The Document Chest
14 Feb 1777 - Lease for a Year
French Grass Ground, Thorney Bush, Fir Tree Ground, New Close and the Three Marle Grounds
In his will of 1761, linen draper of the Borough and Hendford Robert Glisson left all his lands, including Larkhill, French Grass Ground, Thorney Bush, Fir Tree Ground, New Close and Three Marle Grounds (Marle Close), to his four daughters - Betty the wife of Richard Manning, Mary the wife of John Wright, Sarah Glisson and Martha Glisson - although ensuring payments from the produce of the rents went to his widow Betty for her life. By 1777, the lands were held by Robert Glisson's daughter Mary, wife of John Wright.
In this Lease for a Year of 1777, Mary leased the lands to her brothers-in-law Richard Manning of Culmstock, Devon, and Robert Winter of Sherborne, Dorset, who had married Sarah Glisson in 1767 (after her father's will). Although Martha had married Thomas Andrews in 1764, neither are mentioned in documentation referring to the lands, since Martha had died in 1767, aged 37.
The following day, an Indenture of 15 February 1777 was drawn up, selling the lands to the brothers-in-law for the sum of £840 (around £140,000 at today's value).
The lands, coloured green, owned by Robert Glisson at the time of his 1761 will. He also owned lands in Back Street (today's South Street) the locations of which are presently unidentified.
14 February 1777 - Lease for a Year
made the
fourteenth day
of February In
the Seventeenth
year of the
reign of our
Sovereign Lord
George the third
by the Grace of
God of Great
Britain France
and Ireland King
Defender of the
faith and so
forth and in the
year of our Lord
One Thousand
seven hundred
and seventy
Mary Wright of
Yeovil in the
County of
Somersett Widow
of the one part
and Richard
Manning of
Culmstock In the
County of Devon
Gent and Robert
Winter of
Sherborne in the
County of
Dorsett Mercer
and Draper of
the other part
that the said
Mary Wright for
And in
Consideration of
the sum of Five
shillings of
Good and lawfull
money of Great
Britain to her
in hand paid by
each of them the
said Richard
Manning and
Robert Winter
before the
Sealing and
Delivery hereof
(the receipt
whereof is
Hath Granted
Bargained and
sold And by
these presents
Doth Grant
Bargain and Sell
unto the said
Richard Manning
and Robert
undivided Third
Part (the whole
in three equal
parts to be
Divided) Of and
in All that
Tenement or
and of the
Backside and
Garden thereto
adjoining and
scituate and
being in a
certain Street
called Back
Street in
aforesaid And
also of All
those Four Acres
and half of
Pasture ground
(be the same
more or less)
heretofore known
by the name of
Pen Close but
now known by the
name of the
Orchard lying
behind of the
said Messuage
Tenement or
And next
adjoining to the
said Backside
and Garden And
also of all
those Several
Pieces or
Parcells of
Pasture ground
in Yeovil
aforesaid now
inclosed with
other Lands
herein after
mentioned but
heretofore two
Distinct Closes
and then known
by the name of
Larkhill and
together by
estimation Six
Acres (be the
same more or
less Which said
Tenement or
Backside Garden
Orchard and
Several Parcells
of Ground called
Larkhill and
Premisses are
now in the
Occupation of
Betty Glisson
Widow Mother of
the said Mary
Wright or her
Tenants Also of
All those two
Closes or Parts
or Parcells of
Two Closes of
Pasture ground
One of Which is
now known by the
name of the
French Grass
Ground and
the other by the
name of
Thorney Bush
in which said
are now Closes
the aforesaid
Two Closes
called Larkhill
are now included
having been for
Severall Years
past thrown into
and Included
therewith and
made Parte and
Parcell thereof
And which said
Closes including
the Larkhill's
together by
Seventeen Acres
(be the same
more or less)
Also of All that
Close of Pasture
ground now
called or known
by the name of
Firr Tree Ground
containing by
estimation Eight
Acres (be the
same more or
less) Also of
All that Close
of Pasture
ground now
called or known
by the name of
New Close
containing by
estimation Two
Acres (be the
same more or
less) And Also
of All those
Three Closes of
Pasture ground
now called or
known by the
name of the
Marle ground
together by
Eleven Acres (be
the same more or
less) In Which
said last
mentioned Closes
called Marle
grounds or one
of them is
included One
Acre of Ground
or thereabouts
for many years
past inclosed
therewith The
Fee and
Whereof is by
Purchase now
Vested in the
said Mary Wright
Richard Manning
and Robert
Winter All which
last mentioned
Closes called
the French Grass
Ground Thorney
Bush Firr Tree
Ground New Close
and the Three
Marle Grounds
are lying and
being in the
West Field of
Yeovil aforesaid
And were
heretofore known
by Different
Names And for
the Greatest
Part Were
inclosed in the
Manner they now
are by Robert
Glisson Deceased
late Father of
the said Mary
Wright Who dyed
Seized of the
whole thereof
(Excepting the
Acre of Ground
aforesaid) And
also of all and
all manner of
Houses Outhouses
Gardens Orchards
Whatsoever to
the aforesaid
Tenements or
Closes Lands and
belonging or in
any wise
Appertaining or
therewith now or
at any time
heretofore held
used Occupyed or
enjoyed or
Accepted reputed
deemed taken or
known as part or
parcell thereof
And the
reversion and
Remainder and
Remainders unto
issues and
Profitts thereof
To have
and to hold
the said one
undivided Third
Part (the whole
in Three equal
parts to be
Divided) of and
in all and
singular the
Tenement or
Dwelling House
Closes Pieces
and Parcels of
Ground Lands
and Premises
hereby Granted
Bargained and
Sold or [nidant?]
Mentioned or
intended so to
be and of all
rights [word
illegible] and
unto the said
Richard Manning
and Robert
Winter their
and Assigns from
the day next
before the day
of the date
hereof for and
during and unto
the full and end
and term of one
whole year
thence next
ensuing Yielding
and Paying
therefore on the
last day of the
said term unto
the said Mary
Wright her Heirs
or Assigns the
rent of One
Peper corn (If
Demanded) Which
said Grant
Bargain and Sale
hereby made is
so done
To the Intent
and Purpose
That by virtue
hereof and by
force of the
Statute for
[word illegible]
into Possession
They the said
Richard Manning
and Robert
Winter may be in
the Actual
Possession of
the aforesaid
Third Part of
the Premises
aforesaid and be
thereby enabled
to take [word
illegible] and
Release of the
same Premises to
them and their
Heirs by Deed
intended to bear
date the day
next after the
day of the date
In Witness
Whereof the
Partye first
above named to
these Presents
set their Hands
and Seals the
day and year
first above
Mary Wright
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn
From my
The 1777 indenture.
From my
Mary Wright's signature on the 1777 indenture.