Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data



 Gathered information for individuals prior to 1837


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  • When searching remember that spellings were somewhat cavalier compared with today, so always try alternative spellings - for example 'DIX' and 'DICKS', etc.

  • If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.


Surname Forename(s) Year Notes Reference
Jacob Bartholomew 1638 Churchwarden
Jacob Edward 1678 Mercer Deed
Jacob J  1760 Hendford - ¼d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jacob John 1678 Roper Deed
Jacob Richard 1557 Churchwarden
Jacob Valentine 1659 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacob Valentine 1661 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacob Valentine 1662 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacob Valentine 1666 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacob Valentine 1581 H&W, Land, Value 40 shillings, Paid 2s 8d Lay Subsidy
Jacob William 1791 App'd to William Player, Glover John Nowes Charity
Jacobb Joan, wid 1633 Close called Pickedwick 1633 Kingston Survey
Jacobb John 1633 Close of pasture called Court Ash 1633 Kingston Survey
Jacobb John 1636 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacobb  John 1627 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacobb Valentine 1633 Close of pasture called Court Ash 1633 Kingston Survey
Jacobbe John 1625 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacobbe Valentine 1656 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jacobe 1528 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
James Thomas 1569 Archer 1569 Muster Roll
Jamys William 1363 Provost
Jeane Hannah 1760 Borough - 4d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeanes John 1704 Churchwarden
Jeans Ham. 1760 Borough - ¾d  'for Chapmans' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeans John 1714 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jeans John 1718 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jeans John 1721 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jeans John 1721 Maltster Woborn Muniments
Jeans Joseph 1729 Hendford - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeans Joseph 1729 Borough - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeans Jos. 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Jeans Mr 1729 Vagg - 1s 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeans Mr 1760 Kingston - 1d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeans Paul 1729 Kingston - 1s 7d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jeninges William 1581 Matravers, Goods, Value £3, Paid 3 shillings Lay Subsidy
Jenninges John 1660 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jenninges William 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Jennings John 1656 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennings William 1581 H&W, Goods, Value £5, Paid 5 shillings Lay Subsidy
Jennings William 1597 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennings   Robert 1790 Plumber & Glazier Universal British Directory
Jennings   Robert 1793 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1794 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1795 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1796 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1797 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1798 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennings   Robert 1799 Plumbing & Glazing Churchwardens' Accounts
Jennyngs William 1586 Churchwarden
Jennyngs William 1587 Churchwarden 'of Hendford'
Jennynges Gyles 1621 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennynges Gyles 1622 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennynges Gyles 1624 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennynges Gyles 1629 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennynges John 1639 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennyngs William 1578 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jennys Mr 1760 Vagg - 1s 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Jennys Paul 1737 Mercer Sherborne Mercury
Jennys Paul 1737 Mercer Sherborne Mercury
Jenyns John 1530 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jenyns John 1531 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Jenys John 1548 Burgage & Stable, 8s 8d pa Chantry of BVM Within
Jesty Thomas 1786 Churchwarden 1786-90
Jesty Thomas 1786 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1787 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1788 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1789 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1790 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1791 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1792 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1793 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1794 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1795 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1796 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1797 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1798 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty Thomas 1799 Rope Maker / Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Jesty 1778 Licensee, Swan Inn, Middle St
Johnson Dorothy, widow 1788 Quedam St, house, Rent 6s 8d pa Woborn Property Rents
Jones Paul 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Jones Philip 1575 Curate
Jones Philip 1592 Stipendiary Curate
Jones Roger 1566 Vicar
Jones Roger 1580 Vicar (resigned)
Jones William 1566 Vicar
Jordan Gyles 1659 Alehouse keeper Quarter Sessions
Jordan John 1653 Constable of the Borough Quarter Sessions
Joye John 1357 Provost
Jyllyt John 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll


For further information -

Click here for Chantry Priests
Click here for Churchwardens
Click here for Indentured Servants
Click here for Lay Subsidies
Click here for Poor Rates

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Click here for Trade Tokens
Click here for Wills
Click here for Window Tax
Click here for Woborn Property Rents