The Document Chest
1827 will of Thomas Andrews
This will is interesting since it outlines much of the early history of the premises between the War Memorial in the Borough and St John's churchyard.
1827 will of Thomas Andrews
This is the last Will
and Testament of
Thomas Andrews
of Yeovil in the
County of
Gentleman I give
and bequeath to
my daughter
Andrews the sum
of fifteen
hundred pounds I
give and
bequeath to my
Nephew William
Young of
Yarlington in
the said County
and my good
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
of Yeovil
aforesaid their
Executors Adm[inistrat]ors
and Assigns the
like sum of
fifteen hundred
pounds In trust
for my daughter
Andrews to be
paid her on her
attaining the
age of twenty
one years and I
direct the
Interest thereof
or so much of
such Interest as
may be necessary
to be applyed to
and for the use
and benefit of
my said Daughter
Andrews during
her minority and
if their shall
be any Overplus
of such Interest
after applying
so much thereof
as shall be
necessary for my
said Daughter
Andrews during
her minority as
aforesaid I
direct such
overplus to
accumulate for
her benefit and
to be paid her
with this last
mentioned sum of
fifteen hundred
pounds on her
attaining the
age of twenty
one years I give
and bequeath to
the said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards the like
sum of fifteen
hundred pounds
In trust for my
daughter Ann
Andrews to be
paid her on her
attaining the
age of twenty
one years and I
direct the
Interest thereof
or so much of
such Interest as
may be necessary
to be applyed to
and for the use
and benefit of
my said Daughter
Anna Andrews
during her
minority and if
their shall be
any overplus of
such to
accumulate for
her benefit and
to be paid her
with this last
mentioned sum of
fifteen hundred
pounds on her
attaining the
age of twenty
one years And
whereas by
Indenture of
Assignment dated
the ninth day of
October one
thousand eight
hundred and two
made between me
the said Thomas
Andrews of the
first part Mary
Young therein
named of the
second part and
Henry Andrews
since deceased
and Robert Young
therein named of
the third part
being the
Settlement made
previous to my
marriage with
the said Mary
Young the mother
of my three
daughters I
assigne all that
Messuage of
Dwelling house
situate lying
and being in the
High Street
of the Borough
of Yeovil
wherein Lawrence
dwelt and also
one moiety or
half part of a
certain well
situate and
being in the
Backside of
theretofore in
the possession
of Joseph Tarr
and John
Merchant and
near unto the
said Messuage or
Dwelling house
with a
convenient way
to and from the
same which said
premises were
then late in the
possession of
John Williams
and Charity [Gulin
?] and then of
containing in
length opposite
the Butchers
Shop then of
George Watts
thirty foot
against the
Church Yard
forty five foot
and in breadth
from the Church
yard to the
Extremity on the
South side of
the said
dwelling house
twenty eight
foot more or
less with the
(save and except
so much of the
premises as was
then thrown into
my Court or
garden plot then
late Bouchers
and whereon
stood Buildings
called a Wach
house and
Necessary house)
unto the said
Henry Andrews
and Robert Young
their executors
and assigns for
the residue of a
certain term of
two thousand
pounds [sic.
should be years,
not pounds]
[commences ?] on
the thirteenth
day of February
one thousand six
hundred and
seven In trust
(from and after
the death of the
Survivor of
myself and the
said Mary Young
and for want of
such direction
limitation or
appointment as
therein is
mentioned and
which hath never
been made or
given) for all
and every my
child and
children then to
be begotten on
the Body of the
said Mary Young
as tenants in
common Now I do
hereby give and
bequeath to the
said Robert
Young the
Northern part of
so much of the
said premises as
was thrown into
the said Court
or garden plot
as before stated
and so excepted
as aforesaid in
the said
Assignment (and
which Northern
part contains in
length from East
to West twenty
two feet and
about five foot
from North to
South at the
West End and
Middle thereof
but diminishing
towards the East
till reduced to
two feet on
which I have
lately sunk a
well and which I
have partly
inclosed by a
wall about five
feet from the
Kitchen window)
to hold to the
said Robert
Young his
Executors adm[inistrat]ors
and Assigns for
the residue of
the said term of
two thousand
years In trust
for the said
Andrews and Anna
Andrews (being
all my children
begotten on the
Body of my said
Wife Mary
formerly Mary
Young) their
executors adm[inistrat]ors
and assigns as
tenants in
common in lieu
of the said
Moiety or half
part of the said
Will and the
said Way to and
from the same
which it is my
wish and desire
shall be given
up and assigned
as hereinafter
provided always
that in case the
said Robert
Young Elizabeth
Andrews and Anna
Andrews or any
or either of
them shall
refuse to give
up and assign
the said Moiety
or half part of
the said Will
with the said
way to and for
the same to the
said John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards the
trustees named
in the
Settlement made
on the Marriage
of Mary the Wife
of the Reverend
Gilbert Nicholas
Smith my
daughter by my
first Wife their
executors adm[inistrat]ors
and assigns for
the residue of
the said term of
two thousand
years In trust
for the several
persons for
whose benefit
the premises
comprized in the
said last
Settlement are
conveyed or as
near thereto as
will admit then
I do hereby
revoke the said
last mentioned
bequest and do
give and
bequeath the
said Northern
part of so much
of this said
premises as was
thrown into the
said Court or
Garden plot as
before stated
and so excepted
as aforesaid
unto the said
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
executors adm[inistrat]ors
and assigns for
the residue of
the said term of
two thousand
years In trust
for the several
persons for
whose benefit
the premises
comprized in the
said last
Settlement are
conveyed as
aforesaid or as
near thereto as
will admit as
aforesaid Also I
give and
bequeath to the
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
the Southern
part or residue
of so much of
the said
premises as was
thrown into the
said Court or
Garden plot as
before stated
and so excepted
as aforesaid in
the said
Assignment to
hold to the said
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
executors adm[inistrat]ors
and assigns for
the residue of
the said term of
two thousand
years In trust
for the several
persons for
whose benefit
the premises
comprized in the
said last
Settlement are
conveyed as
aforesaid or as
near thereto as
will admit as
aforesaid I give
and device my
pew in the
Church of Yeovil
aforesaid to my
said Daughters
said Elizabeth
Andrews and Anna
Andrews for so
long as they
reside in the
parish of Yeovil
aforesaid and to
such one of my
said Daughters
as shall longest
live in the said
parish her heirs
and assigns for
ever I give and
bequeath to the
said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards the sum
of ten pounds
each to buy a
ring each as a
small token of
my respect for
them I give and
devise all my
tenements Lands
and Heredit[ament]s
and all other my
real Estate and
I give and
bequeath all the
rest residue and
remainder of my
personal Estate
Goods Chattels
and Effects
whatsoever and
wheresoever unto
the said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards their
heirs executors
and assigns upon
trust to sell
and dispose
thereof either
by public
auction or
private contract
for the most
money that can
be reasonably
obtained for the
same And upon
trust to pay and
divide the
monies arising
by such Sale
discharging the
said legacies
debts Funeral
Expences and the
expence of
proving this my
will and of the
said Sale) unto
and equally
between my said
our Daughters
Mary Smith
Andrews and Anna
Andrews share
and share alike
and their
Executors adm[inistrat]ors
and Assigns and
I do hereby
direct that the
receipt of the
said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards and the
Survivors and
Survivor of them
and the heirs
executors adm[inistrat]ors
and assigns of
such Survivor
shall be a good
discharge for
all monies which
in such receipt
shall be
expressed to be
received and
that all persons
paying any
monies to the
said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards or and
the Survivors
and Survivor of
them and the
heirs executors
and assigns of
such Survivor
for the purposes
of this my will
and taking a
receipt from
them or him
shall not be
obliged to the
application of
the same monies
nor be
accountable for
thereof and that
with of them the
said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards their
heirs executors
or assigns shall
be Answerable
for the other or
others of them
or for the Acts
deeds or
defaults of the
other or others
of them nor for
losses nor for
money received
under receipts
in which they
shall join only
for conformity
and also that
they the said
William Young
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
shall and may
themselves and
each other out
of the said
trust premises
or out of any
monies that may
come into their
hands by virtue
of this my will
all costs and
Expences to be
incurred by them
or any or either
of them in the
execution of the
trusts aforesaid
or in any wise
in relation
thereunto and I
hereby appoint
the said William
Young John Ryall
Mayo and John
Edwards joint
Executors of
this my will and
do revoke all
other wills by
me at any time
heretofore made
and declare this
present writing
contained in
four sheets of
paper to be my
last Will and
testament In
Witness whereof
I have hereunto
subscribed and
set my hand and
Seal to wit my
hand to the
three preceding
Sheets and my
hand and Seal to
this fourth and
last Sheet this
sixteenth day of
August in the
year of our Lord
one thousand
eight hundred
and twenty seven
Tho[ma]s Andrews
Signed Sealed
published and
declared by the
said Thomas
Andrews the
testator as and
for his last
Will and
Testament in the
presence of us
who at his
request in his
presence and in
the presence of
each other have
subscribed our
names as
W L White
Wm White
Proved at London 23rd February 1830 before the Judge by the oaths
of the said
William Young
John Ryall Mayo
and John Edwards
the Executors to
whom adm[inistrati]on
was granted
having been
first sworn by
Commission duly
to administer
Transcribed by Bob Osborn