Yeovil People

John Cary

Mercer, Landowner and Warden of Woborn's Almshouse


Very little is known of John Cary's life. He was born in Yeovil in 1638 and was probably the second son of Nathaniel Cary of Hendford, (or he may have been the son of John Cary, who was the owner of the George Inn in High Street).

In 1656, at the age of 18, 'John second son of Nathaniel Cary' matriculated from Wadham College, Oxford.

John became a mercer with premises in the Borough, although it appears that he lived in Kingston. From his 1664 payment of 8s 6d for the Poor Rate, his premises would appear to have been one of the larger properties in the Borough. The 1684 Poor Law returns indicate that John Cary, mercer, paid 2s 7½d for his property in Kingston.

The Conventicle Act of 1664 made persons attending private assemblies for religious worship liable to severe penalties, yet several sects are known to have been active in and around Yeovil, the earliest on record being the Baptists with their Yeovil church being first mentioned on 12 February 1656. Their meetings in the town, of necessity in secret at first, were in South Street, from 1668 in a barn built by John Cary. In truth, it is not known if this was the older or younger John Cary, nevertheless it indicates that the family were Baptists.

The Woborn Muniments state that, in 1687 and again in 1689, John Cary was elected as a Warden of the Woborn Almshouse.

From his will, transcribed below, John owned some 85 acres of land as well as many properties - chiefly in Yeovil but also in several other Somerset parishes. Below are synopses of several documents held in the Somerset Heritage Centre at Taunton, describing some of his various property holdings.

  • A 'bargain and sale' dated 25 April 1654, by John Luckys of Kingston juxta Yeovil, yeoman, to John Carye of Yeovil, grocer, of a close of pasture heretofore arable cont[aining] three ac[res] lying at a place called Above Treene Crosse in the Middle Field abutted by a close now in the tenure of Hugh Poundfield on the south and the road from Yeovil to Mudford on the north. the close was 'long since' exchanged by John Hayne, dec, and Ambrose Locke, dec, for lands now the inheritance of Onesiphorus Pennye. Consideration £48.

  • A 'bargain and sale' dated 19 January 1655/1656, by John Luckys of Kingston juxta Yeovil, yeoman, to John Carye of Yeovil, mercer, of an acre of arable land in the Middle Field of Kingston iuxta Yeovil late in the tenure of Nicholas Moulton between the lands of Valentyne Jacob on the south and the lands of the Widow Richmond on the south. Consideration £14.

  • A 'bargain and sale' dated 23 August 1662, by Henry Starr, gent, to Christopher Jeanes and John Cary, gents, all of Yeovil, of a cottage or dwelling house in Hendford with the garden and backside cont[aining] one ac[re], lately part of Davidge's Tenement, abutted with a house now in the tenure of Susan Dyer on the west and the lands of Lawrence Wills on the east now in the tenure of Elizabeth Marsh. Consideration £34.

  • A 'bargain and sale' dated 3 January 1670/1671, by Thomas Whippye the elder of Kingston juxta Yeovil, glover and Samuel his son to John Cary of Yeovil, mercer, of two ac[res] of arable land in the Middle Field of Kingston juxta Yeovil, one lying in Bramble Furlong with the land of William, Lord Stowerton, in the possession of Joseph Monkton on the north and the land of John Cary on the south, and the other abutting Combestreet Furlong. Consideration £27.

  • A 'bargain and sale' dated 7 April 1682, for remainder of a lease by Richard Moore, junior, of Bradford Abbis, Dorset, yeoman to John Cary of Yeovil, mercer, of two cottages with gardens, etc at Addlewell, Yeovil lately in the possession of Thomas Stount, dec[eased]. Consideration 50/-.

  • Two copies of a lease, dated 29 October 1688, for 99 years or three lives by Joseph Hillyard of Taunton, sergemaker to John Cary of Yeovil, mercer. Lives: John Sanders of Yeovil, gent, Samuel and John Danyell, sons of Samuel Dannyell the elder of Yeovil, mercer. Rent 2/6d and a heriot of 5/- on the death of each life. Consideration £20.

    Found inside - a note dated 6 October 1688 that John Cary is to pay £33-1-6d to Joseph Hillyard when the deeds are sealed and delivered and that Cary has the right to add two lives; receipt dated 6 November 1688 by Thomas Pitthard of this money from John Cary for a fine on 12 ac[res] of land and three ac[res] of land; letter from Hillyard dated 14 November 1688 to Cary to say he is sending the two leases and Cary should send him the counterpart and the money by Thomas Piterd.

John Cary died in Yeovil in 1694 and was buried in St John's churchyard on 15 September 1694. Since he left the vast bulk of his estate to his nephew, Thomas Clarke of Bristol, we must assume that he had no surviving close family.

He also left legacies totalling £13 5s (around £2,000 at today's value) for the poor of several parished - Item I give to the poore of the parish of Yeovill tenn pounds And to the poore of the parish of Sherborne Forty shillings And to the poore of the parish of Sutton Mountague tenn shillings And to the poore of the parish of Milborne Port twenty shillings.

Will of John Cary, 1694

In the name of God Amen I John Cary of Yeovill in the County of Somersett Mercer Being old and infirme and sensible of the incertainty and frailty of humane life though of a sound minde and disposing memory praise be therefore given to God Almighty doe this thirteenth day of October In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Four make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Revoking all former wills by me made (that is to say) First and principally I recommend my Soule into the hands of God that gave it me Hopeing through the merits of Jesus Christ his only Sonn our Saviour to have full pardon and forgiveness of all my Sinns and to inheritt life Everlasting My body I committ to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named Att the end of my Seate wherein I usually sitt in the parish Church of Yeovill aforesaid And as touching the disposition of my worldly goods and Estate which it hath pleased God to bless me withall I give and dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I give devise and bequeath unto my nephew John Clarke of the citty of Bristoll Winecooper and his Heyres for ever All those Six acres and halfe of pasture (be it more of less) lying at Hather Meadhill, six acres more of pasture ground lying at Lyde near Lydehouse, four acres more of pasture lying at Treane Crosse, three acres of pasture called New Close lying at or neare a place called Middle Field, two acres of arrable land lying in Middlefield, two acres and one Yard of arrable land lying in Eastfield, one acre of arrable land lying at Adlewell which I lately purchased of Mr John Phelps dec[eas]ed And all those my Cottages Gardens and Orchards lying at Adlewell aforesaid and lately [word illegible] a certaine [acke ?] there called Longacre, one other Cottage Barne and Orchard with the appurtenances scituate and being at a place called Pudle Wharfe, one Cottage or dwelling house Garden Orchard and Backside called [Coblins ?] scituate lying and being in Backstreete in Yeovill aforesaid All which lands houses cottages and premises before mentioned to be devised and scituate lying and being within the severall parishes of Yeovill aforesaid and Pitney or one of them together with the revercon and revercons remainder and remainders [word illegible] and services thereof and of every parte and parcell thereof And alsoe I give devise and bequeath unto the said John Clarke all that Messuage or Dwellinghouse with the appurtenances thereto belonging scituate lying and being in the Citty of Bristoll aforesaid in a street there called Marshstreet commonly called the Blew Boares head which I lately purchased of John Abington Esq And all those my three Tenements Gardens Orchards Closes lands Meadows and Pasture thereunto belonging with their and every of their appurtenances scituate lying and being in Felton in the said County of Somersett now or late in the severall tenures of Mr Thomas Hill Nicholas Kithin and one Crosse And also all those two Closes of arrable and Pasture commonly called twelve acres lying in Marsh within the several parishes of Yeovill and Pitney aforesaid or one of them heretofore in the possession of one Henry Browne To hold the same Messuages Closes Tenements and premisses with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said John Clarke his Heyres and Assignes for ever. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said nephew John Clarke and the Heires of his body All my Messuages houses gardens orchards closes lands Meadows and pastures with the appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate lying and being within the parishes of Sutton Mountague also [word illegible] in the County of Somersett which I lately purchased of William Rowe heretofore in the possession of one Haskett But if it shall happen the said John Clarke shall dye without issue of his body Then my will and pleasure is that two parts of three of a certain Tenement called Caryes Tenement and two Closes called Pitts mead and Burrell containing by estimacion fourteen acres in Sutton Mountague also Crothorne aforesaid shall be and remaine And I doe hereby give devise limitt and bequaeth the same to my nephew Thomas Clarke and the Heyres males of his body And for want of such issue then to the right Heyres of the said Thomas Clarke for ever Item I give the said John Clarke two closes of pasture ground called Banes Marsh [at Yew Tree] containing Fourteen acres or thereabouts in the parish of Preston dureing all my estate and tenure for yeares that is yet to come and unexpired Item I give devise and bequeath unto the said Thomas Clarke and his heyres for ever two acres of pasture ground late Jacobbs lying at a certaine place called the Bicken within the said parish of Yeovill or Preston plucknett Item I give and devise unto the said Thomas Clarke all my right title interests and and terme of yeares yet to come of and in three acres of pasture lying in Marsh within the severall parishes of Yeovill and Pittney aforesaid And of and in two acres of pasture called Spenders lying near Bicken aforesaid Item I give unto my Kinswoman Dorothy Rowe two shillings a week to be paid weekly by my Executor during the tenure of her naturall life And my will is that my Executor shall lay out and expend Fourty shillings in and about her buriall Item I give to the Churchwardens of Yeovill aforesaid twenty shillings for and towards the repair of the parish church of Yeovil aforesaid Item I give unto John Cary lately a servant to the lady Windham five pounds And to John Codderdill of Milborne Port twenty shillings Item I give to the poore of the parish of Yeovill tenn pounds And to the poore of the parish of Sherborne Forty shillings And to the poore of the parish of Sutton Mountague tenn shillings And to the poore of the parish of Milborne Port twenty shillings And my will is that all my aforesaid legacies be paid within six monthes after my decease All the rest of my lands and tenements whatsoever or wheresoever the same may be found in the Kingdome of England and not herein before devised I give devise and bequeath unto the said John Clarke and his heyres for ever Item I give and bequeath unto the aid Thomas Clarke ll the remainder of a terme of yeares which I have yet to come and unexpired of and in three Closes called Hillhead and Longhills containing by estimation thirteen acres or thereabouts lying and being in Broad Marston [word illegible] Marston magna in the said County of Somersett And as for all the rest of my goods chattells moneys bonds bills mortgages and household stuffe whatsoever I give and bequeath unto the said John Clarke whome I make ordaine and appoint Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Item I doe give unto my Tenant John Masters of Nether Compton in the County of Dorsett Yeoman Five pounds to be paid as the rest of my aforegiven legacies And I doe hereby appointe my hon[ourable] friend Sir Edward Phelipps of Mountague in the County of Somersett Knight my worthy friends William Phelipps of Preston plucknett in the said County of Somersett Esq[uire] Councellor of Lawe and Nathaniell Cary of Yeovill aforesaid gent to be Overseers and Trustees of this my will to see that my aforesaid Executor John Clarke doe punctually performe this my will according to the true intent and meaning thereof And I doe give each of them my said Overseers a whole guinia peice of gold to buy them rings in remembrance of me And I doe moreover give unto the said Mr Edward Phelipps five whole guinia pieces of gold desireing that he would countenance and favour my aforesaid Executor in all just and reasonable things And I doe also give to my aforesaid friends William Phelipps over and above the aforesaid Guinia to buy him a ring four whole guinia peices of gold more whose advice and assistance in all matters of Lawe about my Inventary and estate real and personall I doe hereby direct my aforesaid Executor upon all occasions to take The which last legacies I appointe to be paid within two monthes after my decease And I the said John Cary doe hereby forgive acquitt and release unto Christopher Jeanes the elder of Yeovill aforesaid yeoman All bills bonds reckonings debts dues and demands whatsoever that I have upon him And I doe hereby require my aforesaid Executor to discharge the same In Testimony whereof I the said John Cary have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first abovewritten And in the sixth yeare of the Reignes of our Sovereigne Lord and lady King William and Queen Mary over England
John Cary Signed sealed published and delivered by the above named John Cary as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
John Newman      Jane Burford       Elizabeth Monkton       John Abbott


Transcribed by Bob Osborn