link in the chain of evidence with regard to his ill-fated passenger, and to keep a paternal eye on the son of his friend and neighbour. Also in attendance were the medical and police witnesses, and divers others whose testimony was required to complete the damning record.
No time was wasted in the process, but owing to beginning late on Friday, the case for the prosecution ran over into the second day, when the medical evidence was taken. Perhaps I ought to mention that the production of the speculum by Sgt Holwill caused some sensation in court, and many curious glances were cast at that strange-looking instrument, the use of which was simply and shortly explained by Dr Wills of Crewkerne. This gentleman was the leading professional witness, and his statement was so clear that Mr Poland cut the others as short as possible, and took occasion afterwards to congratulate the jury upon having the medical facts so ably put before them.
The telegrams from the male prisoner to his wife, having been admitted as evidence, whilst the letter from the deceased to Mrs Colmer about the £18, although not legally proved, was as good as proved, by young Forster's statement, everyone felt that the case was complete; and Mr Sidney Watts, as solicitor for the prosecution, had the satisfaction of knowing that he had left no stone unturned in getting up his proofs in furtherance of the ends of justice.
Mr Clarke intimated that he did not intend to call any witnesses for the defence. This was rather a surprise to many in Court, and I was informed that the prisoners' friends strongly wished to have certain witnesses called; but after an anxious consultation their counsel decided that it would be useless to do so. Some of the number, I am told, were prepared to swear that the deceased was not in the house at all, but as they were admittedly absent from the shop at the time Mrs Budge called, their evidence would not have gone for much against that of the girl Cheney and others who tendered overwhelming proof. The fact was that the prisoners' advocates were practically powerless; the case, as one eminent counsel remarked, was one of the strongest he ever heard, and they had nothing to meet it - not even a theory, much less an alibi. That this was so was shown by most of the Crown witnesses being set free of cross-examination. What would have been the use to cross-examine Dr Wybrants , for instance? It would simply have stirred the mud deeper, and put before the court the story of 16 or 17 years ago. So the counsel for the defence, good men as they are, were face-to-face with the problem of making bricks without straw, and neither Mr Clarke nor Mr Bullen could solve it. The learned member for Plymouth addressed the jury in one of those brilliant speeches which have made his reputation, and successively led him from the reporters' gallery to the floor of the House of Commons, and from obscurity as a lawyer to a large share of the best business of the Bar. His speech was brilliant, not in declamation, nor even in argument, but in a masterly sifting out of every particle of doubt that could be discovered in the prisoners' favour. Beginning with clever diversion on the law of evidence, and ending with a solemn reminder to the jury of their awful responsibility, it evoked as much of sympathy for the prisoners as could be reasonably expected, and that was not a great deal.
Then came the Judge's summing up, which was marked by Mr Justin's Hawkins' usual ability, and brought to light one or two points which even Mr Poland had missed - for instance, the coincidence between the hours of Mrs Budge's calls previous to the operation and the arrival of trains from Bristol. The jury were dismissed to their room to consider their verdict, and the prisoners were removed from the dock, whilst of the Guy's Hospital nurse was bought up for sentence. She got off very cheaply, I think, with three months hard labour. It was stated that she was the daughter of a surgeon; so that all together. We heard a great deal of the medical profession during the day. The jury returned into court with a written verdict, which the Judge read in consultation with the Clerk of Arraigns, and some moments of anxious suspense were passed. The prisoners, on again being placed in the dock, seemed much affected by their position. Colmer trembled visibly, and his wife was in an almost prostrate condition. The Clerk of Arraigns called upon the foreman of the jury for a direct answer as to the verdict, and it was given - "guilty". The remainder of the scene was very painful. Colmer feebly protested his innocence, and made a gesture as though he would put his hands in the attitude of prayer, but dropped them in fear before the calm gaze of the Judge, as he put on the fatal black cap. The female prisoner declared in a faint voice that she knew nothing about it; and both, while sentence was being pronounced, interrupted the Judge with some feeble exclamations. When the death sentence was finished, with the solemn words "the Lord have mercy on your souls" the Usher said "Amen" and the word was earnestly repeated by a number of persons in Court. The male prisoner having been removed, the usual question was put to Mrs Colmer as to whether she had anything to say in stay of execution, to which she answered "No"; and one could not help thinking that this needless formality with elderly women might be dispensed with. She was half-led and half-carried out of the dock to the cells in Newgate, where I understand she was immediately visited by Dr Colmer.
It was not until the judge was leaving the bench that the contents of the written paper handed up by the jury were discovered. Acting on information by a juryman, Mr Bullen asked his Lordship for the paper, and on receiving it at once communicated its contents to the Press. The documents turned out to be a recommendation to mercy, which the judge, adopting an unusual course, altogether ignored. Perhaps he would not read it because he felt he could not support the recommendation. However, we shall see whether anything comes of it. Meanwhile, the prisoners have been removed to Taunton Gaol.
The prisoners arrived at Taunton on Monday, by the express train due at 1:20. The platform was crowded with passengers waiting for the Minehead excursion, and by a number of Volunteers just arrived from the Chard branch to take part in the annual inspection. It was not generally known that the Colmers would arrive by that train, but the appearance on the platform of the chief warder at Taunton Prison suggested that they were expected, and as soon as the express drew up there was a rush to see the wretched culprits. They had travelled in a compartment near the end of the train, accompanied by a male and female warder. The Taunton prison official then led the way, and the prisoners were conducted through a crowded platform of holiday-makers to the omnibus in which they were to be driven to the prison. The male prisoner was handcuffed, a stalwart warder walking close by his side; the woman seemed utterly prostrated and miserable, and could scarcely walk, although strongly supported by the seemingly sympathetic female warder who had accompanied her. Close to the exit through which the prisoners passed from the station there is still displayed the advertisement "Dr Jane Colmer, Eclectic and Botanical Practitioner".
The Western Gazette, Friday 20 August 1880
On Saturday morning, a communication was received at Taunton Gaol from the Secretary of State for the Home Department commuting the sentence passed upon Robert Slade Colmer and Jane Colmer, his wife, then lying at that prison under sentences of death for the wilful murder of Mrs Budge, of Crewkerne, into a sentence of penal servitude for life. The communication came by post, and was delivered at the gaol shortly after 8 o'clock. Its welcome contents were at once conveyed to the convicts by the deputy governor, Mr Kitely - Mr Oakley's successor, not having yet been appointed - and it was, it need hardly be said, received by them with a feeling of thankfulness and relief.
Since the trial, the prisoners have occupied separate cells in the gaol, and, as is the case with condemned convicts, have been watched night and day by waters of the prison. These rigid regulations will now be relaxed, and the Colmers will be treated like other prisoners. They will probably be detained at Taunton a few weeks longer, and they will be removed to one of the Government convict establishments. Since their conviction they have been regularly visited by the chaplain of the gaol, the Rev W House, and have seemed submissive and amenable to religious influences. It has been with great difficulty that even the slightest information as to their treatment and conduct has been obtained, the officers, under the amended prison regulations and since the Government has assumed the control of the county prisons, being strictly forbidden to give any particulars with reference to what goes on inside the gaol.
Our correspondent was however able on Saturday morning to gather that shortly after the receipt of the respite, the prisoners were separately seen by Lt Col Patton, a magistrate of the Taunton Petty Sessional division and a visiting justice. He found Mrs Colmer very much depressed and physically prostrated, the results, no doubt, of the terrible period of suspense, through which she has passed. Mr Colmer has borne up much better, and seems never to have entirely lost hope that the extreme sentence of the law would be commuted. On Saturday morning, copies of a petition, praying for a reprieve, prepared by Dr Colmer of Yeovil, son of the unhappy prisoners, were in circulation for signature in Taunton. Similar petitions, we are told, had been forwarded to other towns in the county. It would appear, therefore, that as they could not have been forwarded to London the Home Secretary has acted entirely upon the recommendation to mercy handed in by the jury at the close of the trial at the Central Criminal Court. From the first it has been regarded as extremely improbable that the supreme penalty of the law would be carried out, and especially was this opinion entertained with regard to the case of Mrs Colmer. It will be remembered that two days before the Colmer's were convicted an unqualified medical practitioner named Hayward was sentenced to death at Warwick Assizes for a crime similar in every essential respect to that of which the Colmers have been found guilty. In his case the verdict of the jury was accompanied with a strong recommendation to mercy, and in his case, too, the Home Secretary has extended the clemency of the Crown to the conflict. People naturally inferred that after this the Home Secretary could not well disregard the representations of the jury. It was also felt that while there was no direct evidence of the female prisoner's actual participation in the crime, it might justly be held that she was acting under the control and influence of her husband, and would not therefore be held so fully responsible for the part she took in the matter. The reprieve was, however, not expected so soon and it is felt, as adding to the grace of mercy, that the Home Secretary has kept the prisoners in suspense no longer than was absolutely necessary to make the required enquiries and to consult with the judge who heard the case. It is unusual to allow condemned murderers three clear Sundays after sentence, so that it is probable the execution, if it took place at all, would have been carried out on Monday next. The announcement of the reprieve was at once telegraphed to Yeovil and other towns in the county, where it was received with a feeling of relief. It was the general topic of conversation in the Taunton market on Saturday, and everyone seemed to admit that the justice of the case will be met by the still terrible punishment which the prisoners have to undergo. It is expected that they will shortly be removed from Taunton Gaol - one to Pentonville and the other to Millbank.
In the Yeovil district alone, more than 4,000 signatures were obtained. At Crewkerne between 500 and 600 persons signed the Memorial, and in other towns, also, steps were taken for securing signatures. Another petition is now being prepared, praying for a further reduction of the sentence in the case of Madame Colmer. It is understood that one of the MPs for a Dorset Borough, as well as the local governing body of the same town, are moving in the matter.
In the 1881 census Robert Colmer, aged 66, was listed as a convicted felon in Pentonville prison, London. Jane was serving her sentence at Millbank prison, London.
Robert Slade Colmer died in prison at the age of 73 in the winter of 1889. This was most likely at Rochester prison, originally built in 1874 on a former military site above the Medway River. Jane, however, was somewhat luckier than her husband and was released from prison. In the 1891 census she was 'living on her own means' at 5 Peter Street with her herbalist daughter, Cleopatra. Jane died later that year, aged 76.
This sepia-toned photograph looking east along Middle Street dates to about 1875 and is probably one of the earliest photographs of the Castle Inn, seen at left. The Colmer's house and herbal shop, where the murder took place and is frequently referred to in the trial, was the three-storey building next to it. The narrow entrance to Union Street, where John Forster waited for Mary Budge, is directly opposite.
The death sentence imposed at the Old Bailey on both Robert and Jane Colmer in 1880.
Pentonville Prison