higher Perrythorne

Higher Perrythorne

A former part of the great West Field of Kingston Manor


Originally Perrythorne was a large sub-field of the great medieval West Field of Kingston Manor. Perrythorne ran along the eastern side of Larkhill Lane (today's Larkhill Road). The name derived from pear orchard (perry) and thorn bushes (thorne).

By the end of the eighteenth century the field had been subdivided into several smaller parcels (see Cribhouse Perrythorne (Parcel 1446), Perrythorne (Parcels 1447 and 1448) and Lower Perrythorne (Parcels 1449 & 1450).

Higher Perrythorne (Parcel 1417) was a field of Larkhill Farm being a long triangular field lying alongside the eastern side of Larkhill Lane and immediately north of what would become the eastern end of Stiby Road.

The 1846 Tithe Apportionment noted Higher Perrythorne as 4a 1r 5p and used as pasture for grazing livestock. The Apportionment noted that the owner was William Jones Prowse and the tenant was James Pope.

Higher Perrythorne was bounded to the north by Higher Larkhill (Parcel 1415), to the east by Great Larkhill (Parcel 1418) and to the west by Larkhill Lane (today's Larkhill Road).

Today the site of the former Higher Perrythorne is occupied by the houses and gardens of Larkhill Road and St Patrick's Road.

For details on historic land measurement (ie acres, roods and perches) click here.



This map, based on the descriptions in the 1589 Terrier and the 1846 Tithe Map of Yeovil shows the approximate boundaries of the Manors of Kingston and Hendford as well as the manorial three-field system used in Kingston.


A conjectural map of the great West Field of Kingston Manor showing ancient sub-fields, most likely common fields, within the overall bounds of West Field.


The Larkhill area reproduced from the 1842 Tithe Map. Higher Perrythorne is at bottom left.


By the time of the 1931 sale of Larkhill Farm the size of the farm had been much reduced to just over 22 acres, including Higher Perrythorne.


An aerial photograph of 1941 showing Larkhill Lane running from its junction with Preston Road at top right, down past Larkhill Farm at centre left. At centre, the circular object is Yeovil's Barrage Balloon Site No 19, "Larkhill Lane". There are no traces of any structures on the RAF vertical air photographs of 1946, but it is quite clear on this 1941 photograph. Higher Perrythorne is seen at bottom left, to the left of Larkhill Lane.


The 1946 aerial photograph - Higher Perrythorne is towards centre top (bisected by poorly aligned photographs) and north of the track leading to the Larkhill Farm.


The same area today 'borrowed' from Google maps.


The 1842 Tithe Map superimposed (slightly out at the bottom) over a modern map.