Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data



 Gathered information for individuals prior to 1837


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  • When searching remember that spellings were somewhat cavalier compared with today, so always try alternative spellings - for example 'DIX' and 'DICKS', etc.

  • If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.


Surname Forename(s) Year Notes Reference
Abbatte Robert 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Abraham Benjamin 1797 Clock & Watch Maker (died)
Abraham Elizabeth 1797 Clock & Watch Maker (Widow of Ben)
Abrahams Mrs 1790 Silversmith Universal British Directory
Abrams Mrs 1766 Licensee, Three Choughs Woborn Property Rents
Abrell Mathew 1548 Burgage & Garden, 10s pa Chantry of BVM Within
Adams John 1729 Borough - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Adams John 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Adams John 1771 Blacksmith, Preston Plucknett John Nowes Charity
Adams Mr 1760 Vagg - 1½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Adams Richard 1797 App'd to Henry Penny, Glover John Nowes Charity
Adams William 1767 At the Charity School - bapt 28 Jan 1758 John Nowes Charity
Adams William 1771 App'd to John Adams, Blacksmith John Nowes Charity
Alambridge Christopher 1729 Borough - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alford Jos. 1729 Borough - 7½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alford Mrs 1744 Licensee, Three Choughs Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alfred (Alford) Mrs 1744 Three Choughs, Rent 30s pa Woborn Property Rents
Alford Mrs 1747 Three Choughs, Rent 30s pa Woborn Property Rents
Alford Mrs 1747 Licensee, Three Choughs Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alford Mrs 1760 Licensee, Three Choughs Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alford Mrs   1760 Borough - 6½d   Three Choughs Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Alford Robert 1396 Provost
Allambridge Christopher 1664 Borough - 4s 4d  (the Younger) Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Allambridge Christopher 1664 Hendford - 2s 0d  (the Youngest) Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Allambridge Mary 1760 Borough - ½d    Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Allcumbridge Christr. 1634 Tobacconist S&DNQ
Allembridge Christopher 1631 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1634 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1645 Mercer Will
Allembridge Christopher 1649 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1652 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1656 Tobacconist Trade Token
Allembridge Christopher 1659 Grocer Deed
Allembridge Christopher 1665 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1675 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1680 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allembridge Christopher 1682 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Allen John 1606 Curryer, Silver St, Pall Inn Woborn Property Rents
Allumbridge Christopher 1706 Churchwarden 1706-8
Ames George  1760 Borough - ¾d    Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Andrew  John 1386 Provost
Andrews Elias 1771 Leather Dresser John Nowes Charity
Andrews James Snr. 1760 Hendford - 1d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Andrews Jos. 1788 Taylor & Habbitmaker John Nowes Charity
Andrews Joseph 1790 Slop Seller (slop = linen garment) Universal British Directory
Andrews Joseph 1793 Broom & Mop Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Andrews Joseph 1794 Broom & Mop Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Andrews Matthew 1810 App'd to Richard Taylor & George Eason John Nowes Charity
Andrews Thomas 1778 Churchwarden
Andrews Thomas 1779 Churchwarden
Andrews Thomas 1790 Linen Draper Universal British Directory
Andrews Thomas 1792 Churchwarden
Andrews Thomas 1793 Churchwarden
Andrews Thomas 1798 Portreeve 1798-9
Andrews William 1751 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Anstice Edmund 1726 Grocer Deed
Anstice Edmund 1744 Grocer Deed
Anstice Mr 1729 Borough - 1s 6d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold John 1760 Kingston - 1½d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold Rev. Mr 1760 Kingston - 1s 8½d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold W 1747 Quedam St, house Woborn Property Rents
Arnold Widow 1760 Kingston - 3d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold William 1729 Kingston - 3½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold William 1760 Kingston - 1½d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Arnold William 1763 Quedam St, house, Rent 6s 8d pa Woborn Property Rents
Ashford Jone, widow 1690 Silver St, Pall Inn Woborn Property Rents
Ashford William 1716-47 Husbandman, Silver St, Pall Inn Woborn Property Rents
Atherton Francis 1729 Borough - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Atkins Jeremiah 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Atkins  Maria, widow 1645 Quedam St, house Woborn Property Rents
Atkins Samuel 1729 Borough - ½d  'for Harley' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Atkins Samuel 1760 Borough - ½d    Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Atkins Thomas 1760 Kingston - 1½d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Atkins William 1729 Borough - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Atkins William 1729 Paid 2 shillings (under 10 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Atkins William 1760 Borough - 2d    Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Austen Ann 1712 needlewoman Churchwardens' Accounts
Austen Ann 1713 needlewoman Churchwardens' Accounts
Austen Ann 1714 needlewoman Churchwardens' Accounts
Austin Ann (Wid) 1724 needlewoman Churchwardens' Accounts
Avoke Elizabeth, spinster 1716 Quedam St, house Woborn Property Rents
Avoke Elizabeth 1721 Daughter of George, Quedam St, house Woborn Property Rents
Avoke Elizabeth 1729 Borough - 3½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke Elizabeth 1736 Quedam St, house Woborn Property Rents
Avoke Elizabeth, late 1760 Borough - ½d   Quedam Street Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke George's Widow 1729 Borough - 3d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke Henry 1684 Overseer Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke Mrs (Elizabeth) 1760 Borough - 3d  Vicarage St Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke William 1721 Churchwarden 1721-3
Avoke William 1729 Borough - 2½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Avoke William 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)


For further information -

Click here for Chantry Priests
Click here for Churchwardens
Click here for Indentured Servants
Click here for Lay Subsidies
Click here for Poor Rates

Click here for Portreeves
Click here for Trade Tokens
Click here for Wills
Click here for Window Tax
Click here for Woborn Property Rents