Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data



 Gathered information for individuals prior to 1837


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  • When searching remember that spellings were somewhat cavalier compared with today, so always try alternative spellings - for example 'DIX' and 'DICKS', etc.

  • If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.


Surname Forename(s) Year Notes Reference
Fanstone Andrew 1569 Churchwarden
Farley John 1775 Beer Seller Churchwardens' Accounts
Farley Lyonel 1784 Plasterer & Tyler Woborn Muniments
Farley Lyonel  1784 Plaisterer & Tyler Woborn Muniments
Farley Thomas 1729 Kingston - 1½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Farley Thomas 1729 Paid 2 shillings (under 10 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Farlye Thomas 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Father Henry 1548 Stable & Garden, 2s pa Chantry of the Name of Jesus
Father Henry 1548 Burgage & Garden, 4s 6d Chantry of the Name of Jesus
Fathers Harri 1557 Churchwarden
Fathers William 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Fawther Harri 1558 Churchwarden
Fevyn Thomas 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Fivian William 1685 Sent to Jamaica, 7 years servitude Bristol Register of Servants
Flower William 1589 Woollen weaver, South St & Bond St corner Woborn Property Rents
Flowre William 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Foorde William 1581 H&W, Goods, Value £6, Paid 6 shillings Lay Subsidy
Foot Charles 1810 App'd to Charles Barrett, Cordwainer John Nowes Charity
Foot George 1819 App'd to Thomas Fox John Nowes Charity
Foot Grace 1775 Wife of James Will of Ambrose Seward
Foot James 1712 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1714 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1715 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1716 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1717 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1718 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1719 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1720 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1729 Hendford - 2d 'for Lionel Wills' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Foot James 1755 Churchwarden 1755-7
Foot James 1762 Pit Lane, house, Rent 4s pa Woborn Property Rents
Foot James 1765 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1766 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1767 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1768 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1769 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1770 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1771 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1772 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1773 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1774 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1775 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1775 Roper Will of Ambrose Seward
Foot James 1776 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1777 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1778 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1779 Labourer Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1779 Labourer Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1779 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1780 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1781 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1782 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1783 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1784 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1785 Rope Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Foott James 1709 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foott James 1710 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foott James 1711 Rope Maker Churchwardens' Accounts
Foot James 1810 App'd to George Ryall, Glover John Nowes Charity
Forbes   1775 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Bani John 1774 Churchwarden
Forbes Bani John 1775 Churchwarden
Forbes Bani John 1775 Innholder, the Angel Inn Bath Chronicle
Forbes Edward 1729 Kingston - 2s 3½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Forbes Edward 1740 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1741 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1741 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forbes Edward 1742 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1746 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1746 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forbes Edward 1747 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1748 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1749 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1752 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forbes Edward 1753 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forbes Edward 1753 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1754 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1754 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forbes Edward 1757 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1758 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1759 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1760 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1761 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1762 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1763 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1764 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Edward 1765 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes Mr 1760 Hendford - 2s 5d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Forbes Mr 1761 Licensee, Angel  
Forbes William 1699 Churchwarden
Forbes William 1700 Churchwarden
Forbes William 1717 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1718 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1722 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1723 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1732 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1734 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1740 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1741 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes William 1742 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Forbes 1777 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Ford Thomas 1600 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forde E 1621 Husbandman, Quedam St, tenement Woborn Property Rents
Forde William 1569 Archer of Wigdon & Huntley 1569 Muster Roll
Forde William 1572 Churchwarden
Forde William 1573 Churchwarden
Forde William 1589 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Forde William 1591 Licensee, Angel Will
Forward John, esq 1760 Kingston - 11s 10½d  'Hawkers' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Forward Mrs 1776 Three Choughs, £30 gross Woborn Property Rents
Forward Mrs 1776 Licensee, Three Choughs
Forward Mrs 1787 Licensee, Three Choughs
Forward William 1679 Overseer Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Fouler William 1716 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Foulks Thomas 1721 Vicar
Foulks Reverend 1729 Kingston - 2s 6½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Fouller William 1717 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Fowler William 1569 Pekeman (Pikeman) of Wigdon & Huntley 1569 Muster Roll
Fowler William 1715 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Fowler William 1721 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Fowler William 1727 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Fowler William 1734 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Fowler Mr 1729 Paid £1 (over 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Francis   1716 Pit Lane, house Woborn Property Rents
Francis C  1765 Provisions Churchwardens' Accounts
Francis Charles 1760 Hendford - 9¾d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Charles 1764 Churchwarden
Francis Charles 1765 Churchwarden
Francis Henry 1760 Borough - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis J 1716 Pit Lane, 'Bakehouse', Rent 8s pa Woborn Property Rents
Francis John 1697 Pit Lane, house Woborn Property Rents
Francis John 1729 Kingston - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis John 1747 Churchwarden
Francis John 1748 Churchwarden
Francis John 1760 Hendford - 1d  'glover' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Mr 1760 Hendford - 5½d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Mr 1760 Marsh - 9½d  'for Cheades' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Philip 1760 Borough - 5½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Philip 1742 Portreeve
Francis Philip 1744 Churchwarden
Francis Philip 1745 Churchwarden
Francis Phill 1758 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Francis Phill 1759 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Francis Phillip 1785 Wine Merchant Churchwardens' Accounts
Francis Thomas 1729 Kingston - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis T 1746 Pit Lane, 'Bakehouse', Rent 8s pa Woborn Property Rents
Francis Thomas 1746 Pit Lane, house, Rent 8s pa Woborn Property Rents
Francis Thomas 1760 Borough - 3d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Francis Widow 1760 Marsh - 1s 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Freak Mr 1729 Kingston - 1s 8½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Freak Mr 1760 Marsh - 2½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Freke Thomas 1671 Yeoman of Preston Plucknett Lease
Freke Thomas 1717 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Freke Thomas 1719 Custos of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
French Gifford 1760 Hendford - 1d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
French James 1751 Churchwarden
French John 1743 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
French Susan 1696 Beer Seller Churchwardens' Accounts
French Thomas 1775 At the Charity School - born 24 Jun 1767 John Nowes Charity
French Thomas 1780 App'd to George Richmond, cordwainer John Nowes Charity
French William 1679 Portreeve
Fry Giles 1647 Burying plague victims Quarter Sessions
Fry William 1790 Saddler & Harness Maker Universal British Directory
Frye John 1569 Billman 1569 Muster Roll
Frylock E 1501 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Fyssher John 1548 Burgage, 8s pa Chantry of BVM Within


For further information -

Click here for Chantry Priests
Click here for Churchwardens
Click here for Indentured Servants
Click here for Lay Subsidies
Click here for Poor Rates

Click here for Portreeves
Click here for Trade Tokens
Click here for Wills
Click here for Window Tax
Click here for Woborn Property Rents