Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data



 Gathered information for individuals prior to 1837


O   To search for a name, press the <CTRL> and <F> keys on your keyboard at the same time, then type the name you are searching for. Note that a name may be spelt different ways!

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U       W    Y    Z


  • When searching remember that spellings were somewhat cavalier compared with today, so always try alternative spellings - for example 'DIX' and 'DICKS', etc.

  • If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.


Surname Forename(s) Year Notes Reference
Old John 1684 Borough - 5d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Old John 1689 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Old John 1710 Mercer Deed
Old John 1712 Mercer Deed
Old John the Elder 1674 Mercer
Old John the Elder 1699 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Old John the Elder 1701 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Old John the Elder 1709 Gentleman & Mercer Will
Old John the Younger 1728 Gentleman & Mercer Will
Oliver Mr 1760 Kingston - 2d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Osler Thomas 1767 Tailor Churchwardens' Accounts
Osmonde John 1550 Dyer, South St & Bond St corner Woborn Property Rents
Ostler John 1762 At the Charity School - bapt 13 May 1751 John Nowes Charity
Ostler John 1764 App'd to Nathaniel Mudford, Cordwainer John Nowes Charity
Ostler William 1767 App'd to Thomas Pitman, Cordwainer John Nowes Charity
Ostler Mr 1729 Hendford - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Ostler Mr 1760 Borough - 1s 6½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)


For further information -

Click here for Chantry Priests
Click here for Churchwardens
Click here for Indentured Servants
Click here for Lay Subsidies
Click here for Poor Rates

Click here for Portreeves
Click here for Trade Tokens
Click here for Wills
Click here for Window Tax
Click here for Woborn Property Rents