the history of yeovil's pubs
Chicago Rock
Stars Lane
What can I say - it used to be the Kwik Save cash-n-carry supermarket in Stars Lane, then opened as licensed premises by the Chicago Rock Cafe pub chain in the early 1990's (from memory - I could be a decade out either way).
I did visit a few times - it was OK but catering mainly for the younger lager trade, a bit too 'young and trendy' for an old codger like me, it was also expensive and the beer was only so-so (which never entices me back in a hurry).
Changed to be an outlet of the Modello Bar & Kitchen chain. I must admit I only went in once and, surprise surprise - it was OK but catering mainly for the younger lager trade, a bit 'young and trendy' for an old codger like me, it was also expensive and the beer was only so-so... etc. etc.
Changed back to Chicago Rock in 2016.
This aerial photograph of the Triangle dates to 1988. The Duke of Clarence is the white building at centre left edge. The left half of the large building at bottom left is now Modello while the old Porter Black building, originally the Co-op offices, stands left of centre facing the Triangle with the start of South Street to its left and Middle Street, running from top centre to bottom centre, to its right. At top right is the recently-constructed Quedam shopping centre.
In its former guise as Chicago Rock Cafe.
In its former guise as Modello Bar & Kitchen.
... and back again. Photographed in 2016.