yeovil people

WILLIAM daniell (3)

Glove Manufacturer


The Daniell family were very wealthy mercers and glovers who came to Yeovil in the seventeenth century from East Coker. In this context glover means glove manufacturer employing others. The first of the Daniell family to settle in Yeovil was William Daniell (d 1655), son of Gyles Daniell and the equivalent of a multi-millionaire in today's value. This William left the bulk of his fortune to his eldest son Samuel Daniell, also a glove manufacturer, who married Mary Saunders in 1677. Samuel and Mary had at least two sons, Samuel and William, who both came to head wealthy and dynastic families in Yeovil. It is not known which was the elder of the two sons.

Of these two sons, Samuel Daniell (d 1729) became a Yeovil mercer and his descendants became rich Yeovil bankers while his brother William (of this page) became a glove manufacturer, possibly inheriting his father's business.

Little is known of his life; his wife was called Margaret and they had at least four children - William, Samuel, George and Jane. An idea of William's wealth may be gauged from the bequests he made in his will -

  • To his wife Margaret he left "the House where I now live situate in the Borough of Yeovill" (whether or not this meant the Borough as we know it today or simply the town of Yeovil is not clear), "all my Dwelling Houses which I am possessed of behind the Churchyard" (see map below) and the "Garden Plot behind the Churchyard", a second "House in the Borough of Yeovill", a "Dwelling House in Backstred", an orchard in Preston, a "Close of Land lying against Henford Hill" and a "Plod of Land on Rustwell".

  • To his eldest son Samuel he left parcels of land in Mudford, Old Sock and Ashington as well as "an acre and half of Land which my Mother gave me lying in the upper side of Hewish Field" plus the "House and Orchard in Kingston with the Barn WringHouse and Houses adjoining". In addition "all my Dwelling Houses which I am possessed of behind the Churchyard", and a "Dwelling House in Backstred" as well as a "Close of Land lying against Henford Hill" and a "Plod of Land on Rustwell" passed to Samuel after the death of his mother.

  • Left directly to his daughter Jane were "my Stable and garden in Grope Lane", "about ten acres more or less with three Dwelling Houses in Reckleford with the orchard and Garden belonging to them", "two Houses in Backstreet", a "Close of Land called Green Cross and also a Close of Land called Hollands containing about seven or eight acres", "my Ground called Inner Short Lands" (in today's Yew Tree area), an "Acre of Land in the Middle Furlong of Northernfield", an "acre of Land in Roping Field and half an Acre of Land lying by the side of Sparrow Lane" and a "Pole of Land in Roping Field". Additionally, on the death of her mother, Jane was to inherit "the House where I now live situate in the Borough of Yeovill", the orchard in Preston, the "Garden Plot behind the Churchyard", and a half-share (with her brother George) in the second "House in the Borough of Yeovill".

  • The second son William didn't fare as well - he was left "all that my Ground called Outer short Lande (in today's Yew Tree area) as also one Acre of Land lying in the Lower side of Hewish Field and adjoining to an Acre and half I had before which Acre I bought of Edmund Wills".

  • The third son George came of worst of all. He was left nothing directly, but after the death of his mother George would inherit just a half-share (with his sister) in the second "House in the Borough of Yeovill".

  • Anything not specifically mentioned was to be shared between his wife, Samuel and Jane.

William Daniell made his will on 3 June 1763. He died in Yeovil in 1766 and his will was proved in London on 6 January 1767.


See Daniell Family Tree


The Will of William Daniell, 1763



In the Name of God Amen I William Daniell of Yeovill in the County of Somerset Glover being in perfect sound Mind Memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same but considering . . . . . . . . . . . of this transitory world do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and Form as followeth to wit First I give and bequeath unto my Son Samuel Daniell all the Lands which I have and am possessed of in the several parishes of Mudford Old Sock and Ashington also an acre and half of Land which my Mother gave me lying in the upper side of Hewish Field all which Lands with all and every their Appurtenances I give my said Son Samuel his Heirs and Assigns for ever I also give my Son William Daniell all that my Ground called Outershort Lande as also one Acre of Land lying in the Lower side of Hewish Field and adjoining to an Acre and half I had before which Acre I bought of Edmund Wills all which Lands I give my said Son William his Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give my Son George his Heirs and Assigns for ever Also as to the House where I now live situate in the Borough of Yeovill with all its Appurtenances I give and devise the same unto my loving wife Marg(are)t Daniell to remain unto her for her natural Life and after her demise I give the said House with all its Appurtenances unto my Daughter Jane Daniell for all the Remainder of the Term Interest or Estate I may or shall have in it Also my Orchard in Preston (Manor ?) I give the said orchard unto my loving wife for the Term of her natural Life and after her decease I give the said orchard to my Daughter Jane Daniell her Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give unto my loving wife all my Dwelling Houses which I am possessed of behind the Churchyard in Yeovill with their and every of their Appurtenances for the term of her natural Life and after her decease I give the said (word illegible) House unto my Son Samuel Daniell and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever As to my Garden Plot behind the Churchyard lying between the said House I give the said Garden Plot to my my loving wife for the Term of her Life and after her decease I give the said Yard Garden Plot with all its Appurtenances to my Daughter Jane Daniell her Heirs and Assigns for ever As to my House in the Borough of Yeovill where Jn Willey now lives I give and devise the said House to my wife for Term of her natural Life and after her decease I give and devise the said House with all its Appurtenances between my Son George Daniell and my Daughter Jane Daniell to hold to them and their Heirs for ever I also give unto my Daughter Jane my Stable and garden in Grope Lane with its Appurtenances to She and her Heirs and Assigns for ever My Close of Land lying against Henford Hill also a Plod of Land on Rustwell where I bought of John Milson I give the said Lands to my Wife for the Term of her Life and after her decease I give the said lands to my Son Samuel Daniell his Heirs and Assigns for ever - As to my Lands called (Leather ? next word illegible) containing about ten acres more or less with three Dwelling Houses in Reckleford with the orchard and Garden belonging to them as also a Close of Land called Green Cross and also a Close of Land called Hollands containing about seven or eight acres more or less all which said Lands with all their Appurtenances I give my said Daughter Jane Daniell and her Heirs and Assigns forever As to my House and Orchard in Kingston with the Barn WringHouse and Houses adjoining where one Byrrill now lives with all its appurtenances All which Houses and Lands I give my Son Samuel Daniell his Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give unto my said Daughter Jane Daniell all that my Ground called Inner Short Lands which I purchased of Jn Batten as also an Acre of Land in the Middle Furlong of Northernfield all which Lands I give my Daughter Jane Daniell her Heirs and Assigns forever I also give my said Daughter Jane and acre of Land in Roping Field and half an Acre of Land lying by the side of Sparrow Lane in a Close of Land of Jn Pennys now occupied by Jn Boucher Also a Pole of Land in Roping Field which I bought lately of Jn Boucher All which Lands I give my said Daughter Jane Daniell her Heirs and Assigns forever Also as to my Dwelling House in Backstred where Bernard Wills now lives with two other Tenants more I give the said House to my loving Wife for the Term of her natural Life and after her decease I give the said House (much illegible infill) with its appurtenances to my Son Samuel Daniell his Heirs and Assigns for ever My two Houses in Backstreet where Thos Thom lately lived and where Dina Hix now lives I give the said Houses to my Daughter Jane Daniell her Heirs and Assigns for ever Also all the Rest and Residue of my Estate whether in Lands plate Goods and Chattells Rights and Credits whatsoever not herein before mentioned I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Margaret Daniell and my Son Samuell Daniell and to my Daughter Jane Daniell to be equally Divided between them share and share alike whom I do hereby nominate and appoint whole and sole Executor and Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke disannul and make void all Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I thje said William Daniell to this my last Will and Testament being my own Handwriting have set my Hand and Seal this third day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three William Daniell - - Signed Sealed published and declared by the aforesaid William Daniell as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator and in the presence of each other - Eliz Martin - William West - Jno Ostler

This Will was proved at London on the twenty sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven before the Right Worshipful George Day Doctor of Lawe Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Margaret Daniell Widow the Relict Samuel Daniell the Son and Jane Daniell Spinster the Daughter of the Deceased the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased they having been first sworn duly to (abbreviated word illegible) that is to say the said Margaret Daniell and Jane Daniell by Commission and the said Samuel Daniell before the Worshipful Francis Simpson Doctor of Lawe and Surrogate


Transcribed by Bob Osborn



E Watts' map of 1806 shows the cottages and the garden plot occupying the site of the later Church Terrace and referred to in William's will. At this time the cottages and the land between the churchyard and Sheep Lane (today's North Lane) were still owned by the Daniell family.